Congratulations TRD/Toyota: Your Repeat Manufacturers Champion

My personal option is that no one is fighting, just having fun.
I'm confused, what did Toyota do that was wrong? I must have missed it.
I'm confused, what did Toyota do that was wrong? I must have missed it.

If you find out please let me know as I still don't know. I think it has something to do with JGR getting its engines from TRD which it has for years but even though JGR builds its own chassis there is a conspiracy theory that says they don't. Apparently there is some warehouse in Salisbury NC that is too big for its stated use so that is where these clandestine chassis are being covertly built.
If you find out please let me know as I still don't know. I think it has something to do with JGR getting its engines from TRD which it has for years but even though JGR builds its own chassis there is a conspiracy theory that says they don't. Apparently there is some warehouse in Salisbury NC that is too big for its stated use so that is where these clandestine chassis are being covertly built. i get it......maybe.......probably not
If you find out please let me know as I still don't know. I think it has something to do with JGR getting its engines from TRD which it has for years but even though JGR builds its own chassis there is a conspiracy theory that says they don't. Apparently there is some warehouse in Salisbury NC that is too big for its stated use so that is where these clandestine chassis are being covertly built.

They are being built with metal that is not from this planet ........ please don't tell anyone :sne: i get it......maybe.......probably not

Put one of these on. Everything will become much clearer.

Riddle me this, why is TRD building cup chassis's in the building if they don't run them? Even Revman said they build Cup chassis's in the building.

My contention is that Jibbs is running TRD chassis's.
Interestingly, BK Racing also build their own chassis.
Riddle me this, why is TRD building cup chassis's in the building if they don't run them? Even Revman said they build Cup chassis's in the building.

My contention is that Jibbs is running TRD chassis's.

is that against the law? I'm asking because i don't know.
is that against the law? I'm asking because i don't know.

How would you feel if you were running against a team that was full on factory, with unlimited budget?
How would you feel if you were running against a team that was full on factory, with unlimited budget?

Now i'm really confused. Because in part of this thread, Coach Gibbs was belittled because his pockets weren't as deep as Hendricks, Penskes', or Ganassis'. He's worth just a paltry 60 million or so. So; if Toyota makes up the difference, it's wrong? Is TRD involvement against NASCAR rules? Maybe Toyota is more committed to racing than the other brands. I really don't know. I do know this, they won just about everything that mattered this year. So, instead of Chevy, Ford and their most ardent fans whining, they might want to up their game. And with an unlimited budget, (if that's the case), why didn't Toyota spend whatever it would take to keep Kenseth and Edwards in the fold? They aren't a pair of light weights, ya know.
Now i'm really confused. Because in part of this thread, Coach Gibbs was belittled because his pockets weren't as deep as Hendricks, Penskes', or Ganassis'. He's worth just a paltry 60 million or so. So; if Toyota makes up the difference, it's wrong? Is TRD involvement against NASCAR rules? Maybe Toyota is more committed to racing than the other brands. I really don't know. I do know this, they won just about everything that mattered this year. So, instead of Chevy, Ford and their most ardent fans whining, they might want to up their game. And with an unlimited budget, (if that's the case), why didn't Toyota spend whatever it would take to keep Kenseth and Edwards in the fold? They aren't a pair of light weights, ya know.

So you think outspending the other guys is the answer, got it.

Maybe you have not noticed, but NASCAR is a declining sport.
Yes, I have watched the steady decline of NASCAR over the past few years. I'm pretty sure that's not the fault of Toyota. I recall Junior Johnson wasn't to fond of Rick Hendrick coming into the sport throwing money around like it grew on trees. Hiring the other teams best people, but that's just business. Hendrick showed up in 1984, by 1995 Junior and Bud Moore were gone from the sport. NASCAR was in decline before Toyota showed up. The decline of NASCAR rest squarely on the shoulders of NASCAR. And, if you want to take Toyota out of the sport, you think twenty Fords versus twenty Chevys would make it any better? Probably not. I'm guessing Toyota is here to stay as long as they want to be.
Yes, I have watched the steady decline of NASCAR over the past few years. I'm pretty sure that's not the fault of Toyota. I recall Junior Johnson wasn't to fond of Rick Hendrick coming into the sport throwing money around like it grew on trees. Hiring the other teams best people, but that's just business. Hendrick showed up in 1984, by 1995 Junior and Bud Moore were gone from the sport. NASCAR was in decline before Toyota showed up. The decline of NASCAR rest squarely on the shoulders of NASCAR. And, if you want to take Toyota out of the sport, you think twenty Fords versus twenty Chevys would make it any better? Probably not. I'm guessing Toyota is here to stay as long as they want to be.

