All things relating to Danica -- New season

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We failed to interpret that the same way. What we have here is a failure to communicate.

Sorry for the obligatory commercial but that line was from one of my favorite movies.

One of the best movies ever.
I'm not emotional, why don't you dogg the other 25 losers in the cup series? fair is fair...or is it? Danica is an easy target because she is a woman and most people like you, think they don't belong

I'm fine with having women race in the Cup series if they have the talent to be there. I hope one day soon it actually happens.
The Danica thing is more of a publicity stunt to have a woman there only because she is a woman.

For that reason I don't think she belongs in the Cup series.

I'd feel the same if some team hired a famous male Hollywood actor to run the series just because of the attention and sponsorship money it would generate for the team, but the guy couldn't compete at that level.

That doesn't mean I don't like Hollywood actors
Never say never. Even the biggest scrubs win once in a while.

With that said though, Without some rain assistance or some sort of heavy, calculated pit strategy she wont win a thing.

Lets not even talk about her winning a championship, please.
Danica will never have a fair chance in Nascar. It doesn't matter if she does catch on and becomes the next Tony Stewart. "Old school" people still will say she doesn't belong in Nascar.

She gets a fair chance every time they drop the green. And she usually runs with the crowd that can only dream of being in a SHR car.

As far as getting a fair shot on this thread, it is almost pointless. Getting a nobody's approval like mine means nothing. If she wins or just becomes a strong top ten type, she will justly have broken new ground. I can't even imagine a way to define how incredible that would be and the admiration she would deserve.

But the bottom line is that it has not happened, and it doesn't look that promising.
I dont think Petty is out of touch with the realities of the matter.

He is just at the age to say whatever he thinks without being to worried about how it is received.
She gets a fair chance every time they drop the green. And she usually runs with the crowd that can only dream of being in a SHR car.

As far as getting a fair shot on this thread, it is almost pointless. Getting a nobody's approval like mine means nothing. If she wins or just becomes a strong top ten type, she will justly have broken new ground. I can't even imagine a way to define how incredible that would be and the admiration she would deserve.

But the bottom line is that it has not happened, and it doesn't look that promising.
I dont think Petty is out of touch with the realities of the matter.

He is just at the age to say whatever he thinks without being to worried about how it is received.

She gets more than a fair chance seen as how she's technically robbing a solid spot of someone who can actually wheel a car.

But hey, such is life.
exactly, people sad she wouldn't win a pole, she gets one, people say she won't get a top 10. she gets one...Now this year everyone thinks she should win the champion ship or she doesn't belong in cup.

Is it possible to identify just one (1 person) among the everybody's that has demanded a Danica championship to prove that she belongs in cup racing.
Is it possible to identify just one (1 person) among the everybody's that has demanded a Danica championship to prove that she belongs in cup racing.
Me, she's a never was until she wins a cup, so there.:p
I'm fine with having women race in the Cup series if they have the talent to be there. I hope one day soon it actually happens.
The Danica thing is more of a publicity stunt to have a woman there only because she is a woman.

For that reason I don't think she belongs in the Cup series.

I'd feel the same if some team hired a famous male Hollywood actor to run the series just because of the attention and sponsorship money it would generate for the team, but the guy couldn't compete at that level.

That doesn't mean I don't like Hollywood actors
ummm that shows how ignorant people are about her career
She gets a fair chance every time they drop the green. And she usually runs with the crowd that can only dream of being in a SHR car.

As far as getting a fair shot on this thread, it is almost pointless. Getting a nobody's approval like mine means nothing. If she wins or just becomes a strong top ten type, she will justly have broken new ground. I can't even imagine a way to define how incredible that would be and the admiration she would deserve.

But the bottom line is that it has not happened, and it doesn't look that promising.
I dont think Petty is out of touch with the realities of the matter.

He is just at the age to say whatever he thinks without being to worried about how it is received.

IMO, I think Richard Petty has earned the right to speak his opinion about NASCAR and all things related. Agree with him or not, he's given his life to this sport. As far as Danica goes, it would be nice to see her become somewhat competitive. I don't think she has to win a bunch of races or championships to be considered a success. IMO, she hasn't progressed very well from when she started in NNS so any improvement this year would be encouraging.
Again folks, gender has nothing to do with the dislike people have for her behind the wheel of a stock car... Atleast from the majority on this forum.

