Joey Logano vs. Kyle Busch

If fighting is so bad for the sport and turns off fans, why is Bowman Gray Stadium far and away the most popular short track in America?
I think its great for the sport.

You dont have to look any further than the first NASCAR race that was ever on TV to know that lol

People watching have high emotions.. And its great to see the drivers are even more passionate than we are. Plus everyone loves watching people get hit.. Hence the rise of MMA over the past 10-15 years lol.
Go back and watch the replay: it was a NASCAR official that immediately grabbed Joey and pulled him back. What do you want him to do? DDT the official and then leg drop Kyle?
I watched it. I gave Joey credit, he wanted to fight. That's exactly what he should have done.
How was Joey not expecting it? He knew Kyle was coming after him he even said "you want to fight". I'll give Joey credit he wanted to fight but got pulled back, even have the official an elbow.
These two couldn't fight their way out of a paper bag, especially Joey. Joey has had people, especially his dad, protecting him ever since he was running legend cars at Waterford Speedbowl in Ct., he's a wimp, doesn't have a clue as how to defend himself.
These two couldn't fight their way out of a paper bag, especially Joey. Joey has had people, especially his dad, protecting him ever since he was running legend cars at Waterford Speedbowl in Ct., he's a wimp, doesn't have a clue as how to defend himself.
Bla bla bla.. See you in Phoenix :rolleyes:

Wasnt Joey like 13 back then? Lol Show me a grown man whos gonna oet someone fight his 13 year old kid and Ill show you a bad parent
I duno.. Depends if thats relevant to anything having to do with.. Ahh u know what nvm.. Its not

I did see his trophy collection tho ;)
Just saying when he was a kid he was sheltered, still is, he has great talent....that's obvious, but sometimes he just gets in over his head. He drove in too hard on that last corner in my opinion, took Kyle out. Kyle has a right to be pissed, but it was pretty stupid of him to confront Joey in the pits when all his crew guys were there to protect his ass. Should of done it later, man to man, but hey Kyle isn't the brightest lightbulb in the pack.
Just saying when he was a kid he was sheltered, still is, he has great talent....that's obvious, but sometimes he just gets in over his head. He drove in too hard on that last corner in my opinion, took Kyle out. Kyle has a right to be pissed, but it was pretty stupid of him to confront Joey in the pits when all his crew guys were there to protect his ass. Should of done it later, man to man, but hey Kyle isn't the brightest lightbulb in the pack.
That may be true.. I disagree he is still sheltered. Hes a grown man now.. And from what I saw had every intention of taking care of the issue himself. He did get at least a shot or two in before being pulled off by that official and still was fighting to try to get back in there.

I didnt grow up sheltered at all and he had the same reaction I would have had to being hit.
for the first time in his life lol. Dos this make him a Bully now? I mean he did what Harvick did to him before, so I guess Kyle is the new bully in town! KYLE BULLY BUSCH!

No :rolleyes: he got beat up and stomped by 4 thousand pounds worth of pit crew and other over fed individuals :owquitit:
Did you move away or try to get away from it?

"No, I don't run from conflict. You just talk about it, but he wasn't in a talking mood. He was in a fighting mood, I guess. I don't know. Typically, you can handle this stuff like men and talk about it. You don't have to fight, but whatever."
Kyle walked over to joey with his chest bowed out. Me, if I was in joeys shoes and he came at me like that I'd have beat him to the punch. Might have gotten my ass beat but when someone has their chest bowed out its game on.

Kyle walked into a hornets nest with no back up. Kyle got a mud hole stomped in his ass.

Fighting is as much natural instinct as it is skill. It's tough to say if they squared up in a ring what would happen.

Kyle won't fight anyone he thinks he can't beat. Harvick is a prime example. Kyle got what's been coming to him for a long time. Apparently Childress didn't beat him as bad as we all hoped he did.

Kyle has dumped multiple people and ran away from fights his entire career. I'd love to see somebody beat him down again next week.

People keep talking about this sport dying nobody has balls anymore... if you think this is bad for the sport you've forgotten what this sport was founded on.

NASCAR was all over the tv when I was in the gym this morning. At this point any publicity is good publicity. I look for higher ratings next week at Pheonix.

