Silly Season 2024

Oh he can, and he was. Hendrick wags the Chevy tail, and he damn well knows it. It is a given that Hendrick isn't a choir boy, and the legal system would back that up. Nobody has ever said Coach was a choir boy. He coached grown ass men on a football field. He might have cussed a time or two. The narrative that coach is a hypocrite is built upon a perception of who a Christian should be, and his business acumen.
Sure, Hendrick wields a LOT of power in the Chevy camp, and those 300 wins help tell you why, but so does Joe with Toyota (or at least he a did) and that means it was no less likely that he was able to kill off the upstart FRR then it was for Rick to put the fear of God into Justin Marks. Of course that's a claim only you are making, and I would suggest that if it DID happen, it didn't work very well, because there is only one HMS driver higher in the championship fight than Ross.
A major bag re-secured by JRM.

So much for the contention that JRM couldn't have found a way to bench the underwhelming Annett and still keep the sponsor. It's happening, it just took a little longer to fall into place than it should have.
The DBC knows more than the man himself. Got it. Come on man.
DBC has the balls to be non-pc about it. As was mentioned, FREDDIE WORKS FOR DENNY. The running joke is “Denny is great!” on the show no matter how boneheaded a move he pulls. Come on man. You’re way, way more intelligent than to take interviews at face value. I mean, I’m sure you think Chasie-poo really didn’t wreck Denny on purpose or have an issue with Larson because he said differently. Right? I mean, I can pull flat text quotes like “I didn’t have a problem with him.” when we all saw with our own eyes what happened.
Wouldn't that be like @StandOnIt ****ting on Kyle Busch and then turning around and being his biggest fanboy just because he went to Chevy? That could never happen they said.
I admit, I do find it really funny how he flipped a switch so quickly all because the man went to a Chevy. Kinda want to see Denny do it so he becomes a Denny fan next.
So much for the contention that JRM couldn't have found a way to bench the underwhelming Annett and still keep the sponsor. It's happening, it just took a little longer to fall into place than it should have.
TMC the largest flatbed trucking company and Pilot are intertwined by TMC trucks having the pilot/flyingJ fuel card. They both sponsored Sammy Smith. Annett retired from JRM shortly after his dad, who was president of TMC passed away two years ago. It's not beyond the realm that Annett's influence helped with the move and Smith came along. Smith isn't setting the world on fire in Xfinity considering he was driving the 18 Yota. I think he will be better than Annett was, but he isn't a blue chip driver at the present time.
Oh he can, and he was. Hendrick wags the Chevy tail, and he damn well knows it. It is a given that Hendrick isn't a choir boy, and the legal system would back that up. Nobody has ever said Coach was a choir boy. He coached grown ass men on a football field. He might have cussed a time or two. The narrative that coach is a hypocrite is built upon a perception of who a Christian should be, and his business acumen.

JMO but you’re reading too much into this Hendrick thing. Rick was sick and tired of seeing his equipment torn up by the same guy. Who can blame him?

I believe the felony Rick Hendrick was pardoned for was mail fraud or something of that nature. Essentially he paid Honda reps so he could increase his discretionary allotment of Honda vehicles. This has been standard practice in the car business for years.

Normally the factory reps will make you take a bunch of slow sellers in order to get an extra allocation of the good stuff but sometimes they demand more. This was the case with Rick Hendrick. Basically the Honda reps held an auction for extra vehicles and Hendrick won the auction.

If you’re really wanting to attack someone for being a felon you should Google Gene Haas and see what landed him a 2 year Federal sentence.
TMC the largest flatbed trucking company and Pilot are intertwined by TMC trucks having the pilot/flyingJ fuel card. They both sponsored Sammy Smith. Annett retired from JRM shortly after his dad, who was president of TMC passed away two years ago. It's not beyond the realm that Annett's influence helped with the move and Smith came along. Smith isn't setting the world on fire in Xfinity considering he was driving the 18 Yota. I think he will be better than Annett was, but he isn't a blue chip driver at the present time.
I'm actually pretty high on Sammy. He impressed me very early on and I think the ceiling is pretty high for him. As far as the Annett thing, all I'm pointing out is that there were some here contending that Annett could not be replaced as the driver and still keep the sponsorship. Turns out that was likely never the case at all. If I were Dale, I would have been trying to slide Annett into a very limited schedule and put a full time driver into his fully sponsored #1 car.
The Reddit thread on this seems pretty convinced that KBM itself is being sold and that Kyle is leaving the Truck Series.
Kyle has said many times when he semi retires, he is going after a Truck Championship, the only one he doesn't have. He is going to put Brexton in the seat when he is ready. Childress's headquarters is over an hour away from Charlotte and everything is there and a consolidation to all of it being under one roof is good business. Kyle isn't running 4 trucks next year I don't think.
As far as the Annett thing, all I'm pointing out is that there were some here contending that Annett could not be replaced as the driver and still keep the sponsorship. Turns out that was likely never the case at all. If I were Dale, I would have been trying to slide Annett into a very limited schedule and put a full time driver into his fully sponsored #1 car.
Yeah you can see here Pilot and in the back a TMC truck. They pretty much come together. I hope Sammy Smith will improve, he doesn't have hardly any experience from CARS up, pretty much skipped the Trucks, so it's possible he will get better with more racing. I suspect he has some deep pockets behind him.

Annett's family is invested into Sammy, young man is talented and has already been impressive for the most part.

I think Sammy is actually a cousin of Micahel Annett. I maybe wrong, but I think that's why the connection is there.
Annett's family is invested into Sammy, young man is talented and has already been impressive for the most part.

