All things relating to Danica -- New season

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Throw in a little of that cheap wine that comes in a box and its PARTY TIME :D

Yeah. Cheap, panty-dropping success.

You better watch it or the Mrs. is gonna beat your ass!
I like Danica. I really do. I think that people race her extra hard (too easy of a pun, FB) but she will continue to struggle until she her overcomes her apparent fear of aggressive corner entry in traffic.
I like Danica. I really do. I think that people race her extra hard (too easy of a pun, FB) but she will continue to struggle until she her overcomes her apparent fear of aggressive corner entry in traffic.

Good comment-I'd like to see her more aggressive too. I wonder if shes a perfectionist ... seems that way. Some of these tracks ya just need to get in and wheel it
I like Danica. I really do. I think that people race her extra hard (too easy of a pun, FB) but she will continue to struggle until she her overcomes her apparent fear of aggressive corner entry in traffic.

Ahhh Grasshopper, you have finally seen the light!
Rolling off 24th today behind all of the team cars. Smoke on the pole.
I like Danica. I really do. I think that people race her extra hard (too easy of a pun, FB) but she will continue to struggle until she her overcomes her apparent fear of aggressive corner entry in traffic.

ya need skills to race at the top level, at the front. She has never been there her whole career in Nascar. Has led a total of 7 laps out of almost 15 thousand in Cup series. one top ten? With statistics like that, wonder how long someone else would be driving for Stewart-Haas?
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when she wins she will drive for SHR for a long time
one hiccup with sponsor money and I bet she won't be there very long. Nothing personal or politically incorrect, just racing business, drivers have to perform for sponsors and believe it or not they need to lead laps and win races.
It wouldn't surprise me if she's gone after this year. At the most, she gets next year.
one hiccup with sponsor money and I bet she won't be there very long. Nothing personal or politically incorrect, just racing business, drivers have to perform for sponsors and believe it or not they need to lead laps and win races.

With the attention she gets, GoDaddy isn't giving a damn about her performance.
she is like one of the guys you work with that suck at the job but make the same money as you because they are good ass kissers and hang out with the boss.
yeah keep saying that. she is getting less and less air time as the novelty wears off.

Lol. I wish that were true. She still gets plenty of air time. Even when she wrecks, she gets more air time than the winner. Not just during the race broadcast. Even during sports highlights shows, shes one of the first things they bring up when they talk about the race.
Lol. I wish that were true. She still gets plenty of air time. Even when she wrecks, she gets more air time than the winner. Not just during the race broadcast. Even during sports highlights shows, shes one of the first things they bring up when they talk about the race.
glad your convinced, enjoy it while you can I guess.
Bob Parsons, the founder of GoDaddy, was the one who had an obsession with "hot chicks". He sold GoDaddy to a private equity firm and resigned in 2011. Now GoDaddy is preparing for an IPO. The old man is out of the picture and with GoDaddy soon having to appease Wall Street's public investors, you have to wonder how long they'll continue to write checks for Danica's racing career.
A win is not going to happen. At some point simple economics of sponsorship is going to take over and Danica will be gone like a fart in the wind. I give her this season and next to produce. They need to be shooting for top 15's. Part of me feels sorry for her and the other part is that she has to be the most overpaid race car driver at any level anywhere when you look at the results. I honestly think this is why she has put herself through this. Money talks and BS walks.
I dont see her don't winning a cup race. But that doesn't mean she will not last for several more years.

She is marketable and even as she ages I think she has staying power. She has her detractors, but she has a lot of sympathizers as well, or admirers.
Even if GoDaddy goes away, I am thinking she will find other sponsorship options.

Maybe Tony might want to replace her in the future for a real hot shoe that also is a cash cow. But if she has the sponsorship somebody somewhere will put her in a cup car.
Bob Parsons, the founder of GoDaddy, was the one who had an obsession with "hot chicks". He sold GoDaddy to a private equity firm and resigned in 2011. Now GoDaddy is preparing for an IPO. The old man is out of the picture and with GoDaddy soon having to appease Wall Street's public investors, you have to wonder how long they'll continue to write checks for Danica's racing career.

She may have to go back to hot pants and lesbian overtones in the Godaddy ads to keep her sponsor.
She could hang around for quite a while.

The question is, would she want to? She seems flustered with her own lack of perfomance so it will be interesting to see if she stays on her own volition.
She could hang around for quite a while.

The question is, would she want to? She seems flustered with her own lack of perfomance so it will be interesting to see if she stays on her own volition.

Maybe she'll become a Mommy.
She could hang around for quite a while.

The question is, would she want to? She seems flustered with her own lack of perfomance so it will be interesting to see if she stays on her own volition.

This. She is very frustrated. I hope that things come into line for her (old boys network, the car's balance, etc) but more than anything what will stop DP from NASCAR success is herself. She will get it, I believe. But I know the score too.
This. She is very frustrated. I hope that things come into line for her (old boys network, the car's balance, etc) but more than anything what will stop DP from NASCAR success is herself. She will get it, I believe. But I know the score too.

wow, you must be her analyst or something. are you giving her tips to deal with her frustration?

wow, you must be her analyst or something. are you giving her tips to deal with her frustration?

I just know what shes said over her radio--she has mentioned to her cc that she is frustrated with always "learning from this" when she is on a bad run
During the rain delay yesterday they interviewed Kurt, and he said now that the 4 and 41 teams have won, all of SHR's resources are focused on getting the 14 car better and into V-lane for the chase at the end of the year.
It was only an after thought that Kurt included Danica in that equation a few moments later. lol

Even Kurt can't keep up the Danica charade when giving an honest answer.
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