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I would rather see Kyle and Joey duke it out on pit road week after week instead of taking each other out on the racetrack and affecting the race.
Being a NASCAR fan is like someone having herpes (lol its a joke.. But hear me out)

All it took was one race and I was hooked for life.. My passion and love for this sport is 'incurable'. Non NASCAR fans find it weird and boring and avoid the subject other than to say something about left hand turns. It may be hard to get someone interested but once you do.. Theres a good chance theyre in it for life too

Disclaimer: I do not have herpes.
with 4 more days to go, my impartial scorecard has the joey fans ahead of the kyle fans 138 to 133.

joey fans are using skills learned from the beat down they took on the kenseth fiasco.

kyle fans are a little rusty at attack mode since they are used to having to defend from a weak position.

anxiously awaiting the podium finish.:D
with 4 more days to go, my impartial scorecard has the joey fans ahead of the kyle fans 138 to 133.

joey fans are using skills learned from the beat down they took on the kenseth fiasco.

kyle fans are a little rusty at attack mode since they are used to having to defend from a weak position.

anxiously awaiting the podium finish.:D

Surprisingly this hasnt really leaked over to the podium yet
KB an JG each creating quite the youtube compilation fight video over their careers.

Looking forward to Nascars opinion to see where they are at.

In a weird way I feel bad for KB because I don't think his initial punch landed.
He may want to give a shout out to M. Ambrose for a pointer or two.
Ok, Im not a kyle or a joey fan..

I am thinking of something @Allenbaba said the other day...something about monster meeting with certain drivers telling them basically or encouraging them, to let their emotions fly. This could be the result.

Kyle is a known hot head, and Joey takes liberties sometimes with his car--I know he's chopped patrick in the past. So I wonder how much of this is real and how much of this is Kyle playing the role Monster wants him to.

If it is real, even though I dont like like Kyle, I applaud his standing up for a slight. As other have said, he didnt wait for a crew back up, he marched right over--he didnt hide.

I also dont like Joey and I think he needs to know as other have said...actions have consquences. Kyle has a long a$$ memory.
Ok, Im not a kyle or a joey fan..

I am thinking of something @Allenbaba said the other day...something about monster meeting with certain drivers telling them basically or encouraging them, to let their emotions fly. This could be the result.

Kyle is a known hot head, and Joey takes liberties sometimes with his car--I know he's chopped patrick in the past. So I wonder how much of this is real and how much of this is Kyle playing the role Monster wants him to.

If it is real, even though I dont like like Kyle, I applaud his standing up for a slight. As other have said, he didnt wait for a crew back up, he marched right over--he didnt hide.

I also dont like Joey and I think he needs to know as other have said...actions have consquences. Kyle has a long a$$ memory.
Lol but its cool what Kyle did on track right? He doesnt need to be taught anything.. Mostly bc he has more fans? Thats basically what Im getting here..
Do ppl not realize Joey is just as capable of making it hard on Kyle?

Big difference being.. Other drivers have to do things outside of the actual racing part of the sport, to keep Joey from a cup.
Lol but its cool what Kyle did on track right? He doesnt need to be taught anything.. Mostly bc he has more fans? Thats basically what Im getting here..

Joey got loose, he said as much on twitter I believe. Kyle stood up for what he thought was a jerk move. for me part, Im not sure...It DID seem over reaction, which is why I brought monster into it
Joey got loose, he said as much on twitter I believe. Kyle stood up for what he thought was a jerk move. for me part, Im not sure...It DID seem over reaction, which is why I brought monster into it
Im just pointing out the fact that the Kyle defenders seems to think Joey needs to be taught a lesson.. But what Kyle did is okay right?

If Joey did to Danica what Kyle did to Joey.. What would you say then? Id bet you would be on the exact opposite side and Joey would still need to be taught a lesson (that hes already learned and accelerated because of).
Kyle deserved it.. On and off the track.. Joey has one coming to him, sure. But then Kyle will have another coming.. Etc etc until Kyle wants to he a real man and talk to Joey about it.
The best part is Kyle did it ALL to himself. He Came down on Joey moving Joey down a Lane to keep from Wrecking, then Joey is out of the preferred lane so he goes into the turn too hot, loses it, slides into Kyle, and Kyle wrecks. If Kyle lifts and drops down below Joey he has a great finish but knocking Joey into the lower groove, no way Joey can make that turn at that speed.

But, if the roles were reversed, they each would have done the same thing. Racing incident.

If anyone is to blame, and I hate to admit it, maybe the 2 should have moved up out of the way but he is racing for points positions too. And fast enough he held onto 5th so it's not like he was WAY off the pace.
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