All things relating to Danica -- New season

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Well said. The way I look at it, drivers are fair game until they show up to defend one of us.
Yep, i have never had any of the nascar drivers split their winnings with me.:) Although, as often as crew guys and race car drivers changes to other racing series from time to time it wouldn't be a big surprise to end up on the same team with one of them someday. If i had to work with Danica i might have a whole different view of her.;)
Well said. The way I look at it, drivers are fair game until they show up to defend one of us.

Are they though? I'm still not sure if I'm allowed to disagree with someone If I don't think she did good any given week. But at least I know I can still be called a sexist for my opinion.

No more personal swipes... but you can continue gender baiting by calling someone a sexist if they don't agree with you that Danica did good any given week, because that's not a personal swipe? :confused:

The rules for this thread are more mysterious than the nascar rule book. lol
Are they though? I'm still not sure if I'm allowed to disagree with someone If I don't think she did good any given week. But at least I know I can still be called a sexist for my opinion.

No more personal swipes... but you can continue gender baiting by calling someone a sexist if they don't agree with you that Danica did good any given week, because that's not a personal swipe? :confused:

The rules for this thread are more mysterious than the nascar rule book. lol

So you're upset because someone called you sexist?

It seems some Rabbi somewhere removed too much skin. ;)
Are they though? I'm still not sure if I'm allowed to disagree with someone If I don't think she did good any given week. But at least I know I can still be called a sexist for my opinion.

No more personal swipes... but you can continue gender baiting by calling someone a sexist if they don't agree with you that Danica did good any given week, because that's not a personal swipe? :confused:

The rules for this thread are more mysterious than the nascar rule book. lol

She did good last sunday IMO
Are they though? I'm still not sure if I'm allowed to disagree with someone If I don't think she did good any given week. But at least I know I can still be called a sexist for my opinion.

No more personal swipes... but you can continue gender baiting by calling someone a sexist if they don't agree with you that Danica did good any given week, because that's not a personal swipe? :confused:

The rules for this thread are more mysterious than the nascar rule book. lol
I can't speak for anyone else on here, but I can guarantee you that I have not, nor will I ever throw the sexist card at you or anyone else on this forum. Now, at least you know that you and i are on the same page...but, you will have to figure everyone else out on your own.;)
The simple fact is that this thread gets boring. Hearing the SOS day in and day out. So people get frustrated and screw with each other and it eventually escalates and gets outta hand.

But I'm a hypocritical bastard because here I am, kinda wanting it to go away and reading again.

It's crack, man.
Are they though? I'm still not sure if I'm allowed to disagree with someone If I don't think she did good any given week. But at least I know I can still be called a sexist for my opinion.

No more personal swipes... but you can continue gender baiting by calling someone a sexist if they don't agree with you that Danica did good any given week, because that's not a personal swipe? :confused:

The rules for this thread are more mysterious than the nascar rule book. lol

If yer mad at me lets discuss it, I know we had a word or two on the Danica thread.
If yer mad at me lets discuss it, I know we had a word or two on the Danica thread.

lol I'm not mad at anyone here.

I can handle whatever anyone wants to throw at me... as long as I'm allowed to reply to it in kind.

If someone gets personal with me and it is allowed to stand, then there shouldn't be a problem if I too go down that road

If not, neither should be allowed.
lol I'm not mad at anyone here.

I can handle whatever anyone wants to throw at me... as long as I'm allowed to reply to it in kind.

If someone gets personal with me and it is allowed to stand, then there shouldn't be a problem if I too go down that road

If not, neither should be allowed.
lol I'm not mad at anyone here.

I can handle whatever anyone wants to throw at me... as long as I'm allowed to reply to it in kind.

If someone gets personal with me and it is allowed to stand, then there shouldn't be a problem if I too go down that road

If not, neither should be allowed.
Good, Im glad there isnt any problem I sure dont mean to cause any hard feelings :)
Personally, some day, I love to see her win a competitive race --- not one where all the big dogs fell out.
Will it happen --- unfortunately, I doubt it.

And even if she did win --- I can hear the black helicopters firing up now.
she can't make it off pit road with out crashing. the black helicopters should be guiding her around the track.
Personally, some day, I love to see her win a competitive race --- not one where all the big dogs fell out.
Will it happen --- unfortunately, I doubt it.

