All things relating to Danica -- New season

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it all boils down to results for me. Danica will only shut people up if she does well. Her fans can say whatever they want, make all the excuses but bottom line, if she's not improved her standing this year, there is nothing to say but that she's a bad driver.
WOW, so do I. So with your reasoning as long as I want to race and do well I should be able to drive a cup car? No wonder why this country is going to hell. I have tried to be to nice and somewhat politically correct to no avail so here is the base nuts and bolts. Danica is NOT qualified to drive a cup car much less a nationwide one. She has no qualifications on her resume to support her desire. Whether it is because she is a chick or just simply unqualified makes no difference. You will choose to look at this as sexiest as does Danica and therefore political correctness allows her to interfere in real compition.

This war on women thing created by Obama is a joke. Women have and always will run the world as long as they still have the ******. There are reasons why men can bench press 250 lbs and women can't. There are reasons why women can birth children and men can't. There are are reasons why 43 men drive cup cars and rarely a women does.

Not of these have anything to do with being sexiest. They are just what they are. I could care less whether it's a man or a woman in the car at Daytona this weekend. What I do care about is that whomever is in the car is qualified to be in it.

Just to make my point I will tell you this. I am as equally offended that Austin Dillion has a nascar ride. He deserves it less than Danica when it comes to resume.

I'd rather see the podium Danica thread sticky and let this one fade away, if we can't speak freely here without someone crying podium.
I'd rather see the podium Danica thread sticky and let this one fade away, if we can't speak freely here without someone crying podium.

Yeah, that post had podium written all over it. WTF does Obama have to do with anything? And people "who don't belong" have been buying rides since the beginning of NASCAR.
Sticky or not anyone can post in there all they want.
I'll say here what I said in that thread. The Podium is far more civilized because the plonkers don't have the courage to show up in there. They'd get torn to shreds and run away with their tail between their legs in world record time. The "free for all" TRL instituted actually fixed that section.

Torn to shreds by who?

Yeah, that post had podium written all over it. WTF does Obama have to do with anything? And people "who don't belong" have been buying rides since the beginning of NASCAR.
Apparently you don't read all the posts but rather just randomly reply with your super insightful opinions. Obama has nothing to do with this post as you stated. However obamas fake war on women is completely relevant to this Danica thread as those singing her praises primarily base it on the fact that she is a women in Nascar and anyone who would critique her must be anti-women. So it was not bringing Obama into it as you would like to perceive however if you would like to discuss him I'm sure there are plenty of forums out there for that.
If we all agreed on everything there would be no need for forums. Why can't we just agree to disagree without anyone getting their panties in a wad?
I'm sitting here reading all this malarkey and laughing myself silly. I cannot believe that adults can argue over this all last year and 19 pages already for this season --- and we haven't even gotten the season started.

I am not a Danica fan --- but I admire the woman for at least getting in there and trying. She may not set the world on fire with her talent. Her looks/sex appeal may have gotten her a moneyed sponsor, but so what? It's GoDaddy's money to spend as they see fit. If her being in the car puts butts in the stands and eyes on the sport, we all win. And isn't that what we want?

Fans and non-fans can argue until you turn blue. It won't settle anything. Until GoDaddy quits backing her, she drives. End of story.
I'm sitting here reading all this malarkey and laughing myself silly. I cannot believe that adults can argue over this all last year and 19 pages already for this season --- and we haven't even gotten the season started.

I am not a Danica fan --- but I admire the woman for at least getting in there and trying. She may not set the world on fire with her talent. Her looks/sex appeal may have gotten her a moneyed sponsor, but so what? It's GoDaddy's money to spend as they see fit. If her being in the car puts butts in the stands and eyes on the sport, we all win. And isn't that what we want?

Fans and non-fans can argue until you turn blue. It won't settle anything. Until GoDaddy quits backing her, she drives. End of story.

Well, it won't take long to get to 39 pages like the Chase thread.
I'm sitting here reading all this malarkey and laughing myself silly. I cannot believe that adults can argue over this all last year and 19 pages already for this season --- and we haven't even gotten the season started.

I am not a Danica fan --- but I admire the woman for at least getting in there and trying. She may not set the world on fire with her talent. Her looks/sex appeal may have gotten her a moneyed sponsor, but so what? It's GoDaddy's money to spend as they see fit. If her being in the car puts butts in the stands and eyes on the sport, we all win. And isn't that what we want?

Fans and non-fans can argue until you turn blue. It won't settle anything. Until GoDaddy quits backing her, she drives. End of story.
AMEN. Finally someone with reason gets it. I'm not anti Danica. I just can't stand those who claim she is in her ride based on her driving prowess solely. If an ugly woman with the same qualifications tried to get on the cup circuit it would not happen. I'm not saying she should leave nor am I saying she is without talent. I'm simply stating reason. She has her ride because godaddy is picking up the tab because of her looks. I'm not sure why that offends some Danica fans.
Maybe the Ukraine would sponsor her as a national treasure in your example. Would godaddy sponsor her? prob not. Every sponsor has an image they want to portray. But she can wheel a car. Every rook has to take their lumps, and she has taken more than her fair share. But do not say she would not get a ride if she looked different. You dont know. No one does.

