All things relating to Danica -- New season

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...Some pick apart every word in every post by every poster, and manage
to find something personal about them ---- even if no one else can see it. Then they retaliate with snarky comments of their own....

I have complained about this many times in the past and was told straight out that as long as I wasn't mentioned by name or quoted, then it was permitted.

Are you now saying no mean spirited personal swipes about other members even if they are not mentioned by name or quoted?

I hope so.

Allowing members to make personal swipes about other members in a round about way by not quoting the person or mentioning them by name only encourages other members to reply in kind, which is where we are now.
I have complained about this many times in the past and was told straight out that as long as I wasn't mentioned by name or quoted, then it was permitted.

Are you now saying no mean spirited personal swipes about other members even if they are not mentioned by name or quoted?

I hope so.

Allowing members to make personal swipes about other members in a round about way by not quoting the person or mentioning them by name only encourages other members to reply in kind, which is where we are now.
Meanie head
When a post serves no other purpose than to attack another member, maybe it's not the thread that needs to be moved. Harassing another poster because they may not agree with your opinion or like a certain driver or cheer for a particular manufacturer should not be tolerated.

I will say that there are some extremely thick-skinned people around here who seem nearly immune to the constant barbs and here's to 'em:cheers:
There's been a Bash Danica thread I've been following elsewhere. I was about to post after reading the prior posts when another fellow posted and asked the bashers how many of them have won a Indy Car race, led a lap at the Indy 500, sat on the pole at Daytona and led the 500. Also asked if anyone could match her earnings so far this year, $625,000+
Damm thread died.
success? how about 10, 12 million a year in income and endorsements AND you get to hit parked cars. .

I don't see you going after all the other cup drivers that have at some point run into other cars on pit road. At some point I would say close to 65% have. Plus I don't call cars on pit road as being parked unless the drivers are out of their cars. You have some standard you hold for women drivers that you don't hold for male drivers apparently.
I don't see you going after all the other cup drivers that have at some point run into other cars on pit road. At some point I would say close to 65% have. Plus I don't call cars on pit road as being parked unless the drivers are out of their cars. You have some standard you hold for women drivers that you don't hold for male drivers apparently.

This is a perfect example of how this thread gets nasty.

Someone posts their opinion of a racing incident with Danica and a Danica proponent gets personal by accuses them of having gender issues, or bashing her.

Is this going to continue to be permitted?
Maybe I should put this thread on "moderation"? That means EVERY post made in this thread would have to be read, and APPROVED by me before it shows up.

Of course, that could take a while since so many like to post in this thread. I could easily get days behind.
The solution to this is very simple.

Do not post about the members of the forum... period.
If you have an opinion of someone keep it to yourself.

If the mods would enforce this all the personal swipes go away.
The solution to this is very simple.

Do not post about the members of the forum... period.
If you have an opinion of someone keep it to yourself.

If the mods would enforce this all the personal swipes go away.
The problem with this ---- quite frequently what is seen as a swipe at a poster by one, is not necessarily seen in the same light by someone else.
You want the mods to apply OUR opinions to posts by others. Not happening.
I don't want to be forced to move it. But the personal remarks about posters by other posters has to stop.
I can't say all posters do it, but some carry it to an extreme. Some pick apart every word in every post by every poster, and manage
to find something personal about them ---- even if no one else can see it. Then they retaliate with snarky comments of their own.

This forum has been around a long time because of you, the members. This is really a friendly place to come and talk.
If you want truly mean-spirited, down right ugly in-fighting, there are plenty of other forums on the web.

Please save your venom for those.

Funny thing is, The Podium is more civilized than most of these threads in the main sections because the trolls won't show up in there.
The solution to this is very simple.

Do not post about the members of the forum... period.
If you have an opinion of someone keep it to yourself.

If the mods would enforce this all the personal swipes go away.

Man, just leave 'em hanging.

Those posts are meant to get under your skin and ignoring them while continuing to post away as if they didn't exist is the all the ammo you need.
The problem with this ---- quite frequently what is seen as a swipe at a poster by one, is not necessarily seen in the same light by someone else.
You want the mods to apply OUR opinions to posts by others. Not happening.

If the mods enforced a policy of no talking about other member of the forum.. period, what is there to determine? You just don't do it, and if someone does it in any way it's reported and removed from the board.

keep the discussion about nascar and not the members of the forum.
I understand there are times when people are joking with each other, but it's obvious when people are joking and when they are not.
It's amazing how a couple of kittens turned that section in to the most civilized section in the forums. You accidentally fixed it. LOL.

lol I still miss those days when that guy was following me around taking pop shots at me. That kitty was classic because he took the bait, hook, line and sinker.
Man, just leave 'em hanging.

Those posts are meant to get under your skin and ignoring them while continuing to post away as if they didn't exist is the all the ammo you need.