I think Sammy is actually a cousin of Micahel Annett. I maybe wrong, but I think that's why the connection is there.

Yeah I was wondering about the connection. I was guessing that maybe Sammy's dad was a big wig at TMC. :idunno:I'll believe the talent part if he shows it. Kelly isn't any dummy she consistently gets good talent for JRM and that isn't ju$t on the track. They have good backing.
Yeah you can see here Pilot and in the back a TMC truck. They pretty much come together. I hope Sammy Smith will improve, he doesn't have hardly any experience from CARS up, pretty much skipped the Trucks, so it's possible he will get better with more racing. I suspect he has some deep pockets behind him.

A win, 12 top tens and sixth in points, I'll take that. Far better than the much more experienced Brandon Jones, and better than Mayer until lately. You could basically argue it's better than Berry this year, who has run well but has little to show for it.
A win, 12 top tens and sixth in points, I'll take that. Far better than the much more experienced Brandon Jones, and better than Mayer until lately. You could basically argue it's better than Berry this year, who has run well but has little to show for it.
7 wins, 15 top 5's and 21 top 10's driving the same stuff in the 20 car if you want to start throwing driver comparisons around.
Compared to 1 win 5 top 5's and 12 top 10's .
Ty Gibbs with only 8 races has statistics as good as Sammy Smith with 1 win 5 top 5's and 6 top 10's.

Don't get me wrong I'm not hating on Sammy Smith, I'm saying he is unproven from lack of experience.
It's safe to say Smith is carrying in a big bag of money with TMC/Pilot. They were primary for years for Annett and we all know he wasn't at Jr's for his winning ways.
DBC has the balls to be non-pc about it. As was mentioned, FREDDIE WORKS FOR DENNY. The running joke is “Denny is great!” on the show no matter how boneheaded a move he pulls. Come on man. You’re way, way more intelligent than to take interviews at face value. I mean, I’m sure you think Chasie-poo really didn’t wreck Denny on purpose or have an issue with Larson because he said differently. Right? I mean, I can pull flat text quotes like “I didn’t have a problem with him.” when we all saw with our own eyes what happened.
Nice stretch.
Sure, Hendrick wields a LOT of power in the Chevy camp, and those 300 wins help tell you why, but so does Joe with Toyota (or at least he a did) and that means it was no less likely that he was able to kill off the upstart FRR then it was for Rick to put the fear of God into Justin Marks. Of course that's a claim only you are making, and I would suggest that if it DID happen, it didn't work very well, because there is only one HMS driver higher in the championship fight than Ross.
Interesting take. Acknowledging that the manufacturer stirs the drink doesn't sit well with my man @StandOnIt. Fascinating read on Coach. Is your source @StandOnIt post that he has a diminished voice with alliances. Wouldn't be the first time that absolute bull**** was taken as a statement of fact around here.
Yes, that’s what I said?
Yep, I know....backing up what you said. I like it though....Manufacturer pride passion necessitates some degree of dislike for the competition. I respect his take on Kyle. I said for years that I would drop KB like a hot rock if he left Toyota, and I did. He came to KB when he went to Chevy. @StandOnIt are more alike than different. He will hate that I said that, but I'm not wrong. Have said repeatedly that I would pick him as the poster I would most like to attend a race with.
I'm wrong, KBM is getting bought out:

Spire is expanding and has deep pockets, sell while the bidding is high. Happy for Kyle, sucks to see KBM go, but man it must be a pretty penny offered here.

Kyle had to have gotten a lot of money because he seemed pretty set on keeping KBM open for Brexton. This is definitely a Trackhouse buying Ganassi move.

GMS and KBM leaving at the end of the season is also huge for the Truck Series.
Kyle had to have gotten a lot of money because he seemed pretty set on keeping KBM open for Brexton. This is definitely a Trackhouse buying Ganassi move.

GMS and KBM leaving at the end of the season is also huge for the Truck Series.
Group 1001 has DEEP pockets.

Seems like Spire (REV with Nick Sanchez), Niece, and BMR will be the primary GM organizations come next season. A pretty big shift in the series.
Yeah, it had to be an amount of money that Kyle would’ve been an idiot to turn down
It makes you wonder what they are getting for their money. Does anybody know where GMS's stuff is going? Perhaps could have just bought that stuff. Start up from scratch costs for a truck team, especially for a team already in the game doesn't seem like that much, unless they are getting a bunch of Chevy money and drivers under contract to Chevy in the deal.
Probably a good time for Kyle to get out, that team is definitely weaker now without TRD support and I don’t think it’s worth it to him to keep taking midpack funded drivers just for the sake of keeping the operation alive.
JMO but you’re reading too much into this Hendrick thing. Rick was sick and tired of seeing his equipment torn up by the same guy. Who can blame him?

I believe the felony Rick Hendrick was pardoned for was mail fraud or something of that nature. Essentially he paid Honda reps so he could increase his discretionary allotment of Honda vehicles. This has been standard practice in the car business for years.

Normally the factory reps will make you take a bunch of slow sellers in order to get an extra allocation of the good stuff but sometimes they demand more. This was the case with Rick Hendrick. Basically the Honda reps held an auction for extra vehicles and Hendrick won the auction.

If you’re really wanting to attack someone for being a felon you should Google Gene Haas and see what landed him a 2 year Federal sentence.

Just to be clear here, Revman started the whole "The Felon" shtick because a Hendrick fan on here kept calling Joe Gibbs "The Preacher" and had nicknames for other JGR drivers. It's a funny shtick, just like the "Lost a Step" threads and the "B+ driver" thing.

I've called Gene Haas "The Felon II" on here before.
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