Truck RACE thread --- Mosport

To say JHN has no talent is asinine. The kids good, he's won other races in much lesser equipment than what a lot of these top dog teams are running.

I think it looked a lot worse than it was. They probably got hooked together and couldn't get off each other without lifting, but why lift when you feel it's a chance of a lifetime?

Easy to say you would have done this or you would have done that without actually being behind the wheel. It's just racing. The kid is young. I think he'll be just fine.

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To say JHN has no talent is asinine. The kids good, he's won other races in much lesser equipment than what a lot of these top dog teams are running.

I think it looked a lot worse than it was. They probably got hooked together and couldn't get off each other without lifting, but why lift when you feel it's a chance of a lifetime?

Easy to say you would have done this or you would have done that without actually being behind the wheel. It's just racing. The kid is young. I think he'll be just fine.

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That in bold.

I think Custer should not even be in this position with a JRM truck. He's been up and down all year, but yesterday was by far his best shot to win.
A pal of mine tells me one of the racing historians calling the event yesterday got the back-in-the-day Rudd-Allison encounter on the road thing in California backwards as to which did what and finished where.

Can anyone confirm?
I saw an abbreviated clip of the incident and from the angle it showed I immediately thought JHN was at fault but after seeing the last 2 laps I have changed my mind. CC should have had the race under complete control after JHN spun his tires in the restart but JHN wanted the checkers more than CC did and left nothing on the table in trying to secure a win. The kid is fighting for funding and for his future in cup and the contact was for the win so I get it.
blows my mind that so many people in nascar are upset with JHN for what he did

guess that shows how soft this sport has gotten

If I am a team owner and I need a wheel man I am looking at JHN as you can teach many things but not the will to win.
I saw an abbreviated clip of the incident and from the angle it showed I immediately thought JHN was at fault but after seeing the last 2 laps I have changed my mind. CC should have had the race under complete control after JHN spun his tires in the restart but JHN wanted the checkers more than CC did and left nothing on the table in trying to secure a win. The kid is fighting for funding and for his future in cup and the contact was for the win so I get it.

Some like it, some might turn there nose up.

He's got that no quit attitude like his dad though and that's commendable.
There’s a vid of Nemechek taking the other guy’s charge.

If that ain’t a walk-on trying to make the roster as a special teams kick return defender I don’t know what is. Damned good open field tackle.
Some like it, some might turn there nose up.

He's got that no quit attitude like his dad though and that's commendable.

At the end of the day I want a driver that wants to win the race. I don't follow the truck series but understand JHN is already in the chase so finishing second or third would have been no biggie. On the other hand I understand CC needs to win a race to make the chase yet he could not summon what he needed to accomplish that..........advantage JHN.
Please explain why it was "Way" worse.

Um probably because in one case the guy went head on into the wall and totaled his truck getting a DNF, in scenario two it was side by side bumping and banging for the win and the other driver still finished 2nd. If you can't see the difference then I can't help you
Didn't watch the race but watched the clips of the finish and the tackle.

I really liked JHN before this, but honestly when he said "I caught the 00 and I didn't wreck him, rubbin's racin", I was like you've gotta be kidding me. Bumpin' and rubbin' is fine and good, but John-Hunter flatout turned hard left into the side of Cole, and before that in the last corner his "bump" was really dirty too.

It's gonna be some kind of sport when these kids all end up in Cup and the older drivers are all retired playing golf.
Didn't watch the race but watched the clips of the finish and the tackle.

I really liked JHN before this, but honestly when he said "I caught the 00 and I didn't wreck him, rubbin's racin", I was like you've gotta be kidding me. Bumpin' and rubbin' is fine and good, but John-Hunter flatout turned hard left into the side of Cole, and before that in the last corner his "bump" was really dirty too.

It's gonna be some kind of sport when these kids all end up in Cup and the older drivers are all retired playing golf.

I respect your opinion and I don't know if you have seen a longer clip of the last lap on YouTube but if not it is worth checking out as the first clip I saw was so short I could not get perspective. As far as JHN's comments go he should have said "I wanted the win badly and thought I had blown it when I spun my tires on the restart. Once I got by Gallagher and was in second place I thought I might have a chance and as soon as I could see the checkers I made contact with CC and we finished 1-2."
i love the fact that people are saying well JHN is already in teh chase he should have just settled for second

thats why the chase is stupid
Um probably because in one case the guy went head on into the wall and totaled his truck getting a DNF, in scenario two it was side by side bumping and banging for the win and the other driver still finished 2nd. If you can't see the difference then I can't help you

Ty finished on the lead lap, he was running and didn't DNF. Ty was running out of gas, his grew chief told him to let the 94 go.
A pal of mine tells me one of the racing historians calling the event yesterday got the back-in-the-day Rudd-Allison encounter on the road thing in California backwards as to which did what and finished where.

