Well … off the top of my head:
Printed and electronic PDF copies of the original Charter agreement, a legal list of all signatories, any and all subsequent amendments to the original agreement including, but not limited to, the charter earnings structure and any technical / assembly issues centered around the safety and performance aspects of the Nextgen car.
Copies of any and all correspondence between NASCAR, the RTA, the owner’ bargaining committee, individual teams and / or their bargaining representatives that has occurred since the inception of the charter system.
Copies of transcribed summaries of all meetings, telephone conversations and any other verbal communication that occurred between some or all of the parties having anything to do with the charter agreement renewal process.
Kessler and his squadron of coiffed, expensively dressed secondary attorneys and legal assistants will file into the courtroom carrying banker’s boxes filled with meticulously organized file folders filled with DOCUMENTS. lol