Crowd is overwhelming for a little facility like this. Standing room only is an understatement.
Hope the track widens out, need to see guys run the rim here.
This compares to front row challenge before streaming and knoxvilles finale.
You never really know how good Larson is in a race. He always seems to find a way to get it done, if its at all possible. His car control is phenomenal. He can literally will the car to do what he needs it to do. With that said. I was hoping Marks would pull off the win. Chase Randal had a good car also, but used it up in the middle of the race. It took about two hours to run the program +-, It took us an hour and 15 minutes to clear the parking lot and get on the road. Im so glad that all those people piled into the pits.Thankfully Rico was strong enough to give Larson a run for it. He almost got by, but showed his nose just a little early. Once Larson figured out where he was gaining on the cushion, he covered it. Too bad Marks hit the hole and wrecked out from the lead, would have been interesting to watch Larson have to pass him.
Pretty impressive on a Wednesday after a rain out.Best crowd I've ever seen at Grandview