Enough Is Enough Full Season Championship.



These people are so tacky. Just take your penalty and shut up. Too bad about the $2 Million.
I have always railed against the Chase and Playoffs even though they produce some level of interest. As someone else said, racing is not a playoff sport. None of the other major sanctioning bodies have a playoff.

Last year, the Lucas Oil Late Model Dirt Series implemented something similar. The final race at Eldora was like NASCAR's race at Phoenix - highest finisher of the final 4 won the championship. The problem was the points leader had dominated the series. He won 17 or 18 races and had around a 500-point lead over second place. But he bent something on the car after hitting a rut and the car was not competitive. The driver that dominated the season was not the champion. A lot of fans were furious. That series has now made it a 3-race series. I'm not sure how that's going to work.

People may counter what happened there by saying players get hurt and it changes the team. True, but they can bring out a backup and you never know when somebody plays out of their mind (see Timmy Smith with the Redskins in 1987). In racing, they won't let you roll out a backup car during the race.

I'd still like to go back to a 36-race schedule and the most points determines the champion. But that ship has sailed.
This thread is a gem 💎
More like a cubic zirconia. We're not saying much we haven't said repeatedly over the last decade. Until NBC and NASCAR (in that order) have a reason to change the system, little will. Since they've left it alone for a several years now, it appears they're content with the current process.
We’re not talking about NASCAR’s money.

Like it or not, broadcasters are the final arbiters of scheduling and race / playoff formats.
For the record I hate the nascar playoffs, but reverting back to a full 36 race point season will not happen.
The TV contracts alone would probably be the biggest hurdle.

So it is what it is and out of my control. In spite of the shortcomings it is the still a biggest deal for stock car racing, imo. So I try to respect whoever wins the thing based the rules and competition being the same for everyone.
No way! The stakes and intrigue in any given race are higher than ever before, thanks to this format. There’s nothing else like it on the planet.
There are many good reasons why there isn't. Who wants to swallow the possibility that the best car/team doesn't win the championship in a 4 car lottery last race? That isn't a championship, that's made up nonsense.
I love this format. Love it. 100%. We are getting into fall, and that means something in NASCAR Land with this format. Fascinating stuff. I will be heading to my third Championship in November, and I am stoked as ever. Does it crown the best car/team? Sometimes.....just like every other sport, and there is nothing wrong with that. There is something very cool about the four teams in the final having to bring their best stuff. The atmosphere is what a major sport should be like. We all managed to get our heads around the quasi-spec Next Gen, but the format seems to be where the old school hide out now. NASCAR hist a home run with this.
Right now there are 4 cars within 32 points of each other at the top of the chart and all we hear and see is "cut off line" for 16th or worse place with 12 more races left in the season. So exciting.
Right now there are 4 cars within 32 points of each other at the top of the chart and all we hear and see is "cut off line" for 16th or worse place with 12 more races left in the season. So exciting.

That’s on the networks. Each spot in the top 10 comes with additional playoff points so there is a real reason to care.
I love this format. Love it. 100%. We are getting into fall, and that means something in NASCAR Land with this format. Fascinating stuff. I will be heading to my third Championship in November, and I am stoked as ever. Does it crown the best car/team? Sometimes.....just like every other sport, and there is nothing wrong with that. There is something very cool about the four teams in the final having to bring their best stuff. The atmosphere is what a major sport should be like. We all managed to get our heads around the quasi-spec Next Gen, but the format seems to be where the old school hide out now. NASCAR hist a home run with this.
The difference in those other sports, sometimes the team that beat you, you might not have played, or maybe they beat you already when you did play them. You don’t have all the teams playing each other every game. NASCAR everyone has the same opportunity each week to beat every other driver. Whoever is the best driver over those 36 races should be the champion, because all the losers had the same amount of chances against the champion.
I'd guarantee the average fan couldn't explain the points system they have now. If they could, it would take 20 minutes to explain it lol.
I'd guarantee the average fan couldn't explain the points system they have now. If they could, it would take 20 minutes to explain it lol.
I agree. Not sure if I qualify at the average fan level (banging my own drum, maybe a step up), but I can pretty much guarantee that I couldn't fully and correctly explain the entire points system through the championship round.
I agree. Not sure if I qualify at the average fan level (banging my own drum, maybe a step up), but I can pretty much guarantee that I couldn't fully and correctly explain the entire points system through the championship round.
I didn't know until the other day that not only does the winner of the regular season get 15 extra playoff points (I knew that ) But they count down with the next one 2nd place getting 10 Boo Boo points, 3rd place 9 on down the line.
So the top 10 season finishers get points and the other 6 don't get squat lol. I swear this system is funny farm.
I didn't know until the other day that not only does the winner of the regular season get 15 extra playoff points (I knew that ) But they count down with the next one 2nd place getting 10 Boo Boo points, 3rd place 9 on down the line.
So the top 10 season finishers get points and the other 6 don't get squat lol. I swear this system is funny farm.

