All things relating to Danica -- New season

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Wanted to post this in the Auto Club Predictions thread, but didn't want to get yelled at so...

I'm thinking Danica will do decent at Cali. It's a big wide track and she can race her own race and let the attrition come to her.
I think she could get a top 10 there.
I'm also hopeful she'll do well here. As you point out, Fontana is a big, wide track. Maybe she can find a groove that suits her driving style.

I wouldn't yell at you if you'd posted this in the Cali thread. I probably would have had trouble with those who would have responded to the post in a negative manner. Please don't assume you know how I will react.
I'm also hopeful she'll do well here. As you point out, Fontana is a big, wide track. Maybe she can find a groove that suits her driving style.

I wouldn't yell at you if you'd posted this in the Cali thread. I probably would have had trouble with those who would have responded to the post in a negative manner. Please don't assume you know how I will react.

I didn't mean that I thought you would yell at me. I meant the guy that cussed me and some others out for mentioning Danica outside the sticky on the pre-race thread a few days ago.

I won't mention any names, but he told me to get off his lawn... and some other stuff too.
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I have a question. What does success look like for Danica? I dont know what the SHR goals are for her nor the sponsors. I honestly think a top 15 in points would shut most of us up along being able to keep her ride for a long time. Problem is, I dont see that happening anytime soon.
I have a question. What does success look like for Danica? I dont know what the SHR goals are for her nor the sponsors. I honestly think a top 15 in points would shut most of us up along being able to keep her ride for a long time. Problem is, I dont see that happening anytime soon.

success? how about 10, 12 million a year in income and endorsements AND you get to hit parked cars. I laughed until it hurt after that one, and D.W. for the first time in his life was speechless.
success? how about 10, 12 million a year in income and endorsements AND you get to hit parked cars. I laughed until it hurt after that one, and D.W. for the first time in his life was speechless.
Sometime you amaze me. Why would her hitting a car make you laugh? Do you really hate her that much that you love to see her screw up. There's a hell of a lot of other drivers that f@ck up how about ragging on them awhile.
She's fortunate there weren't crew members going around back from the right side to the left side at the moment.
Yes that's true people could have gotten hurt but what about Harvick driving a car on fire beside the wall a lot of people could have been hurt bad there also but I don't see people LAUGHING because he screwed up. I don't care if she stays or goes but treat her as you would any DRIVER.
Yes that's true people could have gotten hurt but what about Harvick driving a car on fire beside the wall a lot of people could have been hurt bad there also but I don't see people LAUGHING because he screwed up. I don't care if she stays or goes but treat her as you would any DRIVER.
Harvick got drilled in both the race and Bonehead threads. You treat her as any other driver would be.
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Yes that's true people could have gotten hurt but what about Harvick driving a car on fire beside the wall a lot of people could have been hurt bad there also but I don't see people LAUGHING because he screwed up. I don't care if she stays or goes but treat her as you would any DRIVER.

Harvicks car didn't flare up until he was behind the pit wall. Yes, he could have stopped sooner, but it's not like he pulled into the garage area with his car ablaze like some are making it out to be.
Some of those are old.....but wow the hatred

Wasnt it like a year ago when Kurt Busch was "the most hated athlete in the world" ? It doesnt seem to take much to turn the world against a person :idunno:
I cant imagine that anyone really hates Danica, but I guess its possible
Some of those are old.....but wow the hatred
It's fear. I enjoyed Travis Kvapil's righteous indignation and his threat to "kill her".

His domestic violence / assault guilty plea got him, among other things, some anger management counseling. I'm sure he's more mellow now.
That craps a joke. It don't work. :D

I think it works some of the time.

I'm quite sure the semi-literate buffoon who dragged his wife down the hall by her hair and punched her in the face didn't get much out of it.
I cant imagine that anyone really hates Danica, but I guess its possible
I can't speak for everyone but I doubt anyone truly hates her, more they just hate the media ass kissing to her & making her out to be an elite in the sport when she can barely stay on the lead lap each race. I hope Danica inspires a real female racer to come into NASCAR & give the boys a run for their money because Danica just ain't the one to do it.
I can't speak for everyone but I doubt anyone truly hates her, more they just hate the media ass kissing to her & making her out to be an elite in the sport when she can barely stay on the lead lap each race. I hope Danica inspires a real female racer to come into NASCAR & give the boys a run for their money because Danica just ain't the one to do it.

