Xfinity RACE thread

Dale Jr is in the back a lap down with 12 to go. Why is all the attention on him?

wha? actions detrimental to stock car racing?:rolleyes:

No, just something that made there be another caution. Maybe it's not fair that Chase has his day ended when he would still be abler to drive, but , yea, another caution just slows the race down, manufactures the event.

I see your point of view, but yeah.
Oh god I hope Kyle is okay

F*ck NASCAR for not putting SAFER barrier on every wall of every track.
That is why full time NASCAR regulars should not be racing with guys who aren't on their level.

It's dumb.
Kyle looks he took a beating , glad he is ok
******** that was hard hit for Kyle
Head on hit. Wow

Safer berrier to the rescue no doubt?
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