Joey Logano vs. Kyle Busch

I've seen it from a couple different angles. One where it looks like a pretty good kick, the other where it looks like the dude tried to get a kick in as he's falling backwards. Repeating the same bull**** over and over doesn't make it true, but go ahead and tell me how wrong I am again. You'll feel a lot better.
Keep telling yourself that.. Wont make it true.
I didn't see this posted.

Jeff Gluck
‏Verified account @jeff_gluck
22m22 minutes ago
For those who like dissecting the frame-by-frame, here's a slo-mo video of the fight:

ProofKyle did NOT connect. Joey's head is moving out the way before Kyles fist got to him. Joey just channeled his inner Ali and moved his head out the way. Watch it if you can handle the truth.
kewl slo-mo. ya can see MT jr doing his burnout in the background. Not to change the subject at all, but kboosh is an idiot and ALWAYS WILL BE. Everything he did, he deserved..Most everybody forgot about his **** ass answer to his car failing post race inspection just 24 hours earlier and the dickhead remark he made to the commentator. 2, no make that 3 bonehead moves in one weekend. For the life of me, I cant see why anybody thinks he's good for the sport, let alone a decent human being. Time and time again he has proven what an asswhole he is. Seems like he hasnt matured over time, he gets worse and worse.
Watched the other angle on Race Hub, and it looked like when that second NASCAR Official that pulled Kyle out picked him up the in air about a good foot or so.

"Bump & Run" is generally a short track thing. Joey just dumped Matt. I prefer to see my racing non-contact. Never liked seeing the faster car use their bumper to make passes. Loved seeing Mark Martin give a spot back after accidentally roughing somebody up, then passing clear half dozen laps later. It's called SPORTSMANSHIP. Fair play and all that.
Sorry but stock car racing is a contact sport. Don't like seeing the faster car use the bumper? Then maybe the slower car needs to stop blocking. SPORTSMANSHIP and fair play went away with big contracts and the chase format. Maybe you'd be more at home with the indy cars.
Much ado about nothing.

No kicks. No gang beatings. No arrests. Blah, blah, blah.....

A whole lot of entertainment value though and a lot of chest-thumping. The Napoleon Dynamite slap fight, posted earlier, would have likely been the result of JL & KB actually getting together sans crew members/NASCAR Officials. The MVP Award should be presented this upcoming weekend to the Loganno crew members and the NASCAR Officials responsible for not letting those two embarrass NASCAR and the two drivers themselves. Neither of them look like they could fight their way out of a paper bag.

Apologizes to the original poster. 'The fight' had it been allowed to play its due course.....

It is painful to read so much Kyle misunderstandings. JGR simply hasn't protected the man.

The deal was that, Samantha was supposed to be there to hold his emotionally low IQ hand, to soothe his nerves and let him know it would be alright. To be his ultimate restraint and leash.

Coach Joe has coached a few morans in his day, and he should have known better than to neglect Kyle's needs. Hope he keeps her posted and ready at all times in the future. They just can't keep letting them Daytona Goodyear him, or Joeying him with no moral support.
It just aint right.
The talk about the fighting and NHL comparisons prompted me to go look up some stats. If this has already been mentioned than I apologize as I didn't read every post in this thread but I found my search results instantly amusing.....

A site that actually keeps track of anything and everything relating to fights in the NHL? Awesome. I never knew there was such a place. The NHL is one of my favorite sports. Looking at the stats in that link show just how extremely race fighting, if you want to call it that, in NASCAR there is..... by comparison.
No doubt and I've said this in a previous post, Monster is eating this up, it's just what they want.

You know it and if they could get a fracas like this every race with a little blood and/or get the wives and children involved they would sign on for 10 years. As I have said before this will be all fun and games until someone gets hurt and then Monster will have to publicly denounce it.
The talk about the fighting and NHL comparisons prompted me to go look up some stats. If this has already been mentioned than I apologize as I didn't read every post in this thread but I found my search results instantly amusing.....

A site that actually keeps track of anything and everything relating to fights in the NHL? Awesome. I never knew there was such a place. The NHL is one of my favorite sports. Looking at the stats in that link show just how extremely race fighting, if you want to call it that, in NASCAR there is..... by comparison.

