One thing is for sure, as someone said, you ain't never going to get everyone to agree with anything. I read recently that a judge threw out a suit filed by retired NFL players, saying the NFLPA wasn't a union during the lock out and couldn't talk for the retirees. At the end of the story, the writer said something to the effect, NASCAR and the France family might have something right. One way or another, it's the only game in town at present and trying to get another stock car series up and running is all but impossible. Not even ARCA can compete with NASCAR on a national level. And of course the reason is coverage and sponsorship. Many here have only known the Cup series as being something that could be seen on TV each and every race. But it wasn't always that way. ESPN is responsible for the rise of NASCAR as we know it today because they are the ones who began to televise more and more races live. That is the most important thing, being televised nationally. Without that, NASCAR would be much like it was in the 70's, and for many older fans, much better. I can't say the France family is doing the best job, but I can say that if we put together a committee of just the members of this board to run the series, it wouldn't go anywhere. There is such a divide in the fan base as to what and where to take the series and how to get it done. While Brian France is the head of NASCAR, to think that he doesn't have the sport in it's best interest is just ludicrous. There are probably any number of advisors that he has to listen to as well as sponsors, owners and of course drivers, not to mention the fans.
I'm a huge NASCAR fan and watch all the races I can, but more and more of them have become races that I can't watch live because they have moved them to Saturday night and that is when the majority of the local tracks hold their races. I've told time and time again my problem with NASCAR so I don't need to rehash it now. But I do wish that we had the ability to see some of the best racing that isn't in the front, or cars that involve "special" people. When I'm at the track, I'm very seldom watching the leaders unless it's obvious that there is some great competition going on there.