All things relating to Danica -- New season

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Here is EXACTLY why I dislike her. It has nothing to do with being a “woman hater” or misogynist or any other kind of bias against her. It is totally based on her performance but more importantly, on what I call her “whining” behavior in the face of adversity. This behavior was also quite prevalent when she was in Indycar by the way. Did anyone notice that Michael Andretti said a few years ago that the teamwork on his Indycar team improved significantly after she left (although he didn’t mention her by name it was clear who he was referring to)? Here is an article about her NASCAR performance:

>>By any gauge Patrick's rookie year was disappointing where -- with the exception of the Daytona 500 -- she was largely uncompetitive. While no one is expecting a breakout 2014, there was hope with more experience Patrick could escape her struggles of a year ago.

Thus far the early returns suggest not.

At Daytona the magic she had last year during Speedweeks was absent. A rule requiring her and Stewart to start at the rear of the field in both the Budweiser Duel and Daytona 500 following an unapproved engine change left Patrick upset.

Frequently, she bemoaned her situation, criticized the fairness and openly questioned why she should even bother competing in her qualifying race. This outlook was in stark contrast to Stewart. The owner/driver was unmoved about NASCAR's judgment, understanding that because of the draft and fluidness of racing at Daytona, it made little difference where he lined.

Not much changed at Phoenix, where Patrick lagged throughout the weekend. In qualifying she posted just the 33rd-fastest time, and in Sunday's race her average running position was 30th.

Patrick also got swept up in an accident that she neither started nor could have easily avoided.

"Just sad," she radioed to her crew following her second spin. "I'm so sorry, God. All we have for luck is bad. God."

However, had she been running better at the time and not in the back where trouble lurks and inexperience reigns, her day would have probably ended differently. Patrick, instead, was 25th and a lap down when the initial contact with Allgaier ensued.

The underlying issue is that this is Patrick's fifth year of running stock cars and her second full season in Cup. Not to mention, she drives for one of the sport's premiere organizations with championship-caliber equipment at her disposal. Accentuated by the fact Harvick was in Victory Lane celebrating his first win with his new team in just his second race.

Which means, while Patrick's aggravation is understandable to some degree, the excuses of why she's not improved are starting to ring hollow.<<

Wow this is Johnny on the spot. Great read.

I mentioned her poor attitude that she has in an earlier post here. That's exactly her problem. She's too caught up in whining and blaming others for her F-ups.
You're welcome but please keep in mind that this is the "all things relating to Danica" thread and was put here by the mods. If there's an issue with that, I urge people to take it up with them.

Although I seriously doubt that they have time or inclination to patrol the board acting as her protector by deleting posts that some may not like.
Well then we should have a thread for every driver....why is she singled out? If you put it in that context there should ne "all things relating to all the other top 43 drivers". There are a lot of sexist people here, cooments driven by that and all I'm saying is she weren't da damn woman we wouldn't be having this discussion. I'm done arguying about this.
Wow this is Johnny on the spot. Great read.

I mentioned her poor attitude that she has in an earlier post here. That's exactly her problem. She's too caught up in whining and blaming others for her F-ups. JJ didn't blame every other driver in Cup when he'd f'up on the plate tracks early in his career. Every driver whines, people make exception of this because again it is a little tiny woman complaining. Top whiners in Cup: Hamlin, JJ, Gordon, Smoke, Kyle and Kurt. Danica has a lot of catching up in the whining department if she wants to top those guys. JJ didn't blame every other driver in Cup when he'd f'up on the plate tracks early in his career. Every driver whines, people make exception of this because again it is a little tiny woman complaining. Top whiners in Cup: Hamlin, JJ, Gordon, Smoke, Kyle and Kurt. Danica has a lot of catching up in the whining department if she wants to top those guys.

Hey man you're taking this way too personal. I dont know how many times people here have said it has nothing to do with her being a female, me included. It has never being about gender. I mean, at least in my case.

