My people once again have uncovered more shocking facts, the following exhibit is excerpt from Brians phone.....
Brians phone rings: Ring a ding ding dingy: Hello
Heltons; Brian, this is Mike. I have figured out how to handle this potty mouthed Clements kid. I am going to send him to few sessions with Richard LapChick. Shim has excellent reviews as a provider that provides a lot of bang for the buck.
Brians phone: Darn it those bad boys always get to have all the fun. Mike what does LapLady charge for a 3 hour intense session. Do you have a website with photos.
Mike: Just settle down, you already have a hired pool boy, chauffeur, and butler.
Just think about it Brian, that bigot is going have to see this LapChick and talk sweet to shim to get reinstated. It adds a whole new meaning to be screwed, or black balled.
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