Deegan update

Facts are, as long as her sponsors current and future think her media exposure works for their product she is racing.
No problem but don't tell me she's going to save NASCAR, or bring it back to 2000s level of popularity, or some of the other overblown expectations people have dumped on her. She's not the second coming of Jeff Gordon.
She finished last of all the drivers that competed in every race while racing against a bunch of retired has beens. I don't see how that proves anything.
It proves she’s a super mid driver with a pretty face and a social media following big enough to retire from NASCAR today and still make a living
No problem but don't tell me she's going to save NASCAR, or bring it back to 2000s level of popularity, or some of the other overblown expectations people have dumped on her. She's not the second coming of Jeff Gordon.
Yep. It's not her job to save NASCAR. It's her job to do the best she can for her sponsors...and if they are happy with her then that is all that really matters.
Yep. It's not her job to save NASCAR. It's her job to do the best she can for her sponsors...and if they are happy with her then that is all that really matters.
did you watch the kenny walace interview with her?
Yep. It's not her job to save NASCAR. It's her job to do the best she can for her sponsors...and if they are happy with her then that is all that really matters.
Agreed, but tell the folks here who assure me that running 20th in Trucks means she's ready for a Cup ride with Penske as she single-handedly brings the sport back to national prominence.
She is not even close to being ready for Cup. She might be later or she may never be. That we will just have to wait and see.
I wish Xfinity still ran this track instead of IMS.
A Cup race at IRP is stuff that dreams are made of. They should bring in temporary seating to put around the track and put it on the schedule immediately. We dont have to lose a race at IMS to do it, simply run a double header like they did at Pocono, Indy on Saturday, practice , qualify and race same day then pack up and head to IRP on Sunday for another same day race. The reason for IRP on Sunday is obviously the potential for more damage to the car on the short track so it makes more sense to run it on sunday unless they all want to bring a different car for both tracks but I cant justify the expense. IRP would rival the Bristol Night Race in my opinion, I can dream cant I?
Agreed, but tell the folks here who assure me that running 20th in Trucks means she's ready for a Cup ride with Penske as she single-handedly brings the sport back to national prominence.
I don't know who the hell ever said that. She mentioned in an article awhile back that her goal was to race in cup and that set the boo bears off for half a page. :idunno:
I don't know who the hell ever said that. She mentioned in an article awhile back that her goal was to race in cup and that set the boo bears off for half a page. :idunno:
I don't recall who did either. I know I read it here because it wasn't on the birding forum and I don't go anywhere else, and it was more than once. I searched this thread for comments by the members I recall posting it but I can't find any of them now. I'm not going to hang anyone's name out if I can't prove it.
Used to enjoy watching these videos and seeing the behind the scenes aspect as well as discussion about the race. Unfortunately like Hallie's performance these just don't seem to have the "it" factor anymore and are getting old.
How many times can you say “I got wrecked” “I wrecked” or “I ran like crap” before it gets boring?
the great thing is she shows up the ne t week and climbs right back in there, good for her
Just a random handful of the over 260 comments on her posting lol.

Pretty good qualifying effort, starting 7th tonight. We’ll see if that transfers to race speed.
Not sure what else you can say. Speed in the truck you guys say, no wreck and p30?

What went wrong?

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