Outside of racing I think she's a fox but that's another story for another day.

Those guys you mentioned earned their whinning in my opinion. There is a difference in complaining when you haven't done a single thing and another when you actually have ground to stand on.

Danica is acting entitled without proving she can handle herself in the Cup level at least. Maybe she will in time, who knows but until then people have the right to call her out on her lack of perfomance. Again, has nothing to do with her being female.
Hey man you're taking this way too personal. I dont know how many times people here have said it has nothing to do with her being a female, me included. It has never being about gender. I mean, at least in my case.

Outside of racing I think she's a fox but that's another story for another day.

Those guys you mentioned earned their whinning in my opinion. There is a difference in complaining when you haven't done a single thing and another when you actually have ground to stand on.

Danica is acting entitled without proving she can handle herself in the Cup level at least. Maybe she will in time, who knows but until then people have the right to call her out on her lack of perfomance. Again, has nothing to do with her being female.
I see where you are comong from but all those guys whined their ass off when they first came up, JJ especially and he didn't do shiit in the Busch series.
The bottom line is that Danica needs to start performing to shut people up and justify SOME of the hype she has gotten. I'm starting to think we'll all lose our voices before she does. Every time something happens in front of her, she panics and wrecks. Daytona was a glaring example of her lack of driving skills. Most ARCA drivers would have made a move low to avoid the first contact, but Danica never even reacts. Then she seems to get by, only to catch some grass and turn hard to the right....and right into the wall. A real head scratcher.

As someone else said, she needs to be in a stock car 3 or 4 times a week to learn some skills. Plowing into every damn event on the track isn't going to do anyone any good.
Well then we should have a thread for every driver....why is she singled out? If you put it in that context there should ne "all things relating to all the other top 43 drivers". There are a lot of sexist people here, cooments driven by that and all I'm saying is she weren't da damn woman we wouldn't be having this discussion. I'm done arguying about this.

Take it up with the mods.

If there are sexist people here, that's their business and, BTW, what was the gender of the person who cooked your dinner last night and washed those clean socks you put on the morning?
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The bottom line is that Danica needs to start performing to shut people up and justify SOME of the hype she has gotten. I'm starting to think we'll all lose our voices before she does. Every time something happens in front of her, she panics and wrecks. Daytona was a glaring example of her lack of driving skills. Most ARCA drivers would have made a move low to avoid the first contact, but Danica never even reacts. Then she seems to get by, only to catch some grass and turn hard to the right....and right into the wall. A real head scratcher.

As someone else said, she needs to be in a stock car 3 or 4 times a week to learn some skills. Plowing into every damn event on the track isn't going to do anyone any good.

I was cheering for her Sunday and lost my voice......... does that count ? :)
Well then we should have a thread for every driver....why is she singled out? If you put it in that context there should ne "all things relating to all the other top 43 drivers". There are a lot of sexist people here, cooments driven by that and all I'm saying is she weren't da damn woman we wouldn't be having this discussion. I'm done arguying about this.

lol You are the biggest sexist I've seen here. You accuse anyone that criticizes Danica of doing it only because she's a woman. You expect her to get a pass on things that every driver goes through, and when she doesn't you throw the gender card.

The truth is she's being held to the same standards as any man in the Cup series and being criticized just as any man would, or has been in her position.... Dale Jr was mercilessly bashed for years when he was the nascar poster boy but wasn't running all that great. And he was WAY more competitive then than Danica is now.

You want/demand her to get special treatment because she's a woman, and if she doesn't get it you accuse them of being sexist.

That's mighty sexist of you.
I see where you are comong from but all those guys whined their ass off when they first came up, JJ especially and he didn't do shiit in the Busch series.

And they were/are all hammered for whining. If you don't think so you aren't paying attention.

