From what I've seen, I don't think Ross is wrecking people on purpose. He's just racing too hard. Young drivers almost always go through that, though occasionally you get one that simply doesn't care. Ross' problem is he's doing it every week instead of giving the other guy a little more room. He's also pissing off almost everyone. Anyone remember the last driver that was so widely criticized by the other drivers? Yeah, me neither.
I think he's a fast shoe, and I also think if the right people talked to him Ross is capable of cleaning it up. Otherwise, Ross could be facing five or ten guys who want to take him out every race, not including whomever he wrecked last week. Maybe he doesn't care, but he will when someone dumps him on his lid.
Or, the next time someone goes after Ross, Nascar security just let's him get a good lesson. Wait for it to be someone like Ryan Newman (Buddy Baker would be even better). That or have Childress slap him around a little. There's a lot of ways to handle this. Try being nice and if that doesn't work, well......boys have at it.
Ross is on the hot seat. With Kyle and Harvick and Elliot, all well-established stars and men with championships, call you out, a smart guy would at least listen. Instead, Ross doubles down:
The problem goes right back to what Kyle said: respect, and Ross doesn't show any. Sure, Ross accepts responsibility and then says "I was trying to crowd him." So, he accepts responsibility, and then admits doing it.
Guys like this don't change until you make them.