Weather check-in

Local temp at

5:05 PM today.. I'm staying mostly inside..


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Rained last night in DC and Waldorf from 7-11. Didn't start raining at the track until 10:30 but it was enough to postpone the remaining events.
Rained last night in DC and Waldorf from 7-11. Didn't start raining at the track until 10:30 but it was enough to postpone the remaining events.

Didn't rain in Richmond until well after all the races and qualifying were over. Although there were some severe stroms in the area, but the plit the track. Interesting drive home though, with some neat looking lightning all the way.
Mid 70's and SUNNY!!!

Ironically racing tonight may be cancelled, with all the seemingly non-stop rain we've had water is seeping out of the cracks and seams of the track.
you know it's summer in texas, when your milk turns to cream cheese the second you open the refridgerator door

hit 105 here, and was 93 degrees at 10 PM
Way to cold here for July. Its like 53 degrees, it should never be this cold in July, that is a March temperature.

Even on these cool streaks, I refuse to get out of my shorts and flip-flops.:D
75', mostly sunny, relative humility :)D)35%, winds 6-10 mph

Alledgedly supposed to be like this the rest of the week:D
Hey Mag, saw a story on the news last night that I laughed my butt off over. The subject was the heat and drought of Texas. They interviewed people on the street and one of the older ladies they talked to said something like this..."It's Texas and gets hot so get used to it!"

Every year, without exception, it seems that the news media is surprised that it gets hot in the summer.
Maybe Mike and I should work on that......

We have a black frying pan I could set on the roof of my truck and fry an egg in....haha
buck, you reminded me of something --

I haven't yet seen the obligatory frying of an egg on the sidewalk.

I tried that last summer in Vegas when it was 108 degrees.I told my son that it was hot enough to fry an egg.Left it out there on the sidewalk for 50 mins. and it looked the same as it did when we started.Go figure.
I tried that last summer in Vegas when it was 108 degrees.I told my son that it was hot enough to fry an egg.Left it out there on the sidewalk for 50 mins. and it looked the same as it did when we started.Go figure.
you gotta cheat.

Leave your car and a frying pan in your driveway at 10 am, then at 12:30, put the frying pan on the roof and throw an egg in it.

(and hope the metals got at least to 140 degrees :p)
you gotta cheat.

Leave your car and a frying pan in your driveway at 10 am, then at 12:30, put the frying pan on the roof and throw an egg in it.

(and hope the metals got at least to 140 degrees :p)

I'll try that next time at least that way will be easier to clean up.:rolleyes:
at 7:15 am, it's 91 with the heat index...the outlook for the day is HOT
Sorry guys, I hate the cold. I love the heat. I never complain of heat. I would rather sweat anyday than have to put on coats, hats, and gloves. That is no good.

After being stationed in Alaska for 3 years in the service made me hate the cold even more.

I guess I must be in the minority here. When I retire, Im heading to Arizona!
This explains why your southron folk are so big on smoking meat. The damn sidewalk is near hot enough to do it all by it's self. I'm looking at nearly 2 bags of charcoal for a brisket, and you guys barely have to have it lit.
This explains why your southron folk are so big on smoking meat. The damn sidewalk is near hot enough to do it all by it's self. I'm looking at nearly 2 bags of charcoal for a brisket, and you guys barely have to have it lit.

We only use the charcoal to get the wood burning good!

And, DR, there is hot and then there is HOT. The first hot is fine, but the second HOT is when you walk outside and the heat just sucks the breath right out of you.
Sorry guys, I hate the cold. I love the heat. I never complain of heat. I would rather sweat anyday than have to put on coats, hats, and gloves. That is no good.

After being stationed in Alaska for 3 years in the service made me hate the cold even more.

I guess I must be in the minority here. When I retire, Im heading to Arizona!

I used to love the heat but ever since my heart problems every year it gets harder to handle the heat.
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