Answer and Ask

Well .... the Braves for one .... sorry .... I forgot.

Cards and Red Sox. I wish !!!!! ^_^

What's your favorite childhood memory ?
Hmmm.......Probably building forts with my sister and going camping and fishing with my family.

Do you blow dry your hair everyday?
Old Country buffett

When is the last time you went to the Movies in a theater?
Don't remember ... whenever ... The Passion Of The Christ was on.

Last thing you do before you go to bed.
Turn off the damn alarm clock.

The one thing you wish you did everyday, but don't?
:XXROFL: :XXROFL: This is California.. we don't have seasonal changes.... :XXROFL: :XXROFL:

Do you like snow?
Yes, once a year I can handle it.

What do you like to do on your days off ?
Mexican. But I like rice and pasta too !!!!! ^_^

What would you do with a million dollars ?
Started December 26 2003 and almost done.

Likes to recieve things in the mail from friends. Cards, letters .... etc ...
No. But would like to have my own though.

Likes to ride to mountains and see the trees in the Fall.
Drew Barrymore and Reese Witherspoon

Where is your favorite vacation spot?
Tough ... I'm a beach lover and I love the quietness of the mountains too.

So ...... Beach ..... Myrtle Beach ..... Mountains ..... Gatlinburg.

Favorite state to visit.
Confusion, but only because they know me there ^_^

Last time you were left speechless?
Don't remember .... it happens alot though. :lol:

How about the last time you were left speechless ??
When my daughter said something that made me laugh so hard I couldn't speak.

Funniest thing a kid has ever said to you?
Originally posted by 4xchampncountin@Oct 15 2004, 09:47 PM
When my daughter said something that made me laugh so hard I couldn't speak.

Funniest thing a kid has ever said to you?
My daughter asked me who Tina Turner was! :huh: :lol:

Have you ever cheated on a test?
High school, it was Creative Writing. College it was Behavioral Modification and Principals of Psychological Examination. :wacko:

What was the last thing you personally repaired?
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