Answer and Ask

With Family

If you could only talk to one more person before you died who would it be?
Depends on my mood alittle bit of everything.

Best concert you have went to?
I have 2 "Step" sons .... hate that word.

16 and 10.

How old is your daugther ?
11 going on 20. lol

(don't like the word step either)

Do your boys play sports?
They are into baseball and golf, they decided they didn't want to play with the rec this year though.

Oldest one is big time into ROTC ... wants to go into the Navy or Army.

I love little girls, always wanted one. :(

Do you work ?
I am a Realtor.

I wanted a mama's boy so bad but wouldn't trade my daughter for the world.

What did you want to be when you grew up?
A nurse and still do. Looking into it but on a lower level.

I'm sure being a Realtor is nice.

What did you want to be when you grew up ?
An accountant....boring...

Funny that is what my daughter says she wants to be too.

Do you currently work?
Both .... love my babies too much to choose.

Likes to watch music videos on TV.
Yes. One bad ..... one not so bad.

Ever wanted to live in another country.
Not really live but visit.

Where do you want to go on your next vacation?
I love the mountains and the coast, so either would be wonderful.

How about you, same question.
I would love to go out west. California maybe.

Ever been to another country?
We are off ttrack again ladies :lol:

What age was your best Birthday?
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