Denny Hamlin Appreciation Thread

Surely you don't think pals and business partners are the same thing.
No, but it's not like they were strangers. Denny has pretty much always been Denny, Michael was already a race fan, I doubt there is too much about ole Denny's personality and penchant for speaking out that Michael didn't already know.
Hamlin has gotten worse or better depending on your fandom since he became an owner. He's a champion for the complainers. It is what it is.
He's a champion for the complainers

He's a champion for the anti-NASCAR crowd. If there's an anti-NASCAR bandwagon, Denny will boost it. I remember seeing Reddit posts where people said things like, "I don't like Denny the driver, but I like Denny the owner, he speaks out against NASCAR" and "you know....I really like that Denny has become a leader in the garage." People are clearly falling for the BS.

It got him a podcast with Dirty Mo.
He's a champion for the anti-NASCAR crowd. If there's an anti-NASCAR bandwagon, Denny will boost it. I remember seeing Reddit posts where people said things like, "I don't like Denny the driver, but I like Denny the owner, he speaks out against NASCAR" and "you know....I really like that Denny has become a leader in the garage." People are clearly falling for the BS.

It got him a podcast with Dirty Mo.
He really showed his ignorance when he was running around saying Nascar killed the test dummy with the new car. He was confused about who the dummy was, it turned out to be that he was. Nascar ignored him. Took them awhile to have everything sent out and analyzed about the test and explain it before Hamlin shut his mouth. But yeah, he was a hero of the complainers, they tend to overlook the facts for drama.
He really showed his ignorance when he was running around saying Nascar killed the test dummy with the new car. He was confused about who the dummy was, it turned out to be that he was. Nascar ignored him. Took them awhile to have everything sent out and analyzed about the test and explain it before Hamlin shut his mouth. But yeah, he was a hero of the complainers, they tend to overlook the facts for drama.
What you're missing is that there was a LOT of speculation and misinformation out there expressly BECAUSE NASCAR did such a lousy job of communicating what was really happening, and dead crash test dummy or not, they CLEARLY didn't have the car where it needed to be. One driver paid for their mistakes with his career.
He's a champion for the anti-NASCAR crowd. If there's an anti-NASCAR bandwagon, Denny will boost it. I remember seeing Reddit posts where people said things like, "I don't like Denny the driver, but I like Denny the owner, he speaks out against NASCAR" and "you know....I really like that Denny has become a leader in the garage." People are clearly falling for the BS.

It got him a podcast with Dirty Mo.
I prefer to look at it as the NASCAR, get your s**t together crowd. Why is blindly following whatever stupid crap NASCAR comes up with somehow make you a better fan than wanting the sport to fix their mistakes and do a better job?
he will learn the hard way what "Jeffy" is trying to teach him.
Jeffy was a HOF driver who has become a Felon puppet. Just what has he accomplished as lackey on his own other than wearing a white shirt with a vest and strutting around the garage like a pissed off rooster running his mouth about other teams and drivers? He is an elitist ass who needs to stay in his lane as one of the greatest drivers of all time, but nothing more than a Felon mouthpiece in retirement. I don't know the man anymore than you do (although Vickers told some great stories), but I despise his brand. While the Felon and Jeffy have been spewing about how other drivers and teams should operate, their policies screwed their almighty team out of 50% of their chance at the championship. Great management. Bravo. I am enjoying MY 50% of the round of 8.....but you go Jeffy....tell us how it is...
ordan knew EXACTLY what he was getting with Dennis and decided to go into business with him anyway.
Or another way to put it.....One of the most successful businessmen in this country chose to go into business with Denny......but you go with your unbiased narrative.
Hamlin brings nothing to the table but his driving for another organization, he brings nothing to the table for Jordan but his mouth and a golf swing.
Are you speaking for MJ?....a guy who could buy and sell your ass 5 million times over? He probably doesn't need you to speak for him.
If I was starting a NASCAR team I would do my best to pattern it after HMS. I may not agree with everything they do but the success they’ve enjoyed over different eras is unmatched
Inclusive of the indictment?
When asked a direct question, what answer do YOU want Jeff to have given? Some bull**** PR response, a "no comment", or an honest personal opinion? Why are people so damn afraid of opinions that conflict with their own or don't fit neatly into your own personal agenda?
The classy thing would be to say "no comment." I have never heard Alpern talk about anybody but his own drivers. It's not hard, but when you think you are the ****, you get a little carried away.
Jeffy was a HOF driver who has become a Felon puppet. Just what has he accomplished as lackey on his own other than wearing a white shirt with a vest and strutting around the garage like a pissed off rooster running his mouth about other teams and drivers? He is an elitist ass who needs to stay in his lane as one of the greatest drivers of all time, but nothing more than a Felon mouthpiece in retirement. I don't know the man anymore than you do (although Vickers told some great stories), but I despise his brand. While the Felon and Jeffy have been spewing about how other drivers and teams should operate, their policies screwed their almighty team out of 50% of their chance at the championship. Great management. Bravo. I am enjoying MY 50% of the round of 8.....but you go Jeffy....tell us how it is...
If you listen to people that actually KNOW something instead of mouthing pro-Toyota propaganda that would make Joe Goebbels blush, you would know that Jeff is regarded as a HIGHLY astute business person, respected by car owners, drivers, sponsors and NASCAR. Also notice that while applicants to be Rick's right hand man could have made a line circling Charlotte a couple of times, it was Rick that literally BEGGED Jeff to quit his TV gig to take the job. He COULD have Jimmie, or Chad, or Dale Jr, Kelley, or a thousand others, but he wanted JEFF. That alone ought to tell you something.
The classy thing would be to say "no comment." I have never heard Alpern talk about anybody but his own drivers. It's not hard, but when you think you are the ****, you get a little carried away.
Only YOU would be offended by what he said, which was basically "we wouldn't want that here because it can be a distraction". My bet is even Denny would acknowledge what Jeff is saying. You don't have to totally agree with someone to agree they have a point.
I have a wild idea.