I would LOVE to see her do well, but at this point, I would say its a wash.
She's also transitioning from cars that have nothing in common with cup cars. She's had people hating on her since before she ever even stepped foot in a Cup car. Don't even try and act like she hasn't. I saw people saying she didn't belong before she ever even ran that Arca race at Daytona.

I can appreciate this, fast tracking her to cup is a double edged sword. A big time sponsor needs the bang (cup racing) for the buck. That is my biggest criticism.

But I do think she needed a greater learning curve. That may sound like I do not want a female in cup racing, I just think she needs a better set of building blocks first.
Richard Petty IMO has earned the right to say what he did, he and his family helped build Nascar and still to this day signs autographs and is accessible to the fans, almost lost his dad, and lost his grandson to this sport so people like sparkle pony Danica can be there and make multi millions without anything close to a win at the track.
Maybe Tony regretted hyping her up so much that she thought she should race him.

IDK. She really hasn't caused wrecks, but she hasn't avoided many either. She's used to being able to jerk the wheel and nail the brakes, and that's the type of thing she needs to un-learn. She is good for the financial end of the sport, but she needs to race or get out of the way.
how much money is she bring into the sport?
ummm that shows how ignorant people are about her career
so enlighten us about her career. What is her claim to fame?
I find these Danica threads funny, if Danica was Dan and had a stick and two balls just like the other 42 drivers on Sunday, we wouldn't be having a discussion , while yes, Danica is a female, but that shouldn't matter, what should matter is her on track performance, and how many drivers have seen come and go that have had the same lack of on track performance as Danica has so far?.

I dont look at Danica as a female when she is on the track, I look at her as a driver behind the wheel of a race car.

I know some of you want to think that I am hating on her, and that is furtherest from the truth, the media's hyped flavored kool-aide is what I hate, and that makes it hard sometimes , its shame that we are still living in a sexist society and that is all the media wants to focus on with her
I find these Danica threads funny, if Danica was Dan and had a stick and two balls just like the other 42 drivers on Sunday, we wouldn't be having a discussion , while yes, Danica is a female, but that shouldn't matter, what should matter is her on track performance, and how many drivers have seen come and go that have had the same lack of on track performance as Danica has so far?.

I dont look at Danica as a female when she is on the track, I look at her as a driver behind the wheel of a race car.

I know some of you want to think that I am hating on her, and that is furtherest from the truth, the media's hyped flavored kool-aide is what I hate, and that makes it hard sometimes , its shame that we are still living in a sexist society and that is all the media wants to focus on with her
A lot of drivers would give their left nut to be in a SH race car and Danica gets the call instead because she is a novelty for the sport. She will become competitive about the same time Rick Hendrick calls me to drive the 24 car. I dont mean any disrespect to Danica but she is in way over her head at this level of racing. This is the best of the best and its ruthless.

Richard Petty is spot on with his comments by the way.
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ummm that shows how ignorant people are about her career
She's not here because of her talent. Throughout the junior ranks she always ran behind drivers like Gary Paffett, James Courtney, Ryan Dalziel, Marino Franchitti, Patrick Long, Joey Hand, Jon Fogarty, et al. who haven't been able to move past DTM, USCR, V8 Supercars, and the like. If they had the marketing appeal she did it would be a different story.
After rereading this thread in its entirety along with the original Danica sticky thread I'm finally convinced that Danica has no place in NASCAR. It took a while to get that through my thick head. They need to can her ass and put in some other non producing 'no name' that can fade into obscurity and not bring attention to the sport. The less focus on NASCAR by a potential fan is a good thing, right?
After rereading this thread in its entirety along with the original Danica sticky thread I'm finally convinced that Danica has no place in NASCAR. It took a while to get that through my thick head. They need to can her ass and put in some other non producing 'no name' that can fade into obscurity and not bring attention to the sport. The less focus on NASCAR by a potential fan is a good thing, right?
Danica absolutely has a place in NASCAR. That place just isn't the front of the field ;)

While I agree that Richard Petty probably could have gone about stating his views on Danica a little better, I can't really disagree much with what he said. There's still some inexperience with Danica and she may get better, but she actually seemed to regress as the season went on last year. It is good that she brings attention to the sport, but without the results, the novelty will wear off quickly. Danica-mania has already cooled off some from where it was originally.

Okay, who gave Danica a can of spray paint?