Hey Mack, I love the way one minute you're "confused" and the next you know everything. If Toyota keeps outspending Ford and GM by large multiplies it will be all Toyota's, no Ford or GM.

BTW, Rick Hendrick didn't have a lot money to throw around when he started running in NASCAR, thats a ludicrous statement. Please show me where you got this info from, or maybe you're, just "confused" again.
I'm not remotely confused about Juniors displeasure with his people getting hired away. I remember it well. I recall Waltrip leaving Junior for Hendrick at the end of the 1986 season. Waltrip stuck his foot in his mouth when he declared that he got off a mule, and onto a thoroughbred. In other words, he left a junk race team, to drive for the real deal. He had won somewhere in the vicinity of 40 races and three titles on that mule as he called it. Hendrick bought Waltrip. Do a little research for yourself, I'm sure you can find some info. And I have never claimed to know to know everything, never will. Your post are confusing, what is your rub with Toyota? They have money? They are free to spend it as they see fit. It's their money to spend. And as best as I can tell, they have a pile of it. So you might want to get used to seeing them win, and win a lot. Rick Hendrick outspent the bulk of the competition for many a moon, now somebody else is doing the exact same thing. That's life. JGR and TRD are living rent free in your head. Try the decaf and let it go.
I'm not remotely confused about Juniors displeasure with his people getting hired away. I remember it well. I recall Waltrip leaving Junior for Hendrick at the end of the 1986 season. Waltrip stuck his foot in his mouth when he declared that he got off a mule, and onto a thoroughbred. In other words, he left a junk race team, to drive for the real deal. He had won somewhere in the vicinity of 40 races and three titles on that mule as he called it. Hendrick bought Waltrip. Do a little research for yourself, I'm sure you can find some info. And I have never claimed to know to know everything, never will. Your post are confusing, what is your rub with Toyota? They have money? They are free to spend it as they see fit. It's their money to spend. And as best as I can tell, they have a pile of it. So you might want to get used to seeing them win, and win a lot. Rick Hendrick outspent the bulk of the competition for many a moon, now somebody else is doing the exact same thing. That's life. JGR and TRD are living rent free in your head. Try the decaf and let it go.

OK, got it, yesterday you said you were confused, now you're not. Do you have financial records to prove Hendrick outspent the competition, or is that just your opinion?