I looked at that site but it is hard to know what is a fight and what isn't without reviewing each one in its entirety. A lot of what is classified as fighting actually has no punches thrown as one player gets a handful of his opponents jersey and the guy falls down and that is considered a fight. Also there is a large contingent of staged fights where a couple of opponents talk about it for a bit and then decide when they are going to fight. Usually this happens immediately after a face off and you will see the players give each other a tap after it is over meaning "good job."

Fighting in hockey serves no purpose and isn't needed to sell the game in the United States any longer and I will be glad when it is gone. If fighting is to continue the NHL should allow each team to dress a designated goon so when he breaks his hand punching a helmet or buckles his knee or separates his shoulder falling to the ice you can plug in another one. A team like the Pens can't afford to have some cement head goading Sid, Geno or Phil into a fight.
I looked at that site but it is hard to know what is a fight and what isn't without reviewing each one in its entirety. A lot of what is classified as fighting actually has no punches thrown as one player gets a handful of his opponents jersey and the guy falls down and that is considered a fight.

A team like the Pens can't afford to have some cement head goading Sid, Geno or Phil into a fight.
Your description of an NHL fight certainly crosses over to the NASCAR fans definition of one. I'm sure, without looking, that if we YouTube'd NASCAR's greatest fights, it would include things such as thrown gloves, helmets or water bottles. It may be that as a whole, we are so interested in having some kind of storyline that we turn any act of aggression into our defined version of a fight.

Geno threw down the gloves just last week. Wasn't pretty but he made an attempt. Last night he dropped to block a shot. That wasn't pretty as he attempted to and did it with his upper body. Somebody needs to have a talk with this boy.
What I found most entertaining about the slo mo was the reaction by Denny Hamlin.

What was that handed off at the end of the tape? It looked like it was taken from Kyle or the Official and handed off between Hamlin and a member of his crew.
I haven't read any of this thread, but I'll leave you with a little saying that seems to be the prevalent "feeling" in the garage: if you deal with an assh*le in the morning, then you've had to deal with an assh*le. But if you find you deal with assh*les all day, then there's a really good chance that you're the assh*le.

For whatever reason, there seems to be a pretty regular common denominator in all these recent NASCAR dust ups. And despite his many flaws, it ain't Kyle...

Drivers respond:

We about crashed and I was trying to save it. Nothing intentional on my end. Had another fast Ford all day. Proud of this 22 team.

— Joey Logano (@joeylogano) March 13, 2017
What's up? Heard there was a fight.

— Denny Hamlin (@dennyhamlin) March 13, 2017
I have never really beat the **** out of a guy, but me @TonyStewart and our crew chiefs had a fun brawl in the NASCAR hauler once. 1999

— Dale Earnhardt Jr. (@DaleJr) March 13, 2017
Yep. When you are mad you do stuff like that. But no matter how justified/pissed you feel, maybe it's best to do it off camera.

— Dale Earnhardt Jr. (@DaleJr) March 13, 2017
IMO-Fighting in Motorsport is dumb. It always turns into a pile and your own guys hit each other.

At least in hockey they are good at it.

— Brad Keselowski (@keselowski) March 13, 2017
This sport is built on determination and passion!

— Jeff Burton (@JeffBurton) March 12, 2017
Well… What do you think @NASCAR should do about the post race scuffle???

— Steve Letarte (@SteveLetarte) March 12, 2017
WWE Las Vegas.

— Jeb Burton (@JebBurtonRacing) March 12, 2017
Make all crews stay behind pit wall for 10 min post race before going to the cars or drivers.

— Regan Smith (@ReganSmith) March 12, 2017
What separates racing from other sports is the intensity for EVERY position. Remember Kyle & Joey were not racing for the win. Points matter

— Jeff Burton (@JeffBurton) March 12, 2017

EVERY #nascar driver started at the local short track.. Fighting IS NOT a local short track deal.. It's PASSION.. We are all the same.

— Kenny Wallace (@Kenny_Wallace) March 13, 2017
I haven't read any of this thread, but I'll leave you with a little saying that seems to be the prevalent "feeling" in the garage: if you deal with an assh*le in the morning, then you've had to deal with an assh*le. But if you find you deal with assh*les all day, then there's a really good chance that you're the assh*le.

