What are you thinking right now?

I'm thinking that waking up after about 3 hours sleep or so and not being able to get back to sleep sucks. This happens to me every now and then.
I suppose I oughta start charging my batteries. Always waiting till the last minute
I'm am thinking I will be almost a married gal next week this time.
I am thinking the weather for my wedding day is looking good. It will be hot, but no rain.
I'm thinking I am loving the fact that I have off work for the next two weeks.
I'm thinking about how nice it is to have a book I'm reading be so good that I think about it a lot when I'm not reading it.
I'm thinking about how bad it would be if I just didn't shower before my myofascial therapy treatment in a little bit. I just don't wanna for some reason. Ever been there?
Hoping my mom's doctor visit goes well tomorrow. Hope she is just feeling scar tissue from the surgery earlier this year. I sure don't want to see her go through the chemotherapy again.
I'm thinking that the grocery store is going to be jam-packed because it is Labor Day, but I need to go anyway
Be careful with find and replace. Used it to remove Tom from a document, and inadvertently turned all my customers into cusers.
I love Camp Crystal Lake. I have a spot 1.3 miles from work, in a grove of trees overlooking a small lake. Hardly anyone goes back there, and I can park on just a slight incline, directly overlooking the lake, open the doors or windows on the truck, and nap my ass off for lunch:)
I am thinking I have the most wonderful husband in the whole world.
I'm thinking I have to go change the battery in my truck while wearing a shirt and tie. Sucks, it does.
I'm thinking that whoever invented german chocolate cake is underappreciated for their contributions to society.
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