Denny is a pompous asshat. Jeff Gordon is super polished in the vanilla HMS mold.

Denny was hired by MJ for reasons know only to MJ. Denny brings knowledge to that organization far beyond what any of us have, and they've been fairly successful thus far.

And whatever Jeff Gordon and Rick Hendrick are doing, for as polished, lame and vanilla as their team philosophy may be, it's working. With the exception of 2015-2019, they've been the dominant organization for over 20 years and are the most successful cup series organization of all time.

14 championships with 5 different drivers, 300 total race wins, they know what they're doing.

And what MJ and Denny have going is also working.

Also, if we actually read Gordon's comments, it's far less critical of what Denny's doing. He even said he likes it, it's good for the sport, and that he thinks it's awesome. What he said, or at least what I thought was implied, is that this sort of outspokenness just isn't the attitude HMS wants out of it's drivers - it cost Kyle Busch is job.

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If you listen to people that actually KNOW something instead of mouthing pro-Toyota propaganda that would make Joe Goebbels blush, you would know that Jeff is regarded as a HIGHLY astute business person, respected by car owners, drivers, sponsors and NASCAR. Also notice that while applicants to be Rick's right hand man could have made a line circling Charlotte a couple of times, it was Rick that literally BEGGED Jeff to quit his TV gig to take the job. He COULD have Jimmie, or Chad, or Dale Jr, Kelley, or a thousand others, but he wanted JEFF. That alone ought to tell you something.
Rev definitely sees it. But he probably thinks acknowledging that would be boring. Has more fun as a raging Toyota fan who is hell bent on burning down the felon's evil empire of cartoon villains.

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It's a non-story. Rev just goes out of his way to find something to complain about, and everyone here takes the bait. Any chance to take a shot at HMS whether it makes sense or not. Second verse, same as the first. What's next....oh that's right.....brand, narrative, chicky nuggy gang.......
He's a champion for the anti-NASCAR crowd. If there's an anti-NASCAR bandwagon, Denny will boost it. I remember seeing Reddit posts where people said things like, "I don't like Denny the driver, but I like Denny the owner, he speaks out against NASCAR" and "you know....I really like that Denny has become a leader in the garage." People are clearly falling for the BS.

It got him a podcast with Dirty Mo.

I'm not standing up for the reddit crowd and I'm certainly not standing up for Denny, but I'm glad he does it. Yeah, it's a lot of BS and we all know he's an idiot, but he moves the needle. Like him or not, Denny is good for the sport, even when he's being critical.
Hamlin will continue to say anything in order to get attention. He's a malignant Narcissist, some identify, birds of a feather.
Hamlin will continue to say anything in order to get attention. He's a malignant Narcissist, some identify, birds of a feather.
Even a broken clock is right twice a day, and sometimes Denny has valid points to make, even though the rose colored glasses crowd don't want to hear it. As a dedicated iconoclast, I truly enjoy people that go around knocking over sacred cows.
Even a broken clock is right twice a day, and sometimes Denny has valid points to make, even though the rose colored glasses crowd don't want to hear it. As a dedicated iconoclast, I truly enjoy people that go around knocking over sacred cows.
Hamlin with all of his complaining has had little or no influence in the day to day operations of the sport. He is mostly ignored, but some find entertainment in a constant complaining kind of way from Hamlin's constant whining.
I prefer to look at it as the NASCAR, get your s**t together crowd. Why is blindly following whatever stupid crap NASCAR comes up with somehow make you a better fan than wanting the sport to fix their mistakes and do a better job?

Because some of them aren’t pointing out actual problems. They’re just parroting hysteria. Remember when the Gen 7 was a death trap?

I criticize NASCAR plenty, I am just not a hysterical whack job. You ever read “The Boy Who Cried Wolf?” Even when they’re right, it’s hard to take them seriously.
Because some of them aren’t pointing out actual problems. They’re just parroting hysteria. Remember when the Gen 7 was a death trap?

