Hendrick Motorsport News

To me these new penalties make nascar look worse than HMS. Just shows a whole new level of pettiness. Same thing with the #4 team last year. You pissed us off so we're going to "randomly" select you for further inspection and we'll keep looking until we find something.

I get it you found something, but this is just a bad look

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Honestly, this entire conversation is moot. It operates under the assumption that 1) only the teams that are caught cheating were cheating, 2) the appeals panel is "fair" and goes into the hearings without any agenda, and 3) there isn't a metric sh!t ton of behind the scenes shadiness that ultimately affect most things in the sport, including stuff like this. So...if you take into account the reality of what actually goes on day in and day out versus what you read from Bob Pockrass tweets, my recommendation would be to just throw logic out the window, toss your hands in the air and just think to yourselves, "that's NASCAR!!!!" It's what everyone who works in the industry does.

It’s a fundamental problem with NASCAR’s business model. It’s a family owned company and the athletes aren’t unionized. It’s the perfect recipe for a shady, unaccountable sanctioning body.

They need to make an example of HMS to preserve what credibility they have left.
Good grief, what in the heck is going on with NASCAR and HMS??? Seven races in and this team has already had two big penalties.
It’s a fundamental problem with NASCAR’s business model. It’s a family owned company and the athletes aren’t unionized. It’s the perfect recipe for a shady, unaccountable sanctioning body.

They need to make an example of HMS to preserve what credibility they have left.
Corporations change the game all the time to suit themselves. Without unions there is no recourse or no end to what they can do to the average worker.

So basically you’re not entitled to a fair trial. They can just throw a penalty at you whenever they feel like it and you can’t do anything about it. This 2 week period with the clown show at COTA and all these penalties has been such a black eye on the sport and now we’re headed to the Bristol dirt race. What could go wrong?
they always take 1st and 2nd and 2 random cars, it really does make nascar look like -------- well you know, when the 2 random cars are both of the other hendrick cars.:idunno:
they always take 1st and 2nd and 2 random cars, it really does make nascar look like -------- well you know, when the 2 random cars are both of the other hendrick cars.:idunno:
Did the same thing with the #4 last year. Not sure why they call it random it just means 2 cars they choose, nothing is random

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So basically you’re not entitled to a fair trial. They can just throw a penalty at you whenever they feel like it and you can’t do anything about it. This 2 week period with the clown show at COTA and all these penalties has been such a black eye on the sport and now we’re headed to the Bristol dirt race. What could go wrong?
That’s not at all what it’s saying. You can get a penalty overturned entirely but if you get a penalty upheld you can’t get one aspect of the penalty reduced out of the range, like Hendrick did with an L2. They were “guilty” but got the points penalty (the only meaningful aspect, as Cliff Daniels would tell you) completely wiped out. Even an L1 is a minimum of 20 points.
Did the same thing with the #4 last year. Not sure why they call it random it just means 2 cars they choose, nothing is random

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There’s nothing in the rule book calling it random, or anything about random selection. Media just calls it that because NASCAR can take cars whenever.

The 5 and 9 didn’t go to R&D either.

Yeah I'm probably just taking this one on the chin and just being grateful they didn't take playoff points this time. 3rd string CC's is pretty funny.
To me these new penalties make nascar look worse than HMS. Just shows a whole new level of pettiness. Same thing with the #4 team last year. You pissed us off so we're going to "randomly" select you for further inspection and we'll keep looking until we find something.

I get it you found something, but this is just a bad look

Sent from my SM-G991U using Tapatalk
The Chain Gang spent two weeks in the media with their top lieutenants doing their best to make NASCAR look bad. Both of those guys know first hand the slack NASCAR has cut them, and they want to play that game? Where are they now? Where is Jeffy telling me how his character has been attacked? Where is Chadly smug ass smile? I doubt you will be seeing them again anytime soon. Lesson learned....maybe.

We went through this last year with the Kevin Harvick penalty.
They should have taken the 5 and the 9 too. The Chain Gang should write a letter of thanks to NASCAR for letting them have the win, and Josh Berry's 2nd. Wonder how fast Josh would be in a legal car?
Yeah I'm probably just taking this one on the chin and just being grateful they didn't take playoff points this time. 3rd string CC's is pretty funny.
They took 5 playoff points each. Keep looking for that silver lining....it's out there somewhere.
So basically you’re not entitled to a fair trial. They can just throw a penalty at you whenever they feel like it and you can’t do anything about it. This 2 week period with the clown show at COTA and all these penalties has been such a black eye on the sport and now we’re headed to the Bristol dirt race. What could go wrong?
Hey never mind that organization and its manufacturer will be representing NASCAR (not really) at LeMans.....They are the only one in their class--I don't even know if they will inspect it....Let's let the world know how the sport's most successful organization and its manufacturer operate. Laughable.
They took 5 playoff points each. Keep looking for that silver lining....it's out there somewhere.

HMS currently has some of the best drivers in the business and will easily overcome this. They'll win many more races throughout the year. And they'll have at least two guys in the round of 8 and very possibly even the final 4. There's the silver lining.
HMS currently has some of the best drivers in the business and will easily overcome this. They'll win many more races throughout the year. And they'll have at least two guys in the round of 8 and very possibly even the final 4. There's the silver lining.
You operate on the assumption that there hasn't been any performance advantage with all of the **** they have pulled. We shall see. Four in the Final is a big ask from a company that can't get through the inspection line right now.
Every “coincidence” or “accident” actually sends you a message or gives you a lesson. Your task is to notice it and understand its meaning.
Every “coincidence” or “accident” actually sends you a message or gives you a lesson. Your task is to notice it and understand its meaning.
Coincidentally Byron keeps dominating this season. Lesson - he's finally coming into his own and is the best driver. :( :( :( ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)
Every “coincidence” or “accident” actually sends you a message or gives you a lesson. Your task is to notice it and understand its meaning.
There's no message or lesson to you and I bumping into each other at the grocery store at 2:00 on a Tuesday. There's no connected reason to my needing milk and you needing bread. Trying to connect them is madness.

Willy B. is terrible at being an ass. Go whine to Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dumb****.

Willy needs to educate himself. This has been addressed. It is only referred to as "random" by the media. NASCAR can take whoever they want....Why not the team who had been shooting their mouths off two weeks before the appeal? If you were legal, then you wouldn't have anything to worry about.
Willy B. is terrible at being an ass. Go whine to Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dumb****.

Willy needs to educate himself. This has been addressed. It is only referred to as "random" by the media. NASCAR can take whoever they want....Why not the team who had been shooting their mouths off two weeks before the appeal? If you were legal, then you wouldn't have anything to worry about.
You would know.
Speaking of which.....Anybody seen Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dumb**** this weekend? Very quiet in the cellblock. I love what NASCAR did....You wanna run your mouth and embarrass the sanctioning body when you knew you were wrong....go ahead. Hello random. Somebody needs to give Willy a glass of milk and tell him a bedtime story.
Tbh I wonder if this could piss off Chad and cause them to really go on a run, legality be damned
There's no message or lesson to you and I bumping into each other at the grocery store at 2:00 on a Tuesday. There's no connected reason to my needing milk and you needing bread. Trying to connect them is madness.

I actually need to go buy some milk. Thanks man for the reminder!
Steve O'Donnell on Race Hub said that Nascar is going to start displaying illegal parts again. Brought back from fans wanting it. :headbang:
Back when I was racing sometimes they would take the whole car ( Stewarts while at Gibbs) and they cut the body off of one and displayed it, I think it was Harvicks
Beer is more efficient. Hydration, and you get your grain.
From my garage collection..
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