Carl Edwards retires

Dunno about that. Adding the car was a huge undertaking. I think that Arris made it possible, and JGR would have been able to fulfill it's business aspirations by waiting on Daniel because that is why Arris was there in the first place. Carl was a placeholder for Daniel. I believe that there was some risk in adding the fourth team when they did.


Did Carl bring the Arris sponsorship? Nope. Would Arris have been on Carl's car without Daniel in Xfinity? Nope. The only way Carl gets to go early is because Arris was already Daniel's. Placeholder.
Did Carl bring the Arris sponsorship? Nope. Would Arris have been on Carl's car without Daniel in Xfinity? Nope. The only way Carl gets to go early is because Arris was already Daniel's. Placeholder.

I think you just want to insult. Could be wrong but that's what it looks like to me.
I think you just want to insult. Could be wrong but that's what it looks like to me.

I'm not sure what is insulting, but then again, I am no longer surprised by the accusations of trolling, baiting, etc. So, to your Not trying to insult in the least.
Did Carl bring the Arris sponsorship? Nope. Would Arris have been on Carl's car without Daniel in Xfinity? Nope. The only way Carl gets to go early is because Arris was already Daniel's. Placeholder.
Carl would have walked away regardless of sponsor. He had other sponsor obligations that were ripped up.
No, not with you. I have no desire to get into a discussion with you on any level.

Carl would have walked away regardless of sponsor. He had other sponsor obligations that were ripped up.

No. @Allenbaba indicated that he was willing to stay if he had to. Additionally, Dave Rogers said the same on NASCAR Radio. I don't think that those sponsorships were ripped up, but transferred to Daniel. This is what Coach was working on over Christmas. I think he may have said something about Subway staying on as well.
What is the connection between Arris and Daniel?
He deserves better than the placeholder label for a less accomplished driver.

My perspective was through the eyes of Arris. As big as Daniel is in Mexico, and given that Slim owns Arris, you see where I am coming from? I do believe that for some passionate Daniel fans, Carl was driving Daniel's car all along.
Carlos Slim owns Arris. Carlos backs Daniel. Carlos is one of the richest men in the world.

Where did you get that info? BTW, Arris is a public owned company, Slims isn't even listed as a majority share holder.
My perspective was through the eyes of Arris. As big as Daniel is in Mexico, and given that Slim owns Arris, you see where I am coming from? I do believe that for some passionate Daniel fans, Carl was driving Daniel's car all along.

That logic only works if Arris is the only dollars or sponsor to be found. And I have no doubt that they were going to slap the Arris skins on his car whenever he started running in cup.

But using that to call Carl his placekeeper is a really torturing the context to work in a putdown. Almost as far fetched as going after a guy after he completed one of the classiest career finales of all time.

JGR wanted Carl and they pursued him like a highly coveted driver, and RFR was sad to see him go, just like Kenseth.
And Daniel S aside from having Ari$ has not demonstrated himself to be in Edwards league, yet. And I do realize thats a big if, he may go down as one the greats, but all of that speculation is future tense, or yet to be proven.
While the ability of Edwards has never been in doubt, he was fast out of the box, he carried RFR the last year he was with them. Had it not been for a BS caution he would have won the title in 2016. He was not only the fastest JGR car, but the best car of the day.

A hell of a lot better than some pretentious branding as a placeholder.
That logic only works if Arris is the only dollars or sponsor to be found. And I have no doubt that they were going to slap the Arris skins on his car whenever he started running in cup.

But using that to call Carl his placekeeper is a really torturing the context to work in a putdown. Almost as far fetched as going after a guy after he completed one of the classiest career finales of all time.

JGR wanted Carl and they pursued him like a highly coveted driver, and RFR was sad to see him go, just like Kenseth.
And Daniel S aside from having Ari$ has not demonstrated himself to be in Edwards league, yet. And I do realize thats a big if, he may go down as one the greats, but all of that speculation is future tense, or yet to be proven.
While the ability of Edwards has never been in doubt, he was fast out of the box, he carried RFR the last year he was with them. Had it not been for a BS caution he would have won the title in 2016. He was not only the fastest JGR car, but the best car of the day.