I criticize NASCAR plenty, I am just not a hysterical whack job. You ever read “The Boy Who Cried Wolf?” Even when they’re right, it’s hard to take them seriously.
well many like Hamlin look to find a problem that is hard if not impossible to solve and they hammer it to death. I mean after the first few times it's apparent it is only to get attention. I mean "hate the chase" is what 10 years old? Hate the car? is like why are you watching then..the dam car is the race lol.
I can complain it's easy...Sponsors have too much control over the sport... anybody disagree?
The cars are too hard to make changes quickly...what can I do about any of it? absolutely nothing.
Because some of them aren’t pointing out actual problems. They’re just parroting hysteria. Remember when the Gen 7 was a death trap?

I criticize NASCAR plenty, I am just not a hysterical whack job. You ever read “The Boy Who Cried Wolf?” Even when they’re right, it’s hard to take them seriously.
And guess, what, the people who complained were RIGHT, and NASCAR ended up redesigning both ends of the car. The hysteria came from it taking so long for NASCAR to even ACKNOWLEDGE there was indeed an issue, and then to decide to DO something about it. To this very day, nobody has come forward with the actual crash test numbers or an explanation of why they got it so wrong. Confession cleanses the soul. Own up to your mistakes and you'll get a little more benefit of the doubt next time. as a result of their multitude of blunders, my confidence in them as an organization is so low that when they get something right, I just assume it was an accident or a coincidence.
And guess, what, the people who complained were RIGHT, and NASCAR ended up redesigning both ends of the car. The hysteria came from it taking so long for NASCAR to even ACKNOWLEDGE there was indeed an issue, and then to decide to DO something about it. To this very day, nobody has come forward with the actual crash test numbers or an explanation of why they got it so wrong. Confession cleanses the soul. Own up to your mistakes and you'll get a little more benefit of the doubt next time. as a result of their multitude of blunders, my confidence in them as an organization is so low that when they get something right, I just assume it was an accident or a coincidence.
I understand you think it is your duty to throw B.S. at the wall and see if it will stick, but some of this stuff is just ridiculous, Hamlin style. Nascar had to completely re-design the rear end of the car. People who don't know squat just think a magic wand accomplishes this, snip snip all done, aw shucks we made the car a bit to hard, lets run to the media and tell them what we did because their feelings are hurt.

It took a hell of an effort to make that large scale revision and get the pieces out to the teams using a single source supplier and have it work in race trim as designed and tested the first time.
And the whiners wonder why they are ignored lol.
And guess, what, the people who complained were RIGHT, and NASCAR ended up redesigning both ends of the car. The hysteria came from it taking so long for NASCAR to even ACKNOWLEDGE there was indeed an issue, and then to decide to DO something about it. To this very day, nobody has come forward with the actual crash test numbers or an explanation of why they got it so wrong. Confession cleanses the soul. Own up to your mistakes and you'll get a little more benefit of the doubt next time. as a result of their multitude of blunders, my confidence in them as an organization is so low that when they get something right, I just assume it was an accident or a coincidence.

The car having safety issues (which NASCAR fixed or are fixing) is a FAR cry from the death trap hysteria we were getting.
I understand you think it is your duty to throw B.S. at the wall and see if it will stick, but some of this stuff is just ridiculous, Hamlin style. Nascar had to completely re-design the rear end of the car. People who don't know squat just think a magic wand accomplishes this, snip snip all done, aw shucks we made the car a bit to hard, lets run to the media and tell them what we did because their feelings are hurt.

It took a hell of an effort to make that large scale revision and get the pieces out to the teams using a single source supplier and have it work in race trim as designed and tested the first time.
And the whiners wonder why they are ignored lol.
No, some of us are trying to figure out with 21st century technology how such a deficient car got built in the first place.
The Gen 6 chassis / cage structure was shown to be deficient in several areas and was revised on numerous occasions after its debut, up to and including its final season in the Cup series, in order to make it safer.
Drivers got hurt, drivers and fans became outspoken about the car's safety issues, at times, dramatically. Fans complained. Fans complained about fans complaining. NASCAR acted swiftly and made the car safer. Everyone was validated. Car was unsafe. Cause for concern was valid. Confidence that NASCAR would resolve it was valid. They fixed it.

So what's the problem and how tf is anyone wrong?

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Only YOU would be offended by what he said, which was basically "we wouldn't want that here because it can be a distraction". My bet is even Denny would acknowledge what Jeff is saying. You don't have to totally agree with someone to agree they have a point.
Denny actually said, "I'm glad that I don't drive for him then." Which I agree, and then went on to point out that fans like to identify with their drivers, and basically how that's difficult in the Chain Gang because there is always a white collar behind them....which is probably good for a guy like Larson who has demonstrated the ability to almost **** his career over a video game. Maybe Jeffy doesn't trust his drivers? BTW....How has Denny distracted anybody? WE represent 50% of the remaining drivers with a shot. Distract me more. You do understand what is going on here, don't you? Jeffy is playing mind games again. Just like he did with the louvers....attacking anybody that would call into question The Chain Gang's integrity when he knew they had cheated. Then, we have the Felon himself who took up residence in Chastain's head...and where is he now? This is the stupid **** they do when they are worried about their speed. Chadly can't be far behind trying to capture some of the attention crumbs.
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