Joey Logano vs. Kyle Busch

Yeah so Mark Martin, Ricky Rudd, Junior Johnson, Geoff Bodine, Harry Gant, etc.. didn't have balls....
Joey has definitely gotten a bit big for his britches since he started winning regularly. As I brought up earlier in this thread, it's gonna be hard for Logano to win a championship as long as other drivers are looking to get even with him. I think that's one reason it took Kyle so long to win one.

It is a good point as no one has to be as courteous as Mark Martin but if I was a driver I wouldn't care if I pinched JLo into the grass or ran him up into the fence. I am not saying JLo is doing anything wrong but the saying "you win by the sword and die by the sword" comes to mind. That saying reminds me of Kyle Busch for a different reason as through shear determination he can take a 5th place car and win the race or he can take a 5th place car and wall it and finish last.

Imo, the last 8 - 10 years has seen NASCAR drivers not like to rub fenders or get their cars dirty. If they even get raced to hard on lap 100 they get fussy.

Drivers like Keselowski and Logano have bucked that trend and are not afraid to stick a nose in a hole or go for it checkers or wreckers. That change of pace upsets the "dont touch me" drivers.

Its not so much about common denominators, its more about is rubbing racing? If you dont like banging fenders, chrome horns and going for it on the last lap - try open wheel.

I may have the wrong take but my impression is that today's drivers are more self centered and take an extremely short view of things. Also when they are driving aggressively or taking liberties with other drivers it is OK but if it is done to them it is unacceptable.

So Kyle has a bigger pair than Joey? Kurt? Brad? Lord, Jimmie's must be MASSIVE. Alan? Bobby? Matt? Heck even Jeffey would be arguable....

I don't think It has anything to do with balls. You win and compete, you got the sack to do it. And Joey is doing that.

Jimmie must have to tote his stones around in a wagon.

Makes sense that this thread has evolved into a conversation comparing nad size.

Beavis and Butthead just said nads
To be fair though, wasn't Kyle "sticking a nose in there" what got Joey upset with him?
Kyle didnt "stick a nose in there", he took a hard left and bulldozed through Joey. What Joey did was racing how Kyle decided to race and it cost Kyle.

I dont believe Joey was ever upset at Kyle for the incident, atleast not enough to march down pitroad and lob weak dream punches at others.
I may have the wrong take but my impression is that today's drivers are more self centered and take an extremely short view of things. Also when they are driving aggressively or taking liberties with other drivers it is OK but if it is done to them it is unacceptable.
Hypocrisy at its best.
It's a lot faster and easier to apply some stitches than an entire crew having to spend unnecessary time and money to fix a car that gets destroyed for "payback."
The talk about the fighting and NHL comparisons prompted me to go look up some stats. If this has already been mentioned than I apologize as I didn't read every post in this thread but I found my search results instantly amusing.....

A site that actually keeps track of anything and everything relating to fights in the NHL? Awesome. I never knew there was such a place. The NHL is one of my favorite sports. Looking at the stats in that link show just how extremely race fighting, if you want to call it that, in NASCAR there is..... by comparison.
Ha ha. Yesterday I was told by a self proclaimed expert that there is virtually no fighting in hockey. Today I see that the last five NHL fights occurred on March 13, March 12, March 11, March 11, and March 11...:idunno:
Ha ha. Yesterday I was told by a self proclaimed expert that there is virtually no fighting in hockey. Today I see that the last five NHL fights occurred on March 13, March 12, March 11, March 11, and March 11...:idunno:
It's certainly not to the extent it once was but it's still there and a part of the sport. It's never been a big deal in my eyes but I can see how some have a problem with it. Hockey's a guaranteed sell out in my area. Fighting has not stopped people from attending a Penguins game.
It's certainly not to the extent it once was but it's still there and a part of the sport. It's never been a big deal in my eyes but I can see how some have a problem with it. Hockey's a guaranteed sell out in my area. Fighting has not stopped people from attending a Penguins game.

Fighting is way down in hockey as 6-10 years ago hockey games had fights in about 40% of the games and now it is 25% and as the game continues to evolve and get faster we will see fighting decrease even more. Of course back in the 60's and 70's there were fights and bench clearing brawls so a lot has changed. IMO the ban on fighting in the NCAA doesn't deter the game.

Pretty sure this forums perspective of the situation is alot more dramatic than the feelings they probably both have right now.

Emotions during he moment do not always reflect your emotional state, neither of them want to take this to the next level it would be detrimental to their personal situation.

