Answer and Ask

I don't think I have ever repaired anything to be honest.

Something about you that people would be surprised to know.
I can write backwards..

Something that someone would find interesting about you?
OMGosh .... lets see .... that would probably depend on the person.

I'm too much of a southern lady but I have a wicked streak in me that shows up at times that might would surprise some. I love to laugh and my laugh catches alot of people off guard, doesn't go with the lady they say. <_<

Have you ever met any of your online friends ?
Well, I met a guy once who I met in a local internet chat room.

How long is the longest you have ever been away from home?
Probably 2 months. Not by choice.

How often do you talk on the phone ?
No more than I absolutely have to.

What is the longest you have ever gone without leaving your house?
I think it was maybe three weeks, but I did go outside in that time frame...Just didn't leave the property.

How many pets do you have?
Over a year

If you could go anywhere in the world today, where would you go?
A trip to England to tour the old castles and a brief stop in Scotland.

If you could talk to any one person today, who would you choose?
Something in the medical field or the owner of a hotel on an island.

Last time you talked to a good friend.
last saturday night, my best friend in philly called.......

your best childhood memory......
I like Fall the best .... weather getting alittle cooler, good snuggle weather.

Something you would like to do before you die.
Climb a mountain.

What was the craziest thing you have done this past year?
Almost getting arrested the night before the June Dover race

What is your favorite Restaurant?
Capris or Olive Garden

If you could do anything in the next hour, what would you do ?
Make out with Brad Pitt :lol:

If you could do anything in the next hour what would you do?

Kelly !!!!! Can't think of anything now !!!!!


Favorite outdoor activity.
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