After rereading this thread in its entirety along with the original Danica sticky thread I'm finally convinced that Danica has no place in NASCAR. It took a while to get that through my thick head. They need to can her ass and put in some other non producing 'no name' that can fade into obscurity and not bring attention to the sport. The less focus on NASCAR by a potential fan is a good thing, right?
After rereading this thread in its entirety along with the original Danica sticky thread I'm finally convinced that Danica has no place in NASCAR. It took a while to get that through my thick head. They need to can her ass and put in some other non producing 'no name' that can fade into obscurity and not bring attention to the sport. The less focus on NASCAR by a potential fan is a good thing, right?

Yep, she adds to the circus atmosphere, folds right into the fake championship format, the muscle suit was a nice touch.
It's been said over and over that SHR as a whole was not competitive at all last year due to equipment- pit crews etc. If Stewart, Martin and Newman, three veterans, had done better then I would rate her "Rookie" year differently.
Again folks, gender has nothing to do with the dislike people have for her behind the wheel of a stock car... Atleast from the majority on this forum.

I would LOVE to see her do well, but at this point, I would say its a wash.

A lot of drivers would give their left nut to be in a SH race car and Danica gets the call instead because she is a novelty for the sport. She will become competitive about the same time Rick Hendrick calls me to drive the 24 car. I dont mean any disrespect to Danica but she is in way over her head at this level of racing. This is the best of the best and its ruthless.

Richard Petty is spot on with his comments by the way.

A lot of drivers would give their left nut to drive gillands car too, but we dont have hate thread because he has 2 balls
After rereading this thread in its entirety along with the original Danica sticky thread I'm finally convinced that Danica has no place in NASCAR. It took a while to get that through my thick head. They need to can her ass and put in some other non producing 'no name' that can fade into obscurity and not bring attention to the sport. The less focus on NASCAR by a potential fan is a good thing, right?
The no-names that replaced her at Andretti and JRM have produced a lot more than she did.
After rereading this thread in its entirety along with the original Danica sticky thread I'm finally convinced that Danica has no place in NASCAR. It took a while to get that through my thick head. They need to can her ass and put in some other non producing 'no name' that can fade into obscurity and not bring attention to the sport. The less focus on NASCAR by a potential fan is a good thing, right?

IMO it doesn't help nascar's credibility very much to have a driver that is being held up as the face of nascar... by nascar... when she can't even really compete at the Cup level.

Do you think a potential fan is going to be impressed when he/she decides to tune in to see Danica race, only to realize she is not even competitive?

I'd think that potential fan would walk away thinking nascar is a complete joke.
IMO it doesn't help nascar's credibility very much to have a driver that is being held up as the face of nascar... by nascar... when she can't even really compete at the Cup level.

Do you think a potential fan is going to be impressed when he/she decides to tune in to see Danica race, only to realize she is not even competitive?

I'd think that potential fan would walk away thinking nascar is a complete joke.
Shhh. Don't tell those fans lined up at her hauler.
IMO it doesn't help nascar's credibility very much to have a driver that is being held up as the face of nascar... by nascar... when she can't even really compete at the Cup level.

Do you think a potential fan is going to be impressed when he/she decides to tune in to see Danica race, only to realize she is not even competitive?

I'd think that potential fan would walk away thinking nascar is a complete joke.
I think they will be yelling "Yeah Danica- we'll get'em next week".
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Danica Patrick is not the first driver to get hammered on this board but I've never seen any driver be so vehemently defended - not even DEJr.

So while saying that she's hated because she's a woman will only hold so much water, I have to wonder if she's being defended for the same reason. None of the 3 Davids get this kind of love when the season opens up on them. Why?
Good point. I guess merchandise sales is now the criteria for "racing" in the Cup.

...and the dumbing down of nascar rolls on.
Obviously not but it is a great indicator of fan following which is what the comment was about. Success isn't the only thing that attracts fans to drivers. Earnhardt Jr. has always been the popular example. He's been my driver since his entry into the Nationwide Series. Him not winning later in his career hasn't turned me off from being a fan. I've been a fan and I'll continue until he moves on.

When Danica has wore out her welcome then her time will come to move on. There are plenty of drivers out there that haven't been successful but continued to run week in and week out yet we don't hear them being mentioned. I wonder why.

Not sure I get your 'dumbing down' comment. Is that directed my way?
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