This will disappear just like all have in the past.
I looked at that site but it is hard to know what is a fight and what isn't without reviewing each one in its entirety. A lot of what is classified as fighting actually has no punches thrown as one player gets a handful of his opponents jersey and the guy falls down and that is considered a fight.
When you are at the home page at hockeyfights, click on "full fight log and descriptions" about half way down..
That will take you to the list of fights by date. Only view the ones with a "voted rating "of 6.0 or higher.
That will be the good stuff. Use to use that site a lot.
Fighting is way down in hockey as 6-10 years ago hockey games had fights in about 40% of the games and now it is 25% and as the game continues to evolve and get faster we will see fighting decrease even more. Of course back in the 60's and 70's there were fights and bench clearing brawls so a lot has changed. IMO the ban on fighting in the NCAA doesn't deter the game.

No offense but that is why I really don't count pro hockey as a legit sport. Anything that encourages fights to occur to get attendance and interest isn't a real sport IMO. Olympic and, like you said, college are both more legit in my opinion. Those little referees in the NFL and college don't let those padded behemoths fight, I don't see why referees in the NHL have to let those others throw down? And then it's just a penalty, If they didn't want them to fight, they'd throw them out. don't apparently see what is going on...have you ever seen Joey go toe to toe with some one? Always either his father or a crew member has done the dirty work for him. He can't fight, won't fight and if you call what he did Sunday fighting you obviously don't know much about fighting. Joey has always been a protected commodity, from the time he stepped into a Legend car right up to the Cup level, but he doesn't know how to got to the next level and be a true racer and a big boy because he has been protected all his racing career. Until he ventures out on his own without his umbrella and stands up for himself he will never win a Cup Championship. don't apparently see what is going on...have you ever seen Joey go toe to toe with some one? Always either his father or a crew member has done the dirty work for him. He can't fight, won't fight and if you call what he did Sunday fighting you obviously don't know much about fighting. Joey has always been a protected commodity, from the time he stepped into a Legend car right up to the Cup level, but he doesn't know how to got to the next level and be a true racer and a big boy because he has been protected all his racing career. Until he ventures out on his own without his umbrella and stands up for himself he will never win a Cup Championship.
Bingo. On point. And True as hell. Let the Wuss fight his own fights so he can learn from his errors. Until then, he will continue to wreck people and then smile about it in post race interviews, gloat about it, and then expect everyone to race him clean. He can't hide from his crap for much longer. don't apparently see what is going on...have you ever seen Joey go toe to toe with some one? Always either his father or a crew member has done the dirty work for him. He can't fight, won't fight and if you call what he did Sunday fighting you obviously don't know much about fighting. Joey has always been a protected commodity, from the time he stepped into a Legend car right up to the Cup level, but he doesn't know how to got to the next level and be a true racer and a big boy because he has been protected all his racing career. Until he ventures out on his own without his umbrella and stands up for himself he will never win a Cup Championship.
I think Joey is a protected Princess but I do believe he is a talented driver and certainly a capable competitor. He is capable of being a Cup Champion but it won't happen until he grows a set balls.
He lost it Sunday and wiggled up out of his line and got into the 18. He thought that was cool and that's why his crew swept him out of harm's way after the race. He has to quit thinking losing his line and taking someone out is ok. After that, he could probably contend for a title.
There is a lot of Logano jealousy popping up in this thread IMO. The dude wins a lot, 15 races in the last 4 years, plus tons of top 5's. He holds probably the best contract of any driver, covering 7+ years. Has emerged as one of the faces of the sport. The struggle and strife between the established veterans (and their fans) and the rising young guns has always played out the same. Now is no different. Just my $0.02 (and I'm not particularly a Logano fan).
There is a lot of Logano jealousy popping up in this thread IMO. The dude wins a lot, 15 races in the last 4 years, plus tons of top 5's. He holds probably the best contract of any driver, covering 7+ years. Has emerged as one of the faces of the sport. The struggle and strife between the established veterans (and their fans) and the rising young guns has always played out the same. Now is no different. Just my $0.02 (and I'm not particularly a Logano fan).
I'll agree on that, but he isn't champ material. don't apparently see what is going on...have you ever seen Joey go toe to toe with some one? Always either his father or a crew member has done the dirty work for him. He can't fight, won't fight and if you call what he did Sunday fighting you obviously don't know much about fighting. Joey has always been a protected commodity, from the time he stepped into a Legend car right up to the Cup level, but he doesn't know how to got to the next level and be a true racer and a big boy because he has been protected all his racing career. Until he ventures out on his own without his umbrella and stands up for himself he will never win a Cup Championship.

