Texas RACE thread

JJ and his team are so good I just think the whole deal is over. They dont make mistakes.
You can't compare Johnson to Earnhardt Sr or to Petty or to any of the other greats. They were great drivers in their own respective eras. In THIS era of NASCAR, Jimmie Johnson is the Greatness, DWI.

I agree on that. He is the best of his time.

But that isn't what's being discussed is it? Personally I was talking about being one of the best overall. Someone, most likely Andy went on and changed the subject to include all kinds of irrelevant stats that doesn't work with today's current way of the sport.
Not that I necessarily am wishing for this, but if something bad happens to JJ, Junior wins.
This boys, is what it looks like when NASCAR doesn't intervene in the natural order of a race.
Here's a logical comparison: Do you think Jeff Gordon forgot how to drive when Evernham left?
The answer is no. When Evernham left, the winning combination left.
You win as a team and you lose as a team.
DJ just hit the nail on the head about this whole personality debate we're having.
Here's a logical comparison: Do you think Jeff Gordon forgot how to drive when Evernham left?
The answer is no. When Evernham left, the winning combination left.
You win as a team and you lose as a team.

When Evernham left, Gordon won another championship and contended for several more.
I'm entertained, I dunno about you. I'm entertained by the race. Honestly I find the interviews to be boring, no matter who's talking.

Even this one? ;)

I do believe JJ is one of the best of all time. I judge that by dominance over the best racing in that era. Sure Petty had some cheap wins, but all that '60 races a year' stuff Andy posted is pure nonsense.
Congrats to JJ fans. Now that he has a nice point lead, it will be real tough for Matt to catch him.
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