All things relating to Danica -- New season

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Syracuse, N.Y. — The black Escalade, packing its 100-pound bit of pink-nailed cargo, rolled into the parking lot right on time on Tuesday morning. And those 100 or so rubber-neckers who'd collected out back of Manley Field House were only too happy to swivel in its direction and take a peek.

And then, there she was. There was Danica Patrick, looking the part of racer/rocker in dark shades, tight jeans … and flats?

Yeah, flats. But only for the moment because she'd soon duck behind the mammoth MouthMobile, a full-blown dental office on wheels, where she'd climb into heels, serious ones, before going about her polished P.R. business.

"At the end of the day, I'm a girl," Danica would unnecessarily explain. "So you always want to look nice."

She was speaking not of her upgraded footwear, but of her teeth, perfectly white and perfectly straight like so many piano keys. And for good reason because somebody in her gallery had complimented her on them.

Turns out, Danica's words dovetailed with her duty. She had, after all, traveled to our town to shine the proverbial spotlight on Aspen Dental, whose goal is to bring free dental care to thousands of disadvantaged people in communities across the country.

"I spend a lot of time in front of a camera," Danica declared, again without much need. "You always want to have a nice smile. It's very important to me."

Part of me wants to say slow down...You need to concentrate on racing, you know closing speeds, pit strategy, feel of the race car....part of me is glad she is reaching out to people, making a difference...sigh...
I dont resent Danica because she is a woman at all. I resent the fact that she is a 20th place car on a normal day in really good equipment and has the media hype going along with being the 7th highest paid driver in the sport that cant deliver. Those are the facts. Anybody else would have been canned long ago.

More like normally 27th place, or worse.
She shows so much promise and did well in Indy and lets say it.....Without Go daddys backing I wonder if she would have been here as long
I do not have green colored glasses on I know the score. She is out there day in day out racing with these guys and beating alot of them. She is good for the sport and when she wins NASCAR is never gonna be the same........She will bring in a ton of fans and expose NASCAR on a large stage
She shows so much promise and did well in Indy and lets say it.....Without Go daddys backing I wonder if she would have been here as long
I do not have green colored glasses on I know the score. She is out there day in day out racing with these guys and beating alot of them. She is good for the sport and when she wins NASCAR is never gonna be the same........She will bring in a ton of fans and expose NASCAR on a large stage

After last week, I have hope Danica can race her way to a win in nascar. I had given up hope, but that would be awesome to see happen.

In the meantime, I'll continue to goof on her and any other driver who offers up good material on of off the track. :)
After last week, I have hope Danica can race her way to a win in nascar. I had given up hope, but that would be awesome to see happen.

In the meantime, I'll continue to goof on her and any other driver who offers up good material on of off the track. :)
If she keeps listening to Kevin she might have a chance :D
If she keeps listening to Kevin she might have a chance :D
That's her game plan, and that is another thing i like about her. She will soak up as much information as she can from these guys and then she always gives them the credit when she has a decent run.
Call me a cynic but I think Smoke and JR back off (aka Mark Martin) and just let DP go during the last race. She was on the edge and they knew it and thought better of racing hard at the time. I am not trying to take away from her performance but I dont believe. I dont think she has the talent to cut it at this level. One race doesnt prove much but at least it was not at a plate track. Should be interesting to watch how she does in the upcoming races.
I thought that all the HMS/SHR cars were careful around one another - at least the ones that were up front.
Call me a cynic but I think Smoke and JR back off (aka Mark Martin) and just let DP go during the last race. She was on the edge and they knew it and thought better of racing hard at the time. I am not trying to take away from her performance but I dont believe. I dont think she has the talent to cut it at this level. One race doesnt prove much but at least it was not at a plate track. Should be interesting to watch how she does in the upcoming races.

Jr definitely backed off, not because he was worried about Danica, but because Stewart was holding him up. Just after that pass Tony dropped like a rock. Dale could either be patient behind Tony right then or try to move to the inside of Tony and Make it 3 wide knowing Danica was there.

Not trying to take anything away from Danica. She made the pass and it was funny to see, but she got them both because Tony was holding Dale up.
If she keeps listening to Kevin she might have a chance :D

I just hope she doesn't applied what she learned for Kansas to ALL the tracks. You can almost go wide open all the way at Kansas. Hoping she doesn't get too carried away on more other difficult tracks to master.
I just hope she doesn't applied what she learned for Kansas to ALL the tracks. You can almost go wide open all the way at Kansas. Hoping she doesn't get too carried away on more other difficult tracks to master.
I doubt you have to worry to much about that, With Kevin coaching her i think he will clue her in ahead of time.
Jr definitely backed off, not because he was worried about Danica, but because Stewart was holding him up. Just after that pass Tony dropped like a rock. Dale could either be patient behind Tony right then or try to move to the inside of Tony and Make it 3 wide knowing Danica was there.

Not trying to take anything away from Danica. She made the pass and it was funny to see, but she got them both because Tony was holding Dale up.

Actually, in one of her interviews this week she explained this pass and why she was personally happier about passing Jimmie Johnson on the outside during a re-start than that pass. Of the pass of Smoke & Jr she said there was a car blending in off of pit road in front of Smoke & Jr and she saw it and backed off because she had nowhere to go...Smoke & Jr had their momentum broken by that car (who then drove off because of its fresh tires) and she just drove her car down under them and it stuck so she was able to make the pass. She said it was fun but Smoke & Jr got held up by the car coming off of pit road so that made the pass easier to make. I think it's still showed pretty good track awareness and that she had her car in position ready to capitalize on the opportunity when it presented itself...

Danica is one of the most honest in interviews if you listen/read the full interviews and not just the sound bites that are passed around.
When i was on a United air flight Mon night i noticed the rear cover of the United magazine had a full page add of Tissot watches with Danica. She looked very glamerous, nothing like she does in her driving suit.:D
The color tone of the dress matchs the car well, and the back quarter panels synchronize very well too.
Nice Tasty complimentary curvatures (strictly in promotional artistic terms).
In Gregese I think that means that she's just as puurty and sexy as can be.

Danica Patrick enjoying some quality time with the kids at The Boys and Girls Club thanks to GoDaddy Cares.
This evening, weather permitting, Patrick has the opportunity to become the first woman to place higher than 9th in the Sprint Showdown.

Patrick set the current record in the 2013 running of the event after starting seventh in the twenty three car field.
Danica: "If you've won the race, you probably already have $1 million. Now if it was $5 million, it would be great"
The weather permitted but Patrick failed to better her record setting 9th place finish of last year. But, coupling the past record setting 9th place finish with this evening’s 10th makes her the first woman to score two to top ten finishes in this event.

Patrick, however, will not advance to the All Star Race. Her millions of dedicated fans failed to vote her in. That makes her the first woman driver not to be voted into tomorrow’s event by her fans.

She wasn’t in Kansas anymore. On to next week and more opportunities.
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