And even if she did win --- I can hear the black helicopters firing up now.
I agree on all of your post. I was kind of hoping she would be in the Nationwide race this weekend, but she isn't on the list...i would rather see her racing instead of the other cup drivers that are on the list.
she can't make it off pit road with out crashing. the black helicopters should be guiding her around the track.
I have a feeling that there would be quite a few drivers having problems taking off in 4th gear in a car set up to turn left.
I have a feeling that there would be quite a few drivers having problems taking off in 4th gear in a car set up to turn left.
how does 4 gear have anything do with steering? does the steering change with what gear you are in? taking off in 4 gear the car would be bogged down so you be riding the clutch, does that effect the steering?
I have a feeling that there would be quite a few drivers having problems taking off in 4th gear in a car set up to turn left.
That looked like a mighty big burnout for "only having 4th gear"?????She must be better than I thought.When the men lose 1st or 2nd there is usually no smoke from the tires and the crew has to help push the car to get it to go?????
how does 4 gear have anything do with steering? does the steering change with what gear you are in? taking off in 4 gear the car would be bogged down so you be riding the clutch, does that effect the steering?
I wasn't saying taking off in 4th gear has any relations to the steering but because Bristol is a 1/2 mile track the gear ratio in 4th gear is probably a lot lower then what they run on the other tracks and as much power as their engines make once she winged the rpm up and had the clutch fully engaged and got the tires spinning it would probably be pretty hard to control because the cars are set up to turn a tight left because it is such a small track. If a car is set up to go straight on a flat surface then it would be a lot easier to do a nice straight burnout, but if the car is set up to turn right or left or if it is on an uneven surface the car has to be a lot harder to control. Look how much faster the tires are turning on a dyno when a car is in 4th gear. If you are in low gear then when you let off the gas it will slow down a lot quicker. It is kind of on the same concept as why a tubo car is harder to control when the turbo is spooled up and takes longer to bring the rpm back down vs a blower car. I'm far from being an expert on circle cars but that is how i would figure it would be.
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That looked like a mighty big burnout for "only having 4th gear"?????She must be better than I thought.When the men lose 1st or 2nd there is usually no smoke from the tires and the crew has to help push the car to get it to go?????

Them cup cars must have a hell of a good clutch, probably helps that they run pretty low rear gears on a half mile track
Personally, some day, I love to see her win a competitive race --- not one where all the big dogs fell out.
Will it happen --- unfortunately, I doubt it.

And even if she did win --- I can hear the black helicopters firing up now.

Don't worry about the helicopters. Danica will run them over before they get off the ground. :D
That looked like a mighty big burnout for "only having 4th gear"?????She must be better than I thought.When the men lose 1st or 2nd there is usually no smoke from the tires and the crew has to help push the car to get it to go?????
I doubt she is very experienced in taking off in 4th gear.;) As you probably already know it is a lot easier to get the tires spinning in a lower gear...but once you get them spinning in a higher gear with a lot more drive shaft and wheel speed it is going to be a lot more violent and harder to control. A lower gear gives you more engine rpm at a lower drive shaft and wheel speed and a higher gear rato will give you a lot more drive shaft and wheel speed at the same rpm.
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There has been one in the podium for quite awhile but nobody posts there because bashing in the podium is nothing new and has no shock value.
And because there are a lot of posters that don't have the ummm....nuggets for the Podium.
Back to Danica, If Danica made the Chase would that make her a winner?
Nope and it wouldn't shut up the bashers either because they wouldn't consider it a ligitimate Chase as it is now restructured.
Nope and it wouldn't shut up the bashers either because they wouldn't consider it a ligitimate Chase as it is now restructured.

So why even worry about them? You must realize by now that you're not going to change their minds.
Back to Danica, If Danica made the Chase would that make her a winner?

Of course it would. She doesn't even have to win a race; she just has to run up front from time to time and I would respect her abilities as a Cup driver. But until she becomes competitive and starts getting some top-10's here and there, most people won't take her seriously, and I don't blame them.

Look, I want her to succeed, I just really don't think she's very good at driving stock cars. She will be gifted with an extremely long chance to improve, so hopefully she will. I couldn't care less if she's a man or woman, or what commercials or photoshoots she does, or how much media exposure she gets. People "hate" on Danica because she makes a lot of boneheaded/ugly mistakes on the track and struggles to finish in the top 25 while driving top-tier equipment. Simple as that.
Nope and it wouldn't shut up the bashers either because they wouldn't consider it a ligitimate Chase as it is now restructured.

So what?

Plenty of drivers have their haters, why should Danica be any different?
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