All things relating to Danica -- New season

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Danica did good IMO
I damned sure cant say I could have done better. too bad she got caught up in someone elses mess again :(

What was so good about it? She stayed near the back until a wreck started in front of her and she drove right into it, even though she had about 200 feet of open asphalt to her left. She froze like a deer in the headlights and held her line not even trying to avoid the wreck.

But yea, she did good. :rolleyes:
She did lead some laps, so that was a step forward. I thought she stayed out of trouble well and was trying to put herself in a good place to finish well. Again, the media hype around her is so freakin unfair to other drivers. She wrecks and it's front page news on Fox sports and Nascar dot com, former champion Terry Labonte wrecks in his last Daytona 500 and not even a blip on the f'n radar in regards to coverage. That's what infuriates me, that a motor sport is now all about marketing instead of racing.

Richard Petty is correct, if her name was Dan Patrick, nobody would know she was on the track.
lol she led laps because the field was pitting under green, not because she raced her way to the front.

The sugarcoating continues.
She got caught up in a plate racing incident, simple as that. The real showcase of her (un)talent starts next week.
lol she led laps because the field was pitting under green, not because she raced her way to the front.

The sugarcoating continues.

You still have to work the track and stratagize and be in position to lead, never said she raced to the front, just said she led laps. There were quite a few that didn't lead a lap. I did love the look on her face as she knew she was in trouble. Wild eyes just before the hard shot to the wall.
What was so good about it? She stayed near the back until a wreck started in front of her and she drove right into it, even though she had about 200 feet of open asphalt to her left. She froze like a deer in the headlights and held her line not even trying to avoid the wreck.

But yea, she did good. :rolleyes:

Like I said she done better than I could have. At least she didnt CAUSE the wreck and that should account for something IMO
Its seems that the cup series has got her whether anyone likes it or not, she didnt ruin anybodys race that I know of. She took another big hit and didnt whine, Im glad she is not hurt
You still have to work the track and stratagize and be in position to lead, never said she raced to the front, just said she led laps. There were quite a few that didn't lead a lap. I did love the look on her face as she knew she was in trouble. Wild eyes just before the hard shot to the wall.

If when you say strategy you really mean dumb luck, yea it was strategy.
That was a hard hit she took to the wall that doesn't have the SAFER barrier installed. Why not?

All cowboy hat no race car driver hit just about everything but the lottery....
Like I said she done better than I could have. At least she didnt CAUSE the wreck and that should account for something IMO
Its seems that the cup series has got her whether anyone likes it or not, she didnt ruin anybodys race that I know of. She took another big hit and didnt whine, Im glad she is not hurt

She did better than you could have? lol

Well, never mind then.
She did better than you could have? lol

Well, never mind then.

I doubt that I would be real comfortable in a car going 200 mph when all you can see is the car in front of you, seems unnerving to me :idunno:
100 mph a foot away from a concrete wall always made me nervous though
I just hate that sooo many media outlets are posting that Danica crashed during the 500. Well H3LL so did a few other drivers. They treat it as if she was the dominant car & got wrecked by someone, almost like it's a tradgedy. It's racing, these things happen. I'm pretty sure had Jr not won the race, her crashing would've been the lead story...
Danica was dying to blame somebody for her wreck at Daytona.

WHAT HAPPENED!! Umm you got wrecked at a plate track lady.
I have to say that the whole lead a lap thing is too funny. And the did better than I could( well of course she did shes a professional driver and your not) problem is most of them are much better than her( truth) and it shows. But Hey she is good for Nascar. She does have more followers, and she leads the series in bikini pics. :bounce:
Danica is there for marketing and marketing only. She isn't expected to win nor will she. Shes just a pretty face to help bring more fans to nascar. And judging by the grandstands they need them lol
Danica is there for marketing and marketing only. She isn't expected to win nor will she. Shes just a pretty face to help bring more fans to nascar. And judging by the grandstands they need them lol
You're sure she isn't going to win huh?
Danica was dying to blame somebody for her wreck at Daytona.

WHAT HAPPENED!! Umm you got wrecked at a plate track lady.

That was bizzare, as if she didn't see the big thing called a race car slide into her. Come to think of it, she had room to go around it. Then she hits the grass and turns into the wall.
I have to say that the whole lead a lap thing is too funny. And the did better than I could( well of course she did shes a professional driver and your not) problem is most of them are much better than her( truth) and it shows. But Hey she is good for Nascar. She does have more followers, and she leads the series in bikini pics. :bounce:

I have heard it said that she "isnt a race car driver" so if thats the case why not compare her skills to that of the average joe ??? If she can drive better than most of us but isnt a race car driver then where does she stand ?? I am patiently waiting for a seat in a cup car so I can show her up but my phone isnt ringing :( Hey Tony ---- I will drive for free.......... CALL ME
I have heard it said that she "isnt a race car driver" so if thats the case why not compare her skills to that of the average joe ??? If she can drive better than most of us but isnt a race car driver then where does she stand ??

Are you saying that because she can drive better than the average Joe she is capable of competing in the Cup series? lol

She has HMS cars and all the R&D that goes along with it. She is coached throughout the race telling her what to do and how/when to do it. She has drivers like Tony Stewart and Mark Martin coaching her off the track too.

I bet if the average Joe had all that dedicated to him he'd do about as good as Danica is doing.
Maybe we should call her the average Josephine.
Are you saying that because she can drive better than the average Joe she is capable of competing in the Cup series? lol

She has HMS cars and all the R&D that goes along with it. She is coached throughout the race telling her what to do and how/when to do it. She has drivers like Tony Stewart and Mark Martin coaching her off the track too.

I bet if the average Joe had all that dedicated to him he'd do about as good as Danica is doing.
Maybe we should call her the average Josephine.

Travis Pastrana is one hell of a talented young man, he had lots of help too but couldnt do much with a stock car. Danica has earned my respect YMMV
Travis Pastrana is one hell of a talented young man, he had lots of help too but couldnt do much with a stock car. Danica has earned my respect YMMV

He didn't have all that Danica has, and even with better equipment and better coaching Danica doesn't seem to be able to do much with a stock car either, so... average Josephine.
When she wins what will be the number one excuse from the haters as to why she won, I'll go with this one.

1- Her throttle stuck and she had nowhere to go but the front.

Little gal put in some good runs at the Indy 500........ Many drivers have died in that race. Her courage has forced me to respect her. I have made fun of her in the past like many others, I feel bad for that now and have changed my opinion

If nothing else she wrecked Sam Hornish, hell I gotta love her just for doing that :D
He didn't have all that Danica has, and even with better equipment and better coaching Danica doesn't seem to be able to do much with a stock car either, so... average Josephine.

I agree that she may never be a great stock car driver, it seems to be harder than it looks
Little gal put in some good runs at the Indy 500........ Many drivers have died in that race. Her courage has forced me to respect her. I have made fun of her in the past like many others, I feel bad for that now and have changed my opinion

If nothing else she wrecked Sam Hornish, hell I gotta love her just for doing that :D
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