I 'm not arguing anything, junior, and you keep putting words in my mouth, I have nothing against M'ville, said so when I posted the pic. But if I did, I am man enough to keep my mouth shut and not whine like a baby on the race thread so others can enjoy the race. Be a man and keep your mouth shut. I think you've got to have a serious mental problem to watch something you can't stand to watch and bitch the whole time.
What I said was that at small tracks with 80 thousand they look full..and they are. A track like Texas can have 80 thousand and look empty. You get 80 thousand for a ball game and nobody bitches, baseball parks are for the most part
empty, so why the constant wank from your happy ass about attendance every week anyway. I have to think it is nothing but a troll job...BTW here is a current pic of Texas race, like it makes a hoot. Remember you are the one crying about almost every track
Nascar has, calling for the demise of the racing, wanting tracks and venues constantly changed, and predicting doom and gloom to whomever will listen. But remember this Jr., I will call you on your B.S. every time, I have forgotten more about racing then you
know, have been and participated in more races than you have even thought about going to. Now, take a look with your little beady eyes, that isn't but half way down the front stretch about at the finish line. You have never been to Texas, but you are a Texas
attendance expert, I have been there many times, back when you were crapping yellow I was here. If all you have been to are small tracks, you have no idea how large these venues are. Here's the freakin link : there is my proof, I'm done