I have yet to see anybody go "toe to toe" with someone....I've been watching for 8 years for frame of reference on that comment.
So you've seen much more of the same. Been watching since 90 and what Flyer said holds true since then. Their team ALWAYS jumps in and protects them. Same thing you've said could be said about Tony, Kevin, and Earnhardt. 3 guys everyone thinks is/was tough but we've yet to see any of them throw down without crew members there to "hold them back".
Better deal with it, he'll win one or two and whip up on the field racing like he is there to do. I don't care if he and Brad even ran away from other drivers, I'm not watching and supporting them as UFC fighters, I'm supporting their aggressive racing. What most of you wish your guys would do to the same extent. No apologies given and none expected unless it's intentional. I can understand Kyles anger and his right to view it how he wants to.
But just quit with the "he's too much of a wuss, can't fight, no balls" BS because that's all it is. He's one of the best out there at this point with a great team making it possible to be great. Deal with it.
So you've seen much more of the same. Been watching since 90 and what Flyer said holds true since then. Their team ALWAYS jumps in and protects them. Same thing you've said could be said about Tony, Kevin, and Earnhardt. 3 guys everyone thinks is/was tough but we've yet to see any of them throw down without crew members there to "hold them back".
Better deal with it, he'll win one or two and whip up on the field racing like he is there to do. I don't care if he and Brad even ran away from other drivers, I'm not watching and supporting them as UFC fighters, I'm supporting their aggressive racing. What most of you wish your guys would do to the same extent. No apologies given and none expected unless it's intentional. I can understand Kyles anger and his right to view it how he wants to.
But just quit with the "he's too much of a wuss, can't fight, no balls" BS because that's all it is. He's one of the best out there at this point with a great team making it possible to be great. Deal with it.
If he were so good, he'd already have a few Cup championships under his belt. I stand by my statement that he needs to grow a pair and until he does he won't win a championship!
If he were so good, he'd already have a few Cup championships under his belt. I stand by my statement that he needs to grow a pair and until he does he won't win a championship!
Took Kyle how many years?
There is a lot of Logano jealousy popping up in this thread IMO. The dude wins a lot, 15 races in the last 4 years, plus tons of top 5's. He holds probably the best contract of any driver, covering 7+ years. Has emerged as one of the faces of the sport. The struggle and strife between the established veterans (and their fans) and the rising young guns has always played out the same. Now is no different. Just my $0.02 (and I'm not particularly a Logano fan).

I don't see any JLo jealousy but I do see a contingent of people that believe he won't fight his own fights and at times is reckless. It may be true or false but it has nothing to do with jealousy but I will give you some credit for not using the word "hater."
The championship is a lottery so you can't necessarily praise a driver for getting one or say it detracts from his resume because he doesn't have one.
It'd be great to see these two qualify next to each other this weekend.

If he were so good, he'd already have a few Cup championships under his belt. I stand by my statement that he needs to grow a pair and until he does he won't win a championship!

He could have more championships than anyone in history by age 35 so id say give it 20 years to make your assessment. if that 19 car would not of blocked like he did odds are he would be our current champ. Truth is Joey has the guts to do it he sticks his nose so many places he gets car bashed for it guts have not been the problem.
He could have more championships than anyone in history by age 35 so id say give it 20 years to make your assessment. if that 19 car would not of blocked like he did odds are he would be our current champ. Truth is Joey has the guts to do it he sticks his nose so many places he gets car bashed for it guts have not been the problem.
I thought it was nads? Lot's of nad talk these days.
He could have more championships than anyone in history by age 35 so id say give it 20 years to make your assessment. if that 19 car would not of blocked like he did odds are he would be our current champ. Truth is Joey has the guts to do it he sticks his nose so many places he gets car bashed for it guts have not been the problem.
Would of ,could of, should of....until ...i should say if he wins a Cup championship, then he will be a big boy....he's not one now.
Nascrap will give them stern talking too, a slap on the wrist fine, Then show their ''altercation'' aka slap fest cat fight to promote races and laugh all the way to the bank.
Jolo was a punk when he ran Ct tracks. Still a punk IMO..
Nascrap will give them stern talking too, a slap on the wrist fine, Then show their ''altercation'' aka slap fest cat fight to promote races and laugh all the way to the bank.
Jolo was a punk when he ran Ct tracks. Still a punk IMO..
Exactly....he was a punk backed up by his father when he ran legend cars at Waterford, he hasn't changed a bit.
This will disappear just like all have in the past.

To a degree....this is Kyle Busch. We ignore the guy winning a championship on one leg, but remember forever each and every time he gave somebody the business. It's just the way it is.
To a degree....this is Kyle Busch. We ignore the guy winning a championship on one leg, but remember forever each and every time he gave somebody the business. It's just the way it is.
That's because he has proven over and over again he is an asshat.
Pretty sure this forums perspective of the situation is alot more dramatic than the feelings they probably both have right now.

Emotions during he moment do not always reflect your emotional state, neither of them want to take this to the next level it would be detrimental to their personal situation.

This will disappear just like all have in the past.

Sure as hell hope you are right because if this is still a big deal, Joey made it worse (or better depending upon how you look at it), and I am not talking about just with Kyle. Kenny Wallace has addressed Joey's image issue in the garage. This is Kenny's perspective not mine. Yucking it up IF the fire is still hot probably won't go over well.
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