A hell of a lot better than some pretentious branding as a placeholder.

Arris would have been fine if Carl was in that car for the next 10 years? No. Get over the butt hurt stuff. You are reading too much into it. Get on the Kyle bandwagon. It will toughen you up.
Dunno about that. Adding the car was a huge undertaking. I think that Arris made it possible, and JGR would have been able to fulfill it's business aspirations by waiting on Daniel because that is why Arris was there in the first place. Carl was a placeholder for Daniel. I believe that there was some risk in adding the fourth team when they did.
Placeholder? What if Carl hadn't chosen to leave? He was a popular driver backed by a couple of solid sponsors, a solid performer who regularly advanced to at least the third Chase round. Gibbs wasn't going to kick him out at the end of 2017, not to make room for Jones or Suarez.

I think you're speculating with no evidence, retrofitting history to match the situation.
Placeholder? What if Carl hadn't chosen to leave? He was a popular driver backed by a couple of solid sponsors, a solid performer who regularly advanced to at least the third Chase round. Gibbs wasn't going to kick him out at the end of 2017, not to make room for Jones or Suarez.

I think you're speculating with no evidence, retrofitting history to match the situation.

Lots of moving parts with JGR and the young guns. I have always believed that Matt would be the first domino. That seat would go to Erik before Daniel. Then, it was a matter of time with regard to how long Carl (or Denny possibly) might stay in one of the cars before Daniel followed. I don't think that Coach was ever going to have to cut anybody, but if Daniel ended up at a teammate to Carl, Carl wouldn't be the one with Arris on his car.

On an semi-related issue, performance doesn't have much to do with it. We have seen that. It's about the money.
Arris would have been fine if Carl was in that car for the next 10 years? No. Get over the butt hurt stuff. You are reading too much into it. Get on the Kyle bandwagon. It will toughen you up.

I acknowledged Arris would reskin the cars when Daniel came to cup.
And your insults are self defining enough, I think I will survive.

If you can intelligently define as Edwards being the lesser of the two, or even attack any of my flawed arguments or logic, I am all ears. That would be fair, I certainly attacked what I believe to be a flawed point you were making.
Thank you for the correction.... @Taco Time please take note. Carlos is Arris #1 customer, and Carlos is committed to the development of Mexican drivers.

Where get the info that says he is the #1 customer?
Where get the info that says he is the #1 customer?
Recording $5.3 billion in sales in 2014, Arris is the world’s largest provider of cable TV routing and set-top-box modems. Until recently, though, its advertising focused on business-to-business. But in 2013, the company bought Motorola’s home unit, which included Motorola’s phone and cable groups, from Google for $2.35 billion. Because of the acquisition, the B2B-focused Arris “had to quickly figure out how to build up brand equity,” Coppock said.

The brand also was approached about promoting diversity through sponsorship of Suarez, a Mexican driver, by Carlos Slim Domit, chairman of the Mexican conglomerate Grupo Carso and the son of Carlos Slim, one of the richest men in the world. The elder Slim is chairman and CEO of América Movil, a telecommunications company headquartered in Mexico City that is Arris’ biggest international customer and one of the largest mobile-network operators in the world.

Since Arris has placed a high value on the Latin-American market, it decided to accept the younger Slim’s pitch and back the rookie Suarez.
I acknowledged Arris would reskin the cars when Daniel came to cup.
And your insults are self defining enough, I think I will survive.

If you can intelligently define as Edwards being the lesser of the two, or even attack any of my flawed arguments or logic, I am all ears. That would be fair, I certainly attacked what I believe to be a flawed point you were making.

