Bristol RACE thread

Does Tony Stewart have to say "uhhh" after every word? It's bugged me for 10+ years. Every interview....
Does Tony Stewart have to say "uhhh" after every word? It's bugged me for 10+ years. Every interview....
But umm, that is like nails on a chalk board now to me
Toilet paper cushioning.... OK

LOL..yeah..these guys are (supposed to be) Engineers. Anybody knows that - sure - the roll of toilet paper will make for a snug fit at first - but once the interior cardboard roll starts to break down with all the bouncing around and G-forces at a track like Bristol...things will loosen up. Personally, I would have used an empty Coke can with a bunch of Duck tape wrapped around it...or maybe a kid's mini-football...but they never ask me :angry:
Does Tony Stewart have to say "uhhh" after every word? It's bugged me for 10+ years. Every interview....

That's an strategy to buy more time to come up with something to say.

Kind of when a liar repeats the question you just asked him so he has more time to come up with a response. lol
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Jesus Danica is pathetic. Bringing her personal **** to a race? really? jesus
This rain delay coverage is going down the ****ter :D
So NASCAR has become a soup opera now?

This is making me sick..
Danica is cool though...she knows the attention is cause she is a gal. She's running mid-pack at Bristol in good equipment...about the same Mikey always did.
LOL interviewing Ricky when he has nothing of worth to say.

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My Corned Beef cooking is not as pathetic as this drivel.
Sweet Jesus in Heaven, let's go racing'...
My hats off to Fox for staying with live coverage all day during the rain delays.
What was up with Menard...he seemed pissed that Steve was asking about his soon-to-be child...?
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