How will NASCAR enforce this?

Not personal, but if you know anything about graphic manipulation you know that quality =! content.

The photos arent doctored. The car’s rear is aero warped. You can watch footage from the race & see.

Okay it looks like when Harv goes the The turns the window caves in or bowes in. How the hell would they get it to do that
It’s awesome to think about how much time and effort went into developing an inconspicuous body contortion to gain an edge

I like it. Like chase’s scotch tape spoiler last year.

I agree. They spent all that time and money and now the cat is out of the bag. They will get caught and fined, or all the other teams will figure it out and do it. All that effort for just a few wins and then it is all gone. This right here is exactly why I say NASCAR will never be able to save teams any money. If you say they can't spend it here, they will go spend it over there.
So what you are saying is, the picture isn't enough to prove anything and you know it. Why even post the picture?

I think the bigger question is will there be a new rule announced to counter this body distortion or at least new enforcement like there was with guys caing in the door panels and pulling out the side skirts?
pretty strange that the new hawkeye system didn't catch anything wrong post inspection, that thing is accurate to a millimeter. If it is bending as much as those photos supposedly show, the metal wouldn't spring back enough to be back in specs IMO
I think the bigger question is will there be a new rule announced to counter this body distortion or at least new enforcement like there was with guys caing in the door panels and pulling out the side skirts?

There is no body distortion, its all in the photo.
Then how come the same distortion can be seen in two different photos taken from two different angles?

I've seen nothing from those other photos that are irregular. Again there hasn't been any photos of other cars to really see if there is anything that sticks out.
Interesting! Amazing how the roofline can return to form without evidence of deformation.

I wonder if Rodney had it last week, got through NASCAR R&D and had the guts to bring it back again.
It's only been a few hours since the race. Plenty of other photos and video will come to the surface in the next couple days.
I want to know how they keep the wrap looking squeaky clean after the sheet metal flexing like that multiple times throughout the race
I want to know how they keep the wrap looking squeaky clean after the sheet metal flexing like that multiple times throughout the race
It makes me think it is mechanically controlled, something is pulling it down and then pushing it back out. Wedge, trackbar adjuster? I am just throwing spaghetti at the wall but I agree with you. That is a lot of flex to show zero evidence of deformation.
It makes me think it is mechanically controlled, something is pulling it down and then pushing it back out. Wedge, trackbar adjuster? I am just throwing spaghetti at the wall but I agree with you. That is a lot of flex to show zero evidence of deformation.
Somebody on reddit posted that theory as well. There's a clip of him using some switch on his dash. Trackbar switches are typically mounted on the steering wheel.
It makes me think it is mechanically controlled, something is pulling it down and then pushing it back out. Wedge, trackbar adjuster? I am just throwing spaghetti at the wall but I agree with you. That is a lot of flex to show zero evidence of deformation.

Somebody on Reddit pointed this out...

Here's a shot of Harvick messing with a switch and looking out the rearview post-race. Could be rigged up for manual control?

What I'd really like to know is how much of a safety issue that creates for the driver and other drivers if a car with that happening crashes? It has to be weaker in that area of the body to wave like that. Thus, the safety engineering that went into the car has been altered. If nothing else, NASCAR needs to look into it for that reason. The governing body has pushed safety, safety, safety.
Somebody on Reddit pointed this out...

Here's a shot of Harvick messing with a switch and looking out the rearview post-race. Could be rigged up for manual control?

View attachment 33792
That is what I am wondering, could the trackbar motor being driving it? Total speculation obviously, I would need someone smarter than me to shed some light.

I can only imagine how crazy the penalty would be if something like that turns out to be the case. :eek:
Look at the right side of the rear window under the “BUSCH”.
Using my phone it was pretty hard to tell. Looking at it on a laptop I do see the indentation.
Wished Smokey was still around to come up with some more of this type of stuff.
The new laser spec system doesn't touch the car so I think teams might play with with deforming body contours under speed, which should change back at low speed. I wonder how they might test material thickness - maybe a puff of air might show something during inspection.
Hey Ford----- YOU'RE IT!!!!!! Bahaaaaaaaa Bahaaaaaa..... Freakin' love it!
What I'd really like to know is how much of a safety issue that creates for the driver and other drivers if a car with that happening crashes? It has to be weaker in that area of the body to wave like that. Thus, the safety engineering that went into the car has been altered. If nothing else, NASCAR needs to look into it for that reason. The governing body has pushed safety, safety, safety.
Teams were machining down roof flap spacers a few years ago and nothing happened, so...
It has been reported that Chase was chatting about it with Gustafson on the radio during the race. I wasn't listening to his in car so I can't say if that is true or not.
Interesting. I normally subscribe to the all access thing thru the NASCAR app so that I can have the scanner on at home during the race but I haven't done it yet this year.

I remember last year at Michigan he noticed Larson's car doing some funny stuff in the corners and was taking about that on the radio. He's pretty keen, but this was pretty obvious.
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