BTW, I am sorry I triggered your soft spot.
No need to apologize to me. I assure you, you haven't "triggered" anything with me. If anyone has been "triggered" in this particular thread, it is you. You have an unreasonable disdain, bitterness, hatred or whatever for TRD and JGR. It's just stock car racing, therefore "entertainment". I guess you're very jealous of their combined success. And by all means, PLEASE have the last word so you can claim some kind of a moral victory. I'm sure you will. As far as Hendricks financial records, no I do not have access to those, nor do you. Hendrick for a fact bought Waltrip and Waddell Wilson, I'm sure I can find you a link to prove that. To Hendricks credit, he took a lot of young drivers and gave them a shot. And in some cases it worked out well for him. Gordon and Johnson come to mind. I do recall a lot of competitive teams leaving the sport because it became to expensive to stay in, Stavola bros, Jackson bros, Morgan-McClure, Ranier-Lundy which became Robert Yates racing and so on. So what did that leave? Hendrick, Penske, Rousch, SHR, FRR and JGR as premier competitors, occasionally you can throw RCR in there as well. What happened to the smaller teams? And these teams produced wins. They got outspent. Now Toyota has the deepest pockets in the sport. It's as simple as that. Money equals horsepower. The more money a group has, the more they'e going to win. You might want to get used to it. Is Toyota winning a bad thing for NASCAR? Time will tell. What is the alternative? Tell Toyota to leave? Not gonna happen. Sorry
No need to apologize to me. I assure you, you haven't "triggered" anything with me. If anyone has been "triggered" in this particular thread, it is you. You have an unreasonable disdain, bitterness, hatred or whatever for TRD and JGR. It's just stock car racing, therefore "entertainment". I guess you're very jealous of their combined success. And by all means, PLEASE have the last word so you can claim some kind of a moral victory. I'm sure you will. As far as Hendricks financial records, no I do not have access to those, nor do you. Hendrick for a fact bought Waltrip and Waddell Wilson, I'm sure I can find you a link to prove that. To Hendricks credit, he took a lot of young drivers and gave them a shot. And in some cases it worked out well for him. Gordon and Johnson come to mind. I do recall a lot of competitive teams leaving the sport because it became to expensive to stay in, Stavola bros, Jackson bros, Morgan-McClure, Ranier-Lundy which became Robert Yates racing and so on. So what did that leave? Hendrick, Penske, Rousch, SHR, FRR and JGR as premier competitors, occasionally you can throw RCR in there as well. What happened to the smaller teams? And these teams produced wins. They got outspent. Now Toyota has the deepest pockets in the sport. It's as simple as that. Money equals horsepower. The more money a group has, the more they'e going to win. You might want to get used to it. Is Toyota winning a bad thing for NASCAR? Time will tell. What is the alternative? Tell Toyota to leave? Not gonna happen. Sorry

I have heard all sorts of applause for the cost saving initiatives Nascar has mandated (air guns, engines) but the irony it won't save anything but just result in more money being spent in an attempt to glean an advantage elsewhere. This will be another fine example of Nascar embodying the law of unintended consequences and more reasons for some on the fringe becoming angry with Toyota. Toyota wants to win and it takes a lot of money to win and if they want to spend it and the others don't then too bad!
I've read that story before and I can see that you dislike HMS, so carry on with your foreign allegiance.

Wrong, yet again. Bless your heart. What Hendrick has accomplished in NASCAR is not debatable. He has put together winning teams and championships. If you'll slow down a little and concentrate, you would see that I am a Chevy guy, always have been as I stated earlier. That aside, you can't remotely follow NASCAR and not see the simple fact that Toyota is kicking tail. And as far as any "foreign allegiance" goes, Toyota employs thousands of American citizens within the borders of this great country. I have several friends that are employed at the local Toyota plant where they build truck engines. In a global economy where plant/manufacturing jobs are drying up you should be thankful that Toyota is employing your fellow citizens. My friends that work for Toyota enjoy their jobs. And they offer good benefits. So you might as well get used to Toyota being a part of the American culture and NASCAR. They ain't going away.
Wrong, yet again. Bless your heart. What Hendrick has accomplished in NASCAR is not debatable. He has put together winning teams and championships. If you'll slow down a little and concentrate, you would see that I am a Chevy guy, always have been as I stated earlier. That aside, you can't remotely follow NASCAR and not see the simple fact that Toyota is kicking tail. And as far as any "foreign allegiance" goes, Toyota employs thousands of American citizens within the borders of this great country. I have several friends that are employed at the local Toyota plant where they build truck engines. In a global economy where plant/manufacturing jobs are drying up you should be thankful that Toyota is employing your fellow citizens. My friends that work for Toyota enjoy their jobs. And they offer good benefits. So you might as well get used to Toyota being a part of the American culture and NASCAR. They ain't going away.

I have my reasons for the dislike of Toyota, I guess you just conveniently overlooked them in this thread. As far as you being a GM guy, I seriously doubt it, because I see you as a closet Toyota fan.
Really not relevant how you see me. I won't lose any sleep over it. Hate Toyota all you want to. I'm betting they're not losing any sleep either. You simply can't give credit where credit is due. Toyota/JGR/TRD are winners. Like it or don't. Now, Have a nice day.
Not sure what point you're trying to make. Again, you can be confusing, borderline incoherent. Have a nice day
Not sure what point you're trying to make. Again, you can be confusing, borderline incoherent. Have a nice day

Did you see any of your friends in the video?:XXROFL::XXROFL:
  1. intense or irrational dislike or fear of people from other countries.
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