Cup RACE thread --- Atlanta

liking that the “breakaway” didn’t happen. They were run down
Huh. Exactly what I don't like. Fast cars should be able to outrun slow ones. Drivers shouldn't have to depend on others.

I'll give the track credit. The cars aren't jammed into single wad like Daytona or Talladega (so far).
Enough commercials Fox???? My PRN radio feed is so far ahead of Fox. If someone has a work around to sync please reach out to me.
ha ha hell. More people there then the past 5 years
I didn't realize attendance was THAT poor for the last 5 years. I know one year was COVID, but, WOW... Seems new improvements would pique people's curiosity about exciting racing and draw vast crowds.. Good for their turnout today, it appears each successive race can only add to the fan count going forward...
I mean, I think the formula is working so far.

Both lines are able to get solid runs and no one is really safe sitting up front. For me its adjusting what I'm used to seeing at Atlanta.
It's working if you like manufactured drama and not actual stock car racing.

Tire management? 0
Fuel conservation? 0
Short run setups? Long run setups? 0
Green flag pit stops? 0
Well gee golly gosh you're right, let me chug some Jack until my IQ drops a few dozen points and we can YEEEE HAWWWW at the tv!
A large number of lead changes doesn't mean it's a good race. A small number doesn't mean it's bad.
I just posted it for numbers, and I can agree there a little bit. But to me a race where someone is way out ahead isn’t a good race. Why would I want to see someone be 8 -10 seconds or so ahead? Then it’s not exciting.
Surprised to see the #19 had the rear changer around the back of the car
Interesting how they were all pretty close at Fontana & Vegas with the NextGen but if it’s a repaved Atlanta they would be 10 seconds out.
It's working if you like manufactured drama and not actual stock car racing.

Tire management? 0
Fuel conservation? 0
Short run setups? Long run setups? 0
Green flag pit stops? 0
A brand new configuration where the idea was to turn into a superspeedway.

No data, no idea what to expect here. Am I the biggest fan of the change? Not really, but the idea of it all is working for the vision SMI had about this. I'm fine with the previous configuration, but this is what was given. It's not bad, its like watching a plate race on a narrower track, but hell if it keeps Atlanta around that's cool to me.
Interesting how they were all pretty close at Fontana & Vegas with the NextGen but if it’s a repaved Atlanta they would be 10 seconds out.
Who knows, but I see people upset no one can have a huge lead, so I’m just saying to me that’s not exciting.
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