Rather simple, isn't it? If you feel like playing around, go for it. Otherwise, just move along. I don't want mods too involved in the banter. IMO, a mods first response to any complaints about what someone is posting is to show the complainer the ignore button.
The problem with this ---- quite frequently what is seen as a swipe at a poster by one, is not necessarily seen in the same light by someone else.
You want the mods to apply OUR opinions to posts by others. Not happening.

I think this site is run just fine. Perhaps you should hit 'ignore' for anyone who doesn't agree. ;)
The complainer complaining about others complaining is a complaint in itself so it makes the original complainer that's complaining the most is doing what he is complaining about.

I like it here and think the forum is run just fine.
Seems everyone one here has a different idea of what Danica has to do to be considered a winning NA$CAR driver. I feel even if she were to win some races that still wouldn't be enough. Some on here won't consider her a winner unless she wins more than one championship. How many championships has Jr. won again?

If it hadn't been for Danica I would have never started watching IndyCar. And I don't think that series has improved much since she has moved on. I see they don't race in Japan or Brazil anymore and they have gone from 25 races a year to 18.

I have watched NA$CAR more closely with her in the races (even tho I think she should have stayed in Nationwide longer).
Rather simple, isn't it? If you feel like playing around, go for it. Otherwise, just move along. I don't want mods too involved in the banter. IMO, a mods first response to any complaints about what someone is posting is to show the complainer the ignore button.

But when some people play along, suddenly it's a problem and it has to stop.

If that's how it's going to be, hell move the thread to the podium so we can all just speak freely because I still don't know what is or isn't over the line. :idunno:
I am pretty thick skinned and can put up with almost everything.

That said, I get sick and tired of crying and whining about the races, TV coverage, announcers, phantom cautions, attacks on certain drivers AND BEOTCHING ABOUT THE COLOR OF THE CLEAR BLUE SKY!!!

Good gosh, get a life...

Phew! I feel better.
I am pretty thick skinned and can put up with almost everything.

That said, I get sick and tired of crying and whining about the races, TV coverage, announcers, phantom cautions, attacks on certain drivers AND BEOTCHING ABOUT THE COLOR OF THE CLEAR BLUE SKY!!!

Good gosh, get a life...

Phew! I feel better.
That's a good thing. :D
I must be way to easy to please because i don't seem to have a problem with this thread or any of the posters on it. I don't agree with all of everyones views, but i don't expect them to agree with all of mine either. Someone would have to really piss me off pretty bad before i would complain or attack them... and no one has even came close to doing that on this forum. That being said...i do think at times some posters on both sides of the fence may take this thread just a little to seriously.
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But when some people play along, suddenly it's a problem and it has to stop.

If that's how it's going to be, hell move the thread to the podium so we can all just speak freely because I still don't know what is or isn't over the line. :idunno:

It seems to depend on the thread you're in. Use the throw away threads for fun. Rate the race is dead 2 days after the race and seems to be open to the fun nonsense some enjoy, myself included.
But when some people play along, suddenly it's a problem and it has to stop.

If that's how it's going to be, hell move the thread to the podium so we can all just speak freely because I still don't know what is or isn't over the line. :idunno:

There are plenty of people here to converse or joke around hell with the rest. I don't see any big changes on the horizon so give it a try and see how it goes.

Seriously, the DP thread could be moved to the Podium but she's still going to come up in the other threads and the same old, hating, name calling, bitching, moaning and whining will still occur.

One thing I have learned from experience is that the mods will not - and should not have to - act as kindergarden cops.

Man, I'm just trying to help you out here but other than what I've already postsed, I'm out of ideas :(
I must be way to easy to please because i don't seem to have a problem with this thread or any of the posters on it. I don't agree with all of everyones views, but i don't expect them to agree with all of mine either. Someone would have to really piss me off pretty bad before i would complain or attack them... and no one has even came close to doing that on this forum. That being said...i do think at times some posters on both sides of the fence may take this thread just a little to seriously.

Well said. The way I look at it, drivers are fair game until they show up to defend one of us.
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I am pretty thick skinned and can put up with almost everything.

That said, I get sick and tired of crying and whining about the races, TV coverage, announcers, phantom cautions, attacks on certain drivers AND BEOTCHING ABOUT THE COLOR OF THE CLEAR BLUE SKY!!!

Good gosh, get a life...

Phew! I feel better.

It seems to depend on the thread you're in. Use the throw away threads for fun. Rate the race is dead 2 days after the race and seems to be open to the fun nonsense some enjoy, myself included.

I just realized that everything under the sun gets rated in that thread except THE CLEAR BLUE SKY!!!
The complainer complaining about others complaining is a complaint in itself so it makes the original complainer that's complaining the most is doing what he is complaining about.

I like it here and think the forum is run just fine.
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