Email says stuff will be here today. Now we wait. No particular rush which is why I ordered the winch from HF instead of driving to pick it up from maybe 8 miles away. Jonesing to start on this thing. Trying to wait till the weather settles a little.
Decided first step will be build new floor @ 12 foot long (use screws at end so can adjust length), verify/adjust rafters as needed on new floor, remove whole roof from existing structure. Then can do layout on existing walls to accurately get the length correct. The OG shed IS ten foot but that's outside measurement that requires little jiggling of 24" centers for rafters. Has 5/8 siding. That "adds" 1.25 inches so they fudged the rafters/walls just a little so it technically IS a 10 foot box (outside measurement). Only matters when doing layout I suppose. Intend to end up with 20-22 foot length with framing being that measurement. The trim will cover any gaps in the wall sheeting which is tongue & groove. More concerned with getting the roof done correctly, whatever that means.
One thing seen of new shed builds is, they seem to build walls in 4' sections. Uses an extra wall stud every 4 feet. No sure of the reasoning for this unless they don't trust their layout guy. Eight foot section is I I II I I. Need to lay some boards out and see why/what they are doing. Assume they pulling one end in 3/4" to get siding spacing correct? Which IS the normal procedure. IDK?
Did I mention how much a suck at this stuff? Did I mention how much I over-think this stuff? Did I mention how much I like Hardee's Hotdogs?