Hamlin could tell you that.
Pitting a 66 race winning, 6 time champion against driver who only managed to finished on the lead lap in 12 of 36 races...priceless.
I see where you are comong from but all those guys whined their ass off when they first came up, JJ especially and he didn't do shiit in the Busch series.
What? That is nowhere NEAR factual. He won the pole at Daytona, won 3 races (including sweeping dover), lead the points and finished 5th all in his rookie season. His second year he won 3 more races, plus the all star race and finished second in the points.

If after JJ wanted to whine after his second season in cup, he deserves to. Danica hasnt done **** a diddly doo shyt in her "second" year except tear up race cars. GTFO
lol You are the biggest sexist I've seen here. You accuse anyone that criticizes Danica of doing it only because she's a woman. You expect her to get a pass on things that every driver goes through, and when she doesn't you throw the gender card.

The truth is she's being held to the same standards as any man in the Cup series and being criticized just as any man would, or has been in her position.... Dale Jr was mercilessly bashed for years when he was the nascar poster boy but wasn't running all that great. And he was WAY more competitive then than Danica is now.

You want/demand her to get special treatment because she's a woman, and if she doesn't get it you accuse them of being sexist.

That's mighty sexist of you.
Bulll****...why is there theis damn thread devoted to her then?
Take it up with the mods.

If there are sexist people here, that's their business and, BTW, what was the gender of the person who cooked your dinner last night and washed those clean socks you put on the morning?
That would be me dude.
Bulll****...why is there theis damn thread devoted to her then?

TRL did that, but lets be fair. The Danica zealots are every bit as responsible for this thread as the Danica critics.

If you think Danica is doing good, fine. That's your opinion and you're entitled to it. But I'm entitled to my opinion of her without you or anyone else trying to give it a sinister spin by saying it's only because I don't want women in nascar.

Why can't you allow someone to have a different opinion of Danica than you do without pulling that gender crap?
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with how she jerks the wheel for every little track mishap, I'm going to start calling he Panica Datrick.
Bulll****...why is there theis damn thread devoted to her then?

Because Danica was all over the forum last year so TRL made a thread to put everything in... NOT a thread to bash her solely because shes a women - as you blindly assume because youre a sexist.
Just stopped by to see what Danica did wrong today, its quiet so she must not have driven a race car today :rolleyes:

Do you have an automatic system for your avatar or something? If I had a dollar for every time I load the page and see you with a different avatar I'd be one rich sob. :D
Do you have an automatic system for your avatar or something? If I had a dollar for every time I load the page and see you with a different avatar I'd be one rich sob. :D

How about you send me a dollar every time I change it :cool:

It seems that you are about the only one that notices my ever changing avatar, I change it for the simple reason that I enjoy changing it and the fact that it puzzles you :laugh::lurk:
How about you send me a dollar every time I change it :cool:

It seems that you are about the only one that notices my ever changing avatar, I change it for the simple reason that I enjoy changing it and the fact that it puzzles you :laugh::lurk:

Dont get it wrong, I have no issues with you changing your avatar alot. But c'mon I'm not the only one who notices it. lol
Dont get it wrong, I have no issues with you changing your avatar alot. But c'mon I'm not the only one who notices it. lol

I could change it once a day for 546 years and not run out of Kyle Busch pictures :huh:
NASCAR_SHR In Space.vresize.693.390.high.90.jpg

Astronauts even love the princess
Just stopped by to see what Danica did wrong today, its quiet so she must not have driven a race car today :rolleyes:
I sure hope she is never involved in a traffic accident on the way to the grocery store...we will never hear the end of it.:D
There ya' go.

Just be happy I left the 'T' in there. ;)

Its because of you that I didnt say "rear ended at a stop light" :laugh:
Everything I post I have to examine it from all angles :rolleyes:

Hey quit messin up my posts Danicas big brothers will be beatin the crap outta me
Bulll****...why is there theis damn thread devoted to her then?
It's quite simple, really. Eventually most threads on the board will end up with people bashing Danica. No matter the subject of the thread, sooner or later it becomes all about her. I consider that unfair to people who wish to have true discussions about something OTHER than Danica.
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