Dang!...drove since the sun came up to get home and watch the all-star race...then took a nap and slept through it

...Oh well...reading the race thread makes me feel like I was there...in fact...here is a condensed version of all the posts I would have made had I not been snoozing

"Danica, oh Danica...where for art thou Danica?"
"...and now for another commercial"
...oops, almost forgot tonight's alternative commercial:
"Clint !!

"That pizza is making me hungry"
"Oh no! Not Jeff

"Gotta take a break...pizza man is here"
"Tires, tires, tires...get it right NASCAR!"
Haha! Larry Mac: "that was close...did I say...that was close"
"On the Crimean Peninsula...(edited: oops, wrong thread)"
"Goll Darn...got hornswaggled!"
"Jamie Mac sighting"
"...as usual, Mike Joy seems to be watching a different race"
"Congrats Jamie

"Jimmie J, oh Jimmie J...where for art thou Jimmie J ?"
"I prefer Cabellas"