For whatever reason, there seems to be a pretty regular common denominator in all these recent NASCAR dust ups. And despite his many flaws, it ain't Kyle...
Yup, there is a common denominator, and it drives the 22.
Yup, there is a common denominator, and it drives the 22.
Joey has definitely gotten a bit big for his britches since he started winning regularly. As I brought up earlier in this thread, it's gonna be hard for Logano to win a championship as long as other drivers are looking to get even with him. I think that's one reason it took Kyle so long to win one.
Imo, the last 8 - 10 years has seen NASCAR drivers not like to rub fenders or get their cars dirty. If they even get raced to hard on lap 100 they get fussy.

Drivers like Keselowski and Logano have bucked that trend and are not afraid to stick a nose in a hole or go for it checkers or wreckers. That change of pace upsets the "dont touch me" drivers.

Its not so much about common denominators, its more about is rubbing racing? If you dont like banging fenders, chrome horns and going for it on the last lap - try open wheel.
Joey has definitely gotten a bit big for his britches since he started winning regularly. As I brought up earlier in this thread, it's gonna be hard for Logano to win a championship as long as other drivers are looking to get even with him. I think that's one reason it took Kyle so long to win one.
2 seasons in a row Logano got a championship chance taken away by gibbs. Kenseth got taken out by Keselowski and took out Logano like a petulant child. In 2016 Edwards decided to block Joey and himself into the inside wall, yet hardly anyone criticized Carl for that move.

Imo, Joey will add several cups to his resume before hanging it up. He's been one of the most consistant drivers in the last 3 seasons.
You know it and if they could get a fracas like this every race with a little blood and/or get the wives and children involved they would sign on for 10 years. As I have said before this will be all fun and games until someone gets hurt and then Monster will have to publicly denounce it. will gain them even more press, bad or's all good in the long run....$$$
2 seasons in a row Logano got a championship chance taken away by gibbs. Kenseth got taken out by Keselowski and took out Logano like a petulant child. In 2016 Edwards decided to block Joey and himself into the inside wall, yet hardly anyone criticized Carl for that move.

Imo, Joey will add several cups to his resume before hanging it up. He's been one of the most consistant drivers in the last 3 seasons.
Really? You really think Joey has the stones to be a champion? I for one don't, until he grows a pair he will never be a Cup champion.
2 seasons in a row Logano got a championship chance taken away by gibbs. Kenseth got taken out by Keselowski and took out Logano like a petulant child. In 2016 Edwards decided to block Joey and himself into the inside wall, yet hardly anyone criticized Carl for that move.

I guess it'll be Kyle's turn this year.
Really? You really think Joey has the stones to be a champion? I for one don't, until he grows a pair he will never be a Cup champion.
Becoming a champion doesnt take stones. It takes being the best, and Joey has been that or near it since he's been at Penske. Deal with it.

I guess it'll be Kyle's turn this year.
Could be takes a big pair...and Joey doesn't even have any
So Kyle has a bigger pair than Joey? Kurt? Brad? Lord, Jimmie's must be MASSIVE. Alan? Bobby? Matt? Heck even Jeffey would be arguable....

I don't think It has anything to do with balls. You win and compete, you got the sack to do it. And Joey is doing that.
Drivers like Keselowski and Logano have bucked that trend and are not afraid to stick a nose in a hole or go for it checkers or wreckers. That change of pace upsets the "dont touch me" drivers.

So Kyle has a bigger pair than Joey? Kurt? Brad? Lord, Jimmie's must be MASSIVE. Alan? Bobby? Matt? Heck even Jeffey would be arguable....

I don't think It has anything to do with balls. You win and compete, you got the sack to do it. And Joey is doing that.
It has everything to do with it, as much as i detest JJ he has balls...proven by the # of championships he has.
Drivers like Keselowski and Logano have bucked that trend and are not afraid to stick a nose in a hole or go for it checkers or wreckers. That change of pace upsets the "dont touch me" drivers.
To be fair though, wasn't Kyle "sticking a nose in there" what got Joey upset with him?
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