Cup RACE thread --- Kansas

That was not one of Danica's better interviews. I totally understand her frustration. She was running really well and got taken out. It wasn't anyone's fault. **** happens.

But could she sound anymore selfish and tone def?

A driver gets cut out and taken out on a backboard, and the universe is picking on her? Good grief, lady.
Danica seems totally out of it. Almost like she's at the brink of having a complete mental breakdown

She raced her ass off tonight, this is probably one of her best races in a while. She was mixing it up in the top 15 all night long and her pace was great, now that's gone. Its happened to her so many times to just that it seems like she's saying the same thing every time "What more can I do?"

I'm really concerned about her and the pressure has just backed her into a wall atm.
I think it's time for Danica to hang em' up. I'm pretty much done after that interview. Entitled, whiney narcissist.
What an absolutely appalling lack of self awareness we saw on display tonight. I don't think I've seen such a disgusting scene of total self-absorption, combined with a complete lack of empathy, in one place before in my life.

The sooner this pampered and entitled brat (that's the nicest thing I can say) leaves the sport the better for everyone involved.
She raced her ass off tonight, this is probably one of her best races in a while. She was mixing it up in the top 15 all night long and her pace was great, now that's gone. Its happened to her so many times to just that it seems like she's saying the same thing every time "What more can I do?"

I'm really concerned about her and the pressure has just backed her into a wall atm.
Every driver has snake bitten seasons. Shes not unique in this. She can get over it & move on to Charlotte.
42 car is hurt after the brush thru the cat litter.
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