Walking Dead - It's almost time

Season 1 7 episodes
Season 2 14 episodes + 1 season recap
Season 3 16 episodes + 1 season recap
Season 4 16 episode + 1 season recap
Season 5 11 episodes so far
Maybe just 5 more episodes, 6 counting the recap before the break.
I can't wait to see what this new character is about. He looks like he walked in from behind the cameras. What the????????
Ya...it's like he's too clean to have been wandering around for some time...WTH???
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It's like they have no hope or direction...they're just wandering around, exsisting. WUWT?
It's like they have no hope or direction...they're just wandering around, exsisting. WUWT?

The trees and the music box were demonstrations of hope. Along with Judith. IMHO anyway
Judith aka little ass kicker has to be the quietest baby ever. I have twin grandsons who just turned 10 months old. You better have their food ready when they want/need or there's hell to pay:)
Ya...it's like he's too clean to have been wandering around for some time...WTH???

So big question.. where has he been? and the water he left for them looks like it just came off the assembly line.

P.S. I think I know where he has been from reading spoilers. Not telling here.
Rick dropped the ball tonight, this place is too good to be true ........................... I think its a new kind of hell they have wandered in to
Something is definitely not right.

Agreed, I am still trying to figure out what and they didnt give us to many clues, one thing I am sure of is this new place is not the utopia some of the clan think it is. At least Rick stashed a gun on the outside ....................... we gonna see it again I bet
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Agreed, I am still trying to figure out what and they didnt give us to many clues, one thing I am sure of is this new place is not the utopia some of the clan think it is. At least Rick stashed a gun on the outside ....................... we gonna see it again I bet

Yeah. One little gun is better than nothing. Rick remains skeptical but everyone wants to do this.
I cant blame them, their lives havent been that great

It has been really bad lately. I was looking forward to a few episodes of utopia, like at the prison. But... we are getting close to the season finale I think. I wonder if they will be there for the cliff hanger.
Enjoyed the episode...nice shot of rick with baby and gun
Ok, the RV was closely following the car until they entered a Walk-a-thon hitting who knows how many. Then, where did the RV go? Rick, Glen, Michone were left to fend for themselves with the new guy. RV was right behind them one minute then ??????????
Rick asked Michone if she heard anything when she approached the prison and then Terminus, she said no.
I didn't hear anything when they entered the gate although I had the volume low so my wife could slee. Someone said they heard kids playing?
No people in the photos?
Something's rotten in Demark...

One last thing, I've had boats most of my life and was required to carry flares. I recognized that Olin flare gun. Not fer nuttin but the thought of firing a flare similar to a 12 gauge shotgun shell out of a plastic pistol....nah I'll sink.
Ok, the RV was closely following the car until they entered a Walk-a-thon hitting who knows how many. Then, where did the RV go? Rick, Glen, Michone were left to fend for themselves with the new guy. RV was right behind them one minute then ??????????
Rick asked Michone if she heard anything when she approached the prison and then Terminus, she said no.
I didn't hear anything when they entered the gate although I had the volume low so my wife could slee. Someone said they heard kids playing?
No people in the photos?
Something's rotten in Demark...

One last thing, I've had boats most of my life and was required to carry flares. I recognized that Olin flare gun. Not fer nuttin but the thought of firing a flare similar to a 12 gauge shotgun shell out of a plastic pistol....nah I'll sink.

I think the driver of the RV saw what was coming before they got into it and turned around. I heard kids playing too. I have wonder if it was real though because no pictures of any other people? highly suspicious.
It has been really bad lately. I was looking forward to a few episodes of utopia, like at the prison. But... we are getting close to the season finale I think. I wonder if they will be there for the cliff hanger.

Who knows with that show, surely they wont have it easy for too long, that would be boring
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I agree it would be boring but I need a rest. :beerbang:

Not for long though!

Yep, that show can be pretty intense, the way they live would be pretty tough at best. I dont understand why they havent built their own fortress to live in, choosing a location near a food and water supply would be hard but it could be done
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Ok, the RV was closely following the car until they entered a Walk-a-thon hitting who knows how many. Then, where did the RV go? Rick, Glen, Michone were left to fend for themselves with the new guy. RV was right behind them one minute then ??????????
Rick asked Michone if she heard anything when she approached the prison and then Terminus, she said no.
I didn't hear anything when they entered the gate although I had the volume low so my wife could slee. Someone said they heard kids playing?
No people in the photos?
Something's rotten in Demark...

One last thing, I've had boats most of my life and was required to carry flares. I recognized that Olin flare gun. Not fer nuttin but the thought of firing a flare similar to a 12 gauge shotgun shell out of a plastic pistol....nah I'll sink.

I shot one of those things but I only did it once............... I am really not interested in doing it again
Giving up their weapons? If Aaron has checked them out by watching them he must figure they're ok, or have something his groups needs, so why ask for their weapons?
Is this Terminus Part II? Last show of this season they'll be on the road again. With at least one less member. Betcha

I've seen metal flare guns on commercial fishing boats
. I dont understand why they havent built their own fortress to live in, choosing a location near a food and water....

well, I think it's because they're so set on making it tio DC, that they just don't want to settle for any length of time....jmo
they're (writers/producers) are pretty good at whacking a popular person...I wonder who they'll lose at the cliffhanger....?
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My guess is this is the sanctuary they have been seeking. However it will be poorly ran leaving Rick and the gang a choice to make. They will be asked to give up their weapons to the community as everything belongs to the community and is checked out as needed. However Rick and the gang will seek their weapons and take over leadership of the poorly ran community.

They will soon find out that they are not alone, that there are many other communities like theirs. And so on even a kingdom. They will now strive to bring the communities together for the benefit of the people, but what or who will stand in their way?
. I dont understand why they havent built their own fortress to live in, choosing a location near a food and water....

They had a fortress, the prison. If the governor hadn't attacked and destroyed it I doubt they would still be there. You're going to run out of places you can scavenge for supplies no matter where you are. Sooner or later you need to move on.

btw, what ever happened to all the old folks they brought to the prison from Woodbury?
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I've been cruising the internet. I'm getting ideas what's to come.

I can't help myself. I do the same with Big Brother. I already know what's going to happen every show but the live evictions. :director:
Don't go there. REPEAT DON'T GO THERE.
Don't read the following suggestion!!!!

But if you use Yahoo or Google and search


''walking dead leave Alexandria''
You might gain some insight.
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Don't go there. REPEAT DON'T GO THERE.
Don't read the following suggestion!!!!

But if you use Yahoo or Google and search


''walking dead leave Alexandria''
You might gain some insight.

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