Can anyone confirm?

Yes it was backwards reporting last night.. Rudd actually spun Davey Allison and they finished or took the checkerd flag P1 and P2 in that order. But Rudd was penalized a few seconds (five seconds I think) and Davey was recognized by Nascar as the winner, Rudd was scored with second place in the final rundown.
The overreaction by the media, drivers and fans to this is ridiculous. I'm a JHN fan and thought it was dirty, but come on people. You'd think this was the first time someone roughed up another driver going for the win.

Chase Elliott took out Ty Dillon in 2013 to win. His career has survived and he's one of the more popular drivers in the sport. JHN will be fine. As will Custer. People will move on over time and find something else to be outraged over.

Except for the 00 guys lol
I have to say , I thought it was a pretty good race and a great finish . JHN spun his tires , he passed the second place truck cleanly , and caught Custer from a long way back . Clearly he was the faster truck . He tried a bump and run , but it didn't work , tried it again and they about wrecked . Neither driver would give in , good hard racin . Hope Mr. Hendrick was watching .
But if we listen to the hyperbolic outrage, JHN should have his license revoked. Perma banned.

Which case, anybody that makes an aggressive move or goes all out for the win in NASCAR racing should be penalized.

I'm tired of fans bitching about boring racing and guys being satisfied with 2nd. Then throwing a tantrum when guys like Keselowski make aggressive moves to win and create an exciting finish.
Thanks, y'all.

I remember the race well. I was listening to MRN via a Walkman. Talking to Ward Burton at an event in Norfolk when it went down.

Didn't see the event yesterday, just the stuff posted on YouTube to see what all the fuss was about. There wasn't any talk about the Rudd-Allison thing in those.
What Chase did to Dillon was way worse
What Chase did to Dillon was equally dirty as what JHN did to Custer. Both were blatantly dirty moves by drivers not close enough or fast enough to execute a successful bump-and-run. The real difference is that Chase Elliott had the balls to own up to his dirty driving, and Nemechek didn't.

I'm all for aggressive driving. There is a line between aggressive and dirty. This deal was not near the line. It was clearly over the line, was clearly dirty driving.

I'm a fan of Chase Elliott, but was pissed about him wrecking Dillon. I got over it. I've been a Nemechek fan too, but I'm pissed at JHN. I'll probably get over that too, especially if he "owns" his mistake. I don't like Dillon, don't like Custer, but they are the two who were victims of dirty driving at Mosport's last turn.

LMAO about guys saying this is OK because Smoke wrecked Brian Scott and Bowyer wrecked Almirola in dirty moves. No, not OK. Those were both punk, bully moves (unless there was substantive prior provocation that NBC didn't show).
Thanks, y'all.

I remember the race well. I was listening to MRN via a Walkman. Talking to Ward Burton at an event in Norfolk when it went down.

Didn't see the event yesterday, just the stuff posted on YouTube to see what all the fuss was about. There wasn't any talk about the Rudd-Allison thing in those.

I think the talk or (mis)represention you are referring to happened during the Suthern 500 TV broadcast. I heard them refer to it as when Davey spun out Rudd, and knew they had it backasswards then. I just dont remember the exact timing or time stamp etc to Zapruder it.
Keeping tabs on everyone who's "fine with this." and hope to never see them upset over any finish ever that does with wrecking someone. Anything to win right?
It's just NASCAR fan hypocrisy. We're all guilty of it.

I agree. with one caveat that i think explains my perspective...

when and where I grew up there was barely enough money for guys to get their car to the track. and when some one decided to trash the guy in front of him instead of passing clean you could be sure payback was coming.

maybe all the money available, with stables of cars, means a driver never has to learn how to pass any more. just get to the bumper and drive through them. someone else is paying and working to get the ride ready for next week. the driver just has to bring his helmet.
I was right there and I didnt even realize Custer went and tackled him until I got home and saw it online lol was too busy trying to help pack the hauler up n get outta there in time to make it home for the cup race
I was right there and I didnt even realize Custer went and tackled him until I got home and saw it online lol was too busy trying to help pack the hauler up n get outta there in time to make it home for the cup race

I think you had the better experience by actually being a participant.
Looks like the majority has spoken.

The sadder part is both trucks have low funded sponsors. Even John's dad struggled with sponsors.
The sadder part is both trucks have low funded sponsors. Even John's dad struggled with sponsors.
You don't have to water down the sport because teams can't fix their equipment. If you don't have the money. find another sand box to play in.
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