Im not really sure the fans or the sport are ready for a female to really be competitive at it. I would be crushed if a lady came into the sport and handed Kyle Buschs ass too him :laugh:
I would probably run out in front of a truck or something :owquitit: Yep that would suck
Im not really sure the fans or the sport are ready for a female to really be competitive at it. I would be crushed if a lady came into the sport and handed Kyle Buschs ass too him :laugh:
I would probably run out in front of a truck or something :owquitit: Yep that would suck
Didn't that already happen at the all star race a few years ago? What was her name.. Demy Hamlin or sumfin...
I'm about tired of this never-ending battle about Danica. Some like her, some don't. Some thinks she's doing a decent job, others don't.

For over a year this battle among posters has been on-going. The haters are going to hate --- and they will continue to see her as an
interloper unless she walks on water and turns water into wine in front of their very eyes.

The only reason I keep this thread open and visible is because it corrals all the Danica bashing and defending into one place. Otherwise, it
would spread throughout every thread in the forum.

I would like to point out that some are beginning to harass and demean other posters --- and that is one thing I will NOT tolerate.
That is the one thing that will shut this thread down --- period.

Either stick to the subject, or this subject goes away. The entire subject could be moved to The Podium, and any postings about Danica may be removed from other threads.

Clean it up, my friends, or lose it.

Personally I think that is where this thread belongs, but I'm sure I'm in the minority on that.
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So when of our drivers gets bashed why is it ok then and not when people bashed on Danica? There is a double standard in there somewhere.

My opinion is that once you put on that helmet and are out there racing everyone is equal. She shouldn't get a pass because she's new or because she's a lady or otherwise.

Just take the heat like we take it when people rag on our drivers.

As a Gordon fan I should know. Specially now when his career is winding down and I have to put up with comments like he doesn't care, he doesn't win much at all because he's old and washed up blah blah.
It's ok because there isn't an entire thread that has been devoted to it for over a year!
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It's ok because there isn't an entire thread that has been devoted to it for over a year!

But the reason why this thread even exists is to keep it from spilling all over the board.

I'm fine with this been put into the podium. Would be a sure fire way to kill it.

Then again people would just comment on the race threads which in my opinion is ok as long as it is relevant to how she's doing in that particular race.

Anything outside of the race thread gets deleted or put into the podium along with this thread.

That's how I'd do it.
But the reason why this thread even exists is to keep it from spilling all over the board.

I'm fine with this been put into the podium. Would be a sure fire way to kill it.

Then again people would just comment on the race threads which in my opinion is ok as long as it is relevant to how she's doing in that particular race.

Anything outside of the race thread gets deleted or put into the podium along with this thread.

That's how I'd do it.
Yep me too, I think this thread is played out, it is the same thing over and over again, but for some reason I can't help checking it every so often.;)
Yep, she drove good in that race.

She sure did. Aunty I like what you said, about the fear factor....I think she does scare old school drivers...the old boys club might get broken up.
Danica will win in NASCAR.
There's been lots of guys hit parked cars in the pits, don't see you raggin on them. Oh I get it now Danica is a female so she can't drive. Wow do feel this way about your wife's or girlfriend driving?. Sounds a little sexist to me.

Psssh. Ask my poor Dodge Charger. One deer, one mailbox, and one collision with another car tells me my wife can't drive. Does that make me sexist?
But the reason why this thread even exists is to keep it from spilling all over the board.

I'm fine with this been put into the podium. Would be a sure fire way to kill it.

Then again people would just comment on the race threads which in my opinion is ok as long as it is relevant to how she's doing in that particular race.

Anything outside of the race thread gets deleted or put into the podium along with this thread.

That's how I'd do it.
There has been one in the podium for quite awhile but nobody posts there because bashing in the podium is nothing new and has no shock value.
I don't think it's bad enough that we need to take one of the most poular threads in this forum and move it to the podium. That would be like making the most popular girl at a dance go sit in the basement. It's dark and cold and only a few goes down there. Like Johali says...there is already one there and it doesn't get any attention. But, i also understand TRL"s concerns.
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I don't want to be forced to move it. But the personal remarks about posters by other posters has to stop.
I can't say all posters do it, but some carry it to an extreme. Some pick apart every word in every post by every poster, and manage
to find something personal about them ---- even if no one else can see it. Then they retaliate with snarky comments of their own.

This forum has been around a long time because of you, the members. This is really a friendly place to come and talk.
If you want truly mean-spirited, down right ugly in-fighting, there are plenty of other forums on the web.

Please save your venom for those.
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