This system really isn’t that difficult to understand…
I didn't know until the other day that not only does the winner of the regular season get 15 extra playoff points (I knew that ) But they count down with the next one 2nd place getting 10 Boo Boo points, 3rd place 9 on down the line.
So the top 10 season finishers get points and the other 6 don't get squat lol. I swear this system is funny farm.
Until your post, I would have sworn I understood the entire points system. Now my psychologist will have to get out the dolls again...
No way! The stakes and intrigue in any given race are higher than ever before, thanks to this format. There’s nothing else like it on the planet.
Except there is ZERO evidence that it has had a real positive effect on viewership or public interest as a whole. The playoffs are only a big deal to the people that dreamed it up. To the rest of the world it's a collective Yaaaaaawwwwwwwnnnnnnn. :sleep:
I didn't know until the other day that not only does the winner of the regular season get 15 extra playoff points (I knew that ) But they count down with the next one 2nd place getting 10 Boo Boo points, 3rd place 9 on down the line.
So the top 10 season finishers get points and the other 6 don't get squat lol. I swear this system is funny farm.
I don’t think it helps that they don’t present the playoff grid with those prospective regular season championship points factored in at the end of each race. You effectively need to look at two different sets of points and put them together on your own to get the full picture of what the grid would look like if the playoffs started today. I think there’s a user who makes his own graphics on Reddit that makes things more clear - but it shouldn’t have to work that way.
Yet another vindication of the playoff format tonight! Drivers have never tried so hard to win a race. Winning a NASCAR Cup Series race has never meant more!
To think that Nascar drivers wouldn't race as hard for a less gimmicky point system is a disrespect for the drivers and crews who put the show on and fans alike. Now it's time to fudge up the points even more and shut out the rest of the field, never mind that some might possibly make late season runs, it's 17th or worse for you. Don't do better than that and mess our whole fantasy up.
Thanks for posting this @StandOnIt . I agree with the video. The Playoffs has defiantly taken away from winning individual races. Today's news is more about Brisco making the playoffs than winning The Southern 500. I been following Nascar since the early 80s and loved the old format. Sure once in a while you would have a race end under caution , however to me
that was more acceptable than the crash fest we have now. Now more often than not the best Team does not win do to all the end of race antics . Also the last race with one of four having a chance is more of a luck Champion than skill.
Thanks for posting this @StandOnIt . I agree with the video. The Playoffs has defiantly taken away from winning individual races. Today's news is more about Brisco making the playoffs than winning The Southern 500. I been following Nascar since the early 80s and loved the old format. Sure once in a while you would have a race end under caution , however to me
that was more acceptable than the crash fest we have now. Now more often than not the best Team does not win do to all the end of race antics . Also the last race with one of four having a chance is more of a luck Champion than skill.
This is exactly the "cinderella" stories that they were looking for with the "win and you are in" nonsense. Burton last week and now Briscoe a week later. Neither of these cars are anywhere close to top 16 cars. It was one heck of a race, I enjoyed it. But all of the fake fudged up points we are expected to swallow? Now we get the gerbils pointing out the incessantly detracting cut off line talk over the broadcasts. Oh they will have a word or two about the winner advancing, but most of the focus will be on the losers.
Except there is ZERO evidence that it has had a real positive effect on viewership or public interest as a whole. The playoffs are only a big deal to the people that dreamed it up. To the rest of the world it's a collective Yaaaaaawwwwwwwnnnnnnn. :sleep:
WRONG. I can't stand the "rest of us" stuff. This is not a board of five or six people. I freaking love the Playoffs and the format. I couldn't be more jacked.
Here is the regular season points before they fudge everything up. Top 20. Burton with a win is 34th

Here is the top 20 after poof it's magic reset.
I didn't know until the other day that not only does the winner of the regular season get 15 extra playoff points (I knew that ) But they count down with the next one 2nd place getting 10 Boo Boo points, 3rd place 9 on down the line.
So the top 10 season finishers get points and the other 6 don't get squat lol. I swear this system is funny farm.
Understandable. How could you understand the system when you have spent all of your time bitching about it?
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