I think (not sure) that your point was that you didn't like the language, "placeholder." My only point was that in Arris' eyes ANYBODY in that car is simply someone they have to wait on to get out of the car so Daniel can get in. The passion for Carl is admirable, and I am glad that nobody has used the term fanboi as that is reserved for anybody with the equivalent passion for your 2015 Monster Energy Cup Champion, Kyle Busch.
I will venture to say that maybe Carlos Slim is the largest customer from Mexico or south america, but their is no way he buys more from Arris than Comcast.
I think (not sure) that your point was that you didn't like the language, "placeholder." My only point was that in Arris' eyes ANYBODY in that car is simply someone they have to wait on to get out of the car so Daniel can get in. The passion for Carl is admirable, and I am glad that nobody has used the term fanboi as that is reserved for anybody with the equivalent passion for your 2015 Monster Energy Cup Champion, Kyle Busch.

Speak for yourself I have never been a fanboi of any Toyota driver. I simply respect Edwards.
I have been a Delanas wife fan since his first cup event, and I am unsure who my next favorite driver (chevrolet) will be.
Probably Jimmie Johnson, he probably annoys Ford and Toyota fans the most, that works for me.
If the driver of the 19 was a place holder, and Daniel HAD to be in the car, they would have probably moved Matt, or Denny around. I think Carl could have raced into the sunset if he wanted to.

You dont hire a driver like that as a place holder when we can't even be certain if Daniel will be a contender.
I have been a Delanas wife fan since his first cup event, and I am unsure who my next favorite driver (chevrolet) will be.

Wait, you are dumping Kevin because he isn't in a Chevy?
If the driver of the 19 was a place holder, and Daniel HAD to be in the car, they would have probably moved Matt, or Denny around. I think Carl could have raced into the sunset if he wanted to.

You dont hire a driver like that as a place holder when we can't even be certain if Daniel will be a contender.

You've lost some context here amongst the babble. I agree....and I think that I have said as much.
No. @Allenbaba indicated that he was willing to stay if he had to. Additionally, Dave Rogers said the same on NASCAR Radio. I don't think that those sponsorships were ripped up, but transferred to Daniel. This is what Coach was working on over Christmas. I think he may have said something about Subway staying on as well.
Carl said hed stick around for 2017 if he really really needed to. Dire situation, not a sponsorship quabble.

This is Carl's sincere personal choice & coach Gibbs honored it. Nothing more, nothing less.
Wow, didn't know that you had a manufacturer preference. That's cool.
Probably not as passionate as yours (not meant as criticism). More like an old habit that will never completely leave.
This is going to be a fascinating part of 2017. Daniel with the established team/Erik with the start up. Equal equipment. Really cool rookie battle.
It will be, but lets keep one thing in mind, "the relationship between driver and CC" is the biggest factor
in how a driver does when comparable equipment is no issue. This is true with a rookie as well as a driver like Kyle B.
Speak for yourself I have never been a fanboi of any Toyota driver. I simply respect Edwards.
I have been a Delanas wife fan since his first cup event, and I am unsure who my next favorite driver (chevrolet) will be.
Probably Jimmie Johnson, he probably annoys Ford and Toyota fans the most, that works for me.

Oh ****, that nickname again.

I legit laughed.
You've lost some context here amongst the babble. I agree....and I think that I have said as much.

Yeah I most certainly didn't read all of it. But I don't think I was necessarily agreeing with you.
I don't think Carl was a place holder. I think that if Carl wanted to stay with JGR during Suarez' eventual movement to cup, he would. Arris would likely leave Carl, but Carl had other sponsors. If Suarez was going to be in a cup car in 2018, I think Carl's job would have been safe.
Yeah I most certainly didn't read all of it. But I don't think I was necessarily agreeing with you.
I don't think Carl was a place holder. I think that if Carl wanted to stay with JGR during Suarez' eventual movement to cup, he would. Arris would likely leave Carl, but Carl had other sponsors. If Suarez was going to be in a cup car in 2018, I think Carl's job would have been safe.

Sport Clips, Subway, Stanley, and Xfinity.

Pretty sure he would be safe.
Yeah I most certainly didn't read all of it. But I don't think I was necessarily agreeing with you.
I don't think Carl was a place holder. I think that if Carl wanted to stay with JGR during Suarez' eventual movement to cup, he would. Arris would likely leave Carl, but Carl had other sponsors. If Suarez was going to be in a cup car in 2018, I think Carl's job would have been safe.

Well said
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