The several odd light rods you are reading about is the edited for public consumption version, how they want the official news release to read. The company I quoted above is not in the business of making mistakes. If you ask them to "shave" rods for you they will do it for a price. Why I do not know because when you get caught using them first thing you do is blame them for making a so-called "mistake" and their reputation gets run through the meat grinder of public opinion too.
Suppose NASCAR has seen these rods show up in post race inspection before, let's say Texas. It is not unusual with something like this for a NASCAR inspector to quietly admonish the team to not bring them back thus giving them the benefit of the doubt if you will, perhaps not all that far removed from judging "intent" we saw questioned here earlier. You come back with them again anyway and it gets serious in a hurry. NASCAR does not play games after you have been warned meaning in my thinking anyway the punishment fits the crime. IMO TRD may have been trying to see how far they could push NASCAR and it blew up in their face.