Cup RACE thread --- Pocono

If everybody raced Pocono like Hamlin, all it would take is to start in the low lane and run the top lane into the wall. Lanes mean nothing to Hamlin.
Larson could have lifted. He chose not to. Hello wall.
I’m a pothead so I might be wrong, but I thought before you gave me a hard time over Chase. But maybe it wasn’t him wrecking and was more me just being mad about how his seasons going.
Years ago, definitely. But overtime, I kind of stop rooting against drivers my friends like. It's not a right or wrong thing, it's just how I tick as a fan.

One of my closest childhood friends (still close now, I was his best man) was a big time Tony Stewart fan. I hated Tony. I was an Edwards fan. 2011 was brutal, and at times, made our friendship difficult, and nasty. We were only 18/19 years old then, but it was rough.

That was then, but it's sort of molded me as a fan the older I got.

I by no means am a Chase fan, and am fairly neutral on him now. But I'm here a lot because some of my favorite people here are his fans, I don't really feel much hostility towards him as a fan anymore, and definitely don't root against him at this point. Not anymore.

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It was funny for a few weeks. They’re just mad Chase isn’t even close to contending while the 24 and 5 are title contenders
Can't speak for the others, but I genuinely just don't like the guy. Never have. The run-ins with Chase have added to that, but they certainly aren't the root of it for me.
Hamlin wasn't fast enough to get by Larson, otherwise he would have during the green flag run.

Hamlin pulled his dirty move of, run you into the wall, you either hit the wall, or you lift and let me pass.

No racer is going to just lift and give up the lead, which basically means this move, that he telegraphs from his mouth, is run someone into the fence. It's dirty.

However, Larson ****** up and could have avoided this. When Denny restarts on the front row, give him the top. Take the bottom. Problem solved, Larson wins the race.

At this point, drivers have to assume that if Hamlin is restarting P2, you need to take the bottom as the leader.

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Hamlin wasn't fast enough to get by Larson, otherwise he would have during the green flag run.

Hamlin pulled his dirty move of, run you into the wall, you either hit the wall, or you lift and let me pass.

No racer is going to just lift and give up the lead, which basically means this move, that he telegraphs from his mouth, is run someone into the fence. It's dirty.

However, Larson ****** up and could have avoided this. When Denny restarts on the front row, give him the top. Take the bottom. Problem solved, Larson wins the race.

At this point, drivers have to assume that if Hamlin is restarting P2, you need to take the bottom as the leader.

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That's great 20/20 hindsight, but nobody races a person into the wall on purpose. Hamlin couldn't beat Larson and stay in his lane, he needed and took the whole track to do it. He ran Larson who was trying to race clean into the marbles. Everybody saw it.

My day made. Chadly chimes in. Haven't seen much of him since his cars were declared illegal twice after running his mouth. Good to have him back. Corporate lackey.
Years ago, definitely. But overtime, I kind of stop rooting against drivers my friends like. It's not a right or wrong thing, it's just how I tick as a fan.

One of my closest childhood friends (still close now, I was his best man) was a big time Tony Stewart fan. I hated Tony. I was an Edwards fan. 2011 was brutal, and at times, made our friendship difficult, and nasty. We were only 18/19 years old then, but it was rough.

That was then, but it's sort of molded me as a fan the older I got.

I by no means am a Chase fan, and am fairly neutral on him now. But I'm here a lot because some of my favorite people here are his fans, I don't really feel much hostility towards him as a fan anymore, and definitely don't root against him at this point. Not anymore.

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Just so you know, I don’t dislike Chase, and I actually like him, I know it doesn’t seem like it lol, but I do. I just hold bitter grudges sometimes. Plus to be fair, I hold Chase accountable for a lot of dumb things. I still think Joey owes him one, don’t remember Joey ever getting payback for Bristol unless I’ve forgotten. Much love to you
if i raced like this jackass i would have got my ass kicked, things have sure changed and not for the good.
He became his when Kylie overdrove the corner.
That was his excuse. You've heard it from the camels mouth.

Denny has been incredibly transparent about this move, intentionally running drivers up the track into a position where they need to lift. He talked about it on his show multiple times, and even talked about it with William Byron.

I watched that final restart live from Larson's on board, he absolutely did not miss the corner, or over drove it. He was holding his line and was executing the corner per usual.

It was totally diliberate on Denny's part.

The mistake Larson made was being a dumbass and restarting on the top.

Denny has made it clear in various forms of media that he will run drivers into the marbels.

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if i raced like this jackass i would have got my ass kicked, things have sure changed and not for the good.
Times have changed.

What did Jimmie Johnson say?

"Mark Martin would have a heart attack if he was racing in this era"

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Pretty good crowd eh?

Hamlin wasn't fast enough to get by Larson, otherwise he would have during the green flag run.

Hamlin pulled his dirty move of, run you into the wall, you either hit the wall, or you lift and let me pass.

No racer is going to just lift and give up the lead, which basically means this move, that he telegraphs from his mouth, is run someone into the fence. It's dirty.

However, Larson ****** up and could have avoided this. When Denny restarts on the front row, give him the top. Take the bottom. Problem solved, Larson wins the race.

At this point, drivers have to assume that if Hamlin is restarting P2, you need to take the bottom as the leader.

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You never give someone the faster lane, no one would have "given" anything ,you are just playing Monday morning QB.
That was his excuse. You've heard it from the camels mouth.

Denny has been incredibly transparent about this move, intentionally running drivers up the track into a position where they need to lift. He talked about it on his show multiple times, and even talked about it with William Byron.

I watched that final restart live from Larson's on board, he absolutely did not miss the corner, or over drove it. He was holding his line and was executing the corner per usual.

It was totally diliberate on Denny's part.

The mistake Larson made was being a dumbass and restarting on the top.

Denny has made it clear in various forms of media that he will run drivers into the marbels.

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Just stop.
That’s true, that makes it slightly different. Denny still thinks he didn’t touch him though for some reason…
Yeah, also, that incident, it looked like Larson lost the nose and just didn't lift.

Denny in this case made a clear decision to use 3 lanes to make the exit

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Yeah, also, that incident, it looked like Larson lost the nose and just didn't lift.

Denny in this case made a clear decision to use 3 lanes to make the exit

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Denny basically I think gave Kyle permission to do it back, as he said if the roles were reversed same thing happens. We’ll see what happens.
Hambone needs to be Kennsethed…BIG TIME. Or he needs a Jimmy Spencer haymaker into his prissy potty mouth and jaw. He’s always given leeway by NASCAR for some reason. Hope these drivers start lining up to straighten his az$ out.

Hambone needs to be Kennsethed…BIG TIME. Or he needs a Jimmy Spencer haymaker into his prissy potty mouth and jaw. He’s always given leeway by NASCAR for some reason. Hope these drivers start lining up to straighten his az$ out.

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Given Leeway?? I hate Shamlin as much as anyone, but NASCAR has been looking for reasons to fine him for a decade plus.
Pretty crazy Hamlin pulled the exact same move as last year at this place, I had forgotten that. Next time someone starts on his outside at the end of a race it would probably be best to just go ahead and start turning more left early.
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