Rained last night in DC and Waldorf from 7-11. Didn't start raining at the track until 10:30 but it was enough to postpone the remaining events.
DR, I'll be polite and won't tell you what to do with your 53 degrees.![]()
what TRL said
You find me cuddly too? Yikes!!!
suuuuuuure. I'll believe it when I see it.I hear this weekend maybe highs in the 90's
buck, you reminded me of something --
I haven't yet seen the obligatory frying of an egg on the sidewalk.
you gotta cheat.I tried that last summer in Vegas when it was 108 degrees.I told my son that it was hot enough to fry an egg.Left it out there on the sidewalk for 50 mins. and it looked the same as it did when we started.Go figure.
you gotta cheat.
Leave your car and a frying pan in your driveway at 10 am, then at 12:30, put the frying pan on the roof and throw an egg in it.
(and hope the metals got at least to 140 degrees)
This explains why your southron folk are so big on smoking meat. The damn sidewalk is near hot enough to do it all by it's self. I'm looking at nearly 2 bags of charcoal for a brisket, and you guys barely have to have it lit.
Sorry guys, I hate the cold. I love the heat. I never complain of heat. I would rather sweat anyday than have to put on coats, hats, and gloves. That is no good.
After being stationed in Alaska for 3 years in the service made me hate the cold even more.
I guess I must be in the minority here. When I retire, Im heading to Arizona!