Deegan update

Started out 33rd. I'm wondering if the new crew chief had anything to do with it.
Maybe. Car was good and she figured out a good rhythm. Now to get
a good quali and survive lap 1 of the race. Be happy with a top 20.
Should have read the description. It's only first 38 laps which was before had steering issues. CC kept telling spotter to get her to roll the corner and wait longer to pick-up throttle. Spotter didn't seem to want to tell her that. Eventually did but not a great effort all around.
I'm new to this thread, but all I see with her is someone who took a 15th place car and consistently runs in the 30s with it.
Waste of a seat in my opinion.
some times you just have to read the find print, just saying:dirtbike:
How bad is it?



Calling her Danica 2.0 would be an insult to Danica Patrick.
She has done nothing this year to make me feel optimistic about her future. But if she brings more women into the sport and somehow that gets more promising young female drivers a spot then it’s something. But she does not seem to be walking the walk to backup her volume of social media babble at this point. I’d be delighted if she was being competitive but so far…nope.

That being said I always admired how Danica showed she had fire in her belly. I’m not sure I see anything like that from HD and it’s disappointing.
She has done nothing this year to make me feel optimistic about her future. But if she brings more women into the sport and somehow that gets more promising young female drivers a spot then it’s something. But she does not seem to be walking the walk to backup her volume of social media babble at this point. I’d be delighted if she was being competitive but so far…nope.

That being said I always admired how Danica showed she had fire in her belly. I’m not sure I see anything like that from HD and it’s disappointing.
Waste one race. Listen to her scanner. They are constantly telling her to not use the throttle like an on/off switch and to wait longer before picking it up in corner. She's NOT lacking aggression if charging the corner & standing on the loud pedal = aggression. Just can't seem to figure-out how to try different things. Constantly says car is plowing tight but can't understand if you jump on the throttle too soon/too hard, whole turn is screwed. Then gets snappy loose on exit cause got too much wheel in it.

She sucks. Won't get better. Doing her best. Sadly.
Honestly, I think the IMSA Michelin Pilot Challenge is where she needs to be, in a Ford Mustang.
Honestly, I think the IMSA Michelin Pilot Challenge is where she needs to be, in a Ford Mustang.
She learned to race in off-road trucks. What works on dirt doesn't transfer to pavement. Some can make the transition. It's obvious she, like Danica before, doesn't have the ability to learn a new style. Yanking the throttle open isn't the fast way on pavement. She needs to spend day with Jeff Burton or somebody like that riding along, listening & learning. Remember the Dale Jr story about the one time his dad helped him learn a track? Told him, I want you to lift at flag stand, don't touch throttle till just past middle of corner. Dale Jr was like...suuuure, then tried it. Couple seconds lap faster. Frequently slower corner entry is faster lap time. She just complains about it pushes front end. Maybe it does?🧐 Maybe she's too hard headed, like her dad, to listen to those with more experience?
What do you see in her road course record that indicates she'd do well in a series dedicated to that style of track?
It was either this year or last year at Daytona during the MPC race she
really had some strong stints. I thought then maybe this is her sweet spot
but wanted to wait to see how she settles in Xfinity.

Similar to Patrick's NASCAR experience, I am getting this high level of frustration vibe from HD.
At some point it will become completely unfun for her and time to move on. Ford plus
sports cars makes sense to me for her possibly.
I was hoping to see her improve when she switched to Xfinity, but she definitely hasn’t done that and I’m not going to hold my breath until she does because it may never happen. But as long as she is out there trying and not giving up I’m ok with her being in a Xfinity car because trying to learn and become a better driver is what that series is for. But she definitely doesn’t belong in a Cup car unless something drastically changes in her on track performance.
I was hoping to see her improve when she switched to Xfinity, but she definitely hasn’t done that and I’m not going to hold my breath until she does because it may never happen. But as long as she is out there trying and not giving up I’m ok with her being in a Xfinity car because trying to learn and become a better driver is what that series is for. But she definitely doesn’t belong in a Cup car unless something drastically changes in her on track performance.
I think part of it is the team/Ford. If they would have lost SHR's 2 cars, they pretty much had no real contenders in Xfinity.
She had 3 wins with Toyota. 2019 won the pole at Sonoma over Gragson, Custer, A. Dillion, and Ryan Preece and had a top 10 finish.
Last year IMSA Pilot Challenge at Daytona Road course, she led her class and finished third in class.
Ran well in the SRX.
The run in the SHR car gave people false hope. It wasnt a top 10 run but people got all giddy and just Knew if she got away from the rooks in the truck series she would be a top 10 driver. Didnt happen, she isnt a top 10 driver, never will be. This is her swan song.
Wonder how cast iron her contract is? Maybe an out for the team @ x/y/z months/performance level? The car ain't the problem.

She wasn't gonna make the field for Chicago. Putting Logano in allows the team to make the field and improve position in owner's points, keeping Deegan alive for at least a few more races.

Smart move. I think Deegan and Lagano’s talent are about the same, but Joey has been involved with the Xfinity scene and vibe a lot longer.

He will simply be more at home, and more at one with the culture, it will be more intrinsics all the way to his essence like he is in his own backyard.

I know everyone was of the mind that the culture was going to be better for Deegan this year. Obviously the bad parts of the Truck series contaminated her previously higher levels of sophistication.

I am just afraid of the wild possibility and unlikely scenario that Joey will have a better race than Hailee usually has and that the unlearnt and untrained eyes will not be able to appreciate that it all is just a matter of culture and so forth.

Otherwise it will probably be a great reset for Hailee and a great learning opportunity for Lagano as well.
Bummer! This was going to be the race that Deegan came to life.
Yes I was expecting a win in her first NASCAR street race similar to SVG. That sucks she can’t do it now to no fault of her own. We know it was coming.
Going to learn a lot with J-Lo's performance.
If he squeezes out a top 12 - 15 . it might not
bode well for HD. Cant wait to listen to the radio
and compare their complaints.
Going to learn a lot with J-Lo's performance.
If he squeezes out a top 12 - 15 . it might not
bode well for HD. Cant wait to listen to the radio
and compare their complaints.
If he only finishes 15th I would argue it is partly the equipment’s fault. Logano should be well inside the top 10 in any competitive Xfinity car.
Smart move. I think Deegan and Lagano’s talent are about the same, but Joey has been involved with the Xfinity scene and vibe a lot longer.

He will simply be more at home, and more at one with the culture, it will be more intrinsics all the way to his essence like he is in his own backyard.

I know everyone was of the mind that the culture was going to be better for Deegan this year. Obviously the bad parts of the Truck series contaminated her previously higher levels of sophistication.

I am just afraid of the wild possibility and unlikely scenario that Joey will have a better race than Hailee usually has and that the unlearnt and untrained eyes will not be able to appreciate that it all is just a matter of culture and so forth.

Otherwise it will probably be a great reset for Hailee and a great learning opportunity for Lagano as well.

he is miles above her.

She has a ride for now because of sponsorship
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