She is not built for hog-slopping and certainly couldnt beat up her vodka swilling pig farmer husband (if she had one)
Did I see someone on here say that Danica is more deserving of a Cup ride than Austin Dillon? Dillon has a NCTS & Busch Series Championship, Danica has...???
I'm sitting here reading all this malarkey and laughing myself silly. I cannot believe that adults can argue over this all last year and 19 pages already for this season --- and we haven't even gotten the season started.

I am not a Danica fan --- but I admire the woman for at least getting in there and trying. She may not set the world on fire with her talent. Her looks/sex appeal may have gotten her a moneyed sponsor, but so what? It's GoDaddy's money to spend as they see fit. If her being in the car puts butts in the stands and eyes on the sport, we all win. And isn't that what we want?

Fans and non-fans can argue until you turn blue. It won't settle anything. Until GoDaddy quits backing her, she drives. End of story.

I hope Danica wins just to piss the chauvinists off. :)
One positive about last year for her is that on average, she finished by 4 spots better than she started.

Unfortunately, she only finished on the lead lap in 12 of 36 races so she definitely needs to show some improvement there.
Not so sure that's a good idea for Richard following the Charlie Glotzbach incident. There's no way he's in condition to race a car.
Here is my last post on this. If I have offended any Danica fans I apologize as that was not my intent. Here is the plain,straight forward , facts. Danica has no major accomplishments in her racing resume. She is obviously good looking and comes from a privileged background financially. Whether you want to hear it or not she either is directly involved or indirectly causes a wreck in nearly every nascar race she has been in. Not 10% or 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 or even 70% of the time. She has been in some sort of an altercation on track nearly at 8 of 10 races she has entered in nascar. Is it just bad luck? If she were a guy Nascar would have pulled her ticket to race along time ago. The bottom line is simple. She is drawing money to the cause at the moment and nascar is struggling a bit in this era. Does my critique make me anti women? Of course not. There are 100's if not thousands of female race car drivers that have as much and in some cases more talent than Danica who will never in a million years get a shot a cup series driving. On the other hand there are hundreds of male drivers over the years who have less driving talents than Danica that have driven cup cars. So my point is simple. As a fan I want to see the best of the best duking it out. When Nascar starts allowing the best of money raisers and the good looking special access it will only hurt the sport in the long run.

There are numerous drivers in the cup series who really should not be in there but are for reasons having nothing to do with their driving talents. Danica is one of them. I'm not just singling her out. Danica is not and never will be considered one of the " best of the best" they have jv series for those like Danica , very good talented racers, but not the best of the best" . For every Danica Patrick or David stremme there are 100's of kids coming up ( male or female) who have the talent and have paid the hard knock dues who will never get a shot at the big show because of politics and money.

In the end my point is simple. I think you should have to earn a seat in the cup series. I don't think it should be for sale nor should you be given special access because a sponsor thinks your a hottie.

As I said earlier I just hope she does not kill someone on the track before her privilege card expires.
That's ok, baby steps...she has to start somewhere.:cool:
LOL. Your making my point! Your are 100% correct. She has to start somewhere. The question is where does she deserve to start from? The top? If so then should everyone start at the top? Maybe you will see how ludicrous that sounds.
Looks like they have a place to race:

Franklin County Speedway invites Danica Patrick and Richard Petty to a one-on-one race. The invitation comes after Richard Petty accepted Tony Stewart’s invitation for the seven-time champion to race sophomore NASCAR Sprint Cup Series driver Danica Patrick to a one-on-one race.

The challenge from Stewart and acceptance from Petty came after Petty vocally criticized Danica Patrick’s driving skills, saying the only way the first and only female driver to qualify for a pole in NASCAR Sprint Cup Series history could win a race is “if everybody else stayed home”.

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RP is too old to get in a KP getting in and subbing,,,interesting,
I'm guessing this a publicity stunt in the end but I'm not sure what it would prove if any active nascar driver beat a 75 yo man in a mock race. Would that legitimize Danica? I personally don't think so. As a matter fact I think it would drive a nail in her career coffin if she lost so I'm guessing she and or tony would find a way to back out if it actually looked like it was going to happen. If Danica or tony for that matter want to shut up KR she do it by simply doing something on the real life track. Maybe like consistently finishing races a bit higher in placement than not just those who were knocked out and as a bonus not being knocked out by her foolish driving.
LOL. Your making my point! Your are 100% correct. She has to start somewhere. The question is where does she deserve to start from? The top? If so then should everyone start at the top? Maybe you will see how ludicrous that sounds.
I'm glad i could help, if you receive any prizes, then i expect half.
lol Tony really did it this time. I wonder how Danica feels about Tony offering her up to race RP?

Tony the white knight. lol

I haven't seen him stick up for anyone as much as he has for Danica. I'm thinking he may have the hots for her. Even questioning what the King has done in this sport. Is this dude for real?

Also that deal about the King racing Danica is preposterous. Not only is Petty in his late 70s, but he doesn't have a clue how these new cars drive or feel.

The King is a good sport though taking up the challenge. My money is still on him.
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