Joey Logano vs. Kyle Busch

This isnt where you come from either :D

Maybe not but I take issue with stomping an incapacitated individual. I would have enjoyed watching Kyle and Joey fight it out though. Whoever the person was that did the stomping should be criminally prosecuted IMO
He is a coward POS
The 22 didn't do a dam thing wrong. That hothead caused all that and he knows it now after watching it. Not a fan of either one.
Maybe not but I take issue with stomping an incapacitated individual. I would have enjoyed watching Kyle and Joey fight it out though. Whoever the person was that did the stomping should be criminally prosecuted IMO
He is a coward POS
Of course but punching someone in the face is fully legal right? Lol
Lmao dude ur a.. Nvm... Enough of the nonsense Kyle got beat down and it was hilarious. He earned it. Someone walks up to ur friend and suckers him ur gonna tell me u wont pull that guy off and beat his ass? Please

Joey was facing Kyle when it went down . one on one. Somebody hits my friend in a face to face confrontation would have to deal with my friend until a gang of over fed individuals started stomping somebody.
K-booosh got dumped twice on Sunday. On and off the track. (ha ha ) he started the situation and Joey didnt back down ( on track) I call it even but badass/hothead k-boomish will find a way to "get even" on track and probably take out a few that werent involved. He cant help himself. This could get ugly ( by ugly, I mean worth watching). Had Danica "dumped him" I'll bet that he would tried to sucker punch her, he just doesnt think before acting. The interviews after the incident were hilarious and exactly what I expected: Joey calm and smiling and k-boooosh pouting and stomping his feet ( forehead ) on the ground.
The best part is Kyle did it ALL to himself. He Came down on Joey moving Joey down a Lane to keep from Wrecking, then Joey is out of the preferred lane so he goes into the turn too hot, loses it, slides into Kyle, and Kyle wrecks. If Kyle lifts and drops down below Joey he has a great finish but knocking Joey into the lower groove, no way Joey can make that turn at that speed.

But, if the roles were reversed, they each would have done the same thing. Racing incident.

If anyone is to blame, and I hate to admit it, maybe the 2 should have moved up out of the way but he is racing for points positions too. And fast enough he held onto 5th so it's not like he was WAY off the pace.
What happened to Brad's car?
Im just pointing out the fact that the Kyle defenders seems to think Joey needs to be taught a lesson.. But what Kyle did is okay right?

If Joey did to Danica what Kyle did to Joey.. What would you say then? Id bet you would be on the exact opposite side and Joey would still need to be taught a lesson (that hes already learned and accelerated because of).

Joey dont need a lesson-I think Matt "taught" everything that might have been needed last season.
Im not a joey or kyle fan, but I AM happy drivers are emotional about this sport.

Does the exact number really matter ? it was a gang beating ... complete with some cowardly stomping. I don't care who it was getting beat .. it was a disgusting and cowardly gang beating that shouldn't have happened.
I don't support gang beatings . I really don't care who likes that and who doesn't :idunno: I am not seeking any approval here ... just voicing my opinion
Does the exact number really matter ? it was a gang beating ... complete with some cowardly stomping. I don't care who it was getting beat .. it was a disgusting and cowardly gang beating that shouldn't have happened.
I don't support gang beatings . I really don't care who likes that and who doesn't :idunno: I am not seeking any approval here ... just voicing my opinion
Stomping? I saw a guy stumble trying to get away, I didn't see any stomping.
Gang beatings are more legal ?
No.. Not at all.. Did I say that? Nope.. In fact I dont think any legal recourse is deserved.

But you did say they should be arrested didnt you? What did anyone do to deserve to get arrested that Kyle shouldnt also be arrested for? Assault is assault regardless of your biased opinion.
No.. Not at all.. Did I say that? Nope.. In fact I dont think any legal recourse is deserved.

But you did say they should be arrested didnt you? What did anyone do to deserve to get arrested that Kyle shouldnt also he arrested for? Assault is assault.

If law enforcement deems that Kyle should be arrested then so be it ............... he will have to deal with it. Whatever punishment he gets will be a result of his own actions.
He is responsible for his actions just like I am responsible for mine.
If law enforcement deems that Kyle should be arrested then so be it ............... he will have to deal with it. Whatever punishment he gets will be a result of his own actions.
He is responsible for his actions just like I am responsible for mine.

My point is they cant arrest the crew guys without arresting Kyle too.

Neither will happen.
Whoever the person was that did the stomping should be criminally prosecuted IMO
He is a coward POS

Riiiiight......and Kyle Busch should have been arrested when he took out Hornaday.....attempted assault with a deadly weapon :rolleyes: :sarcasm:

Yesterday's "fight" was no different than a brawl in baseball. No harm no foul
This all started with Kyle not caring that there was a car to his left before making a hard left turn..

...and ended with him wishing he turned left instead of right on pit road.
Riiiiight......and Kyle Busch should have been arrested when he took out Hornaday.....attempted assault with a deadly weapon :rolleyes: :sarcasm:

Yesterday's "fight" was no different than a brawl in baseball. No harm no foul

I have no issue with two guys brawling ........ the folks I hung out with understood the rules
Does the exact number really matter ? it was a gang beating ... complete with some cowardly stomping. I don't care who it was getting beat .. it was a disgusting and cowardly gang beating that shouldn't have happened.
I don't support gang beatings . I really don't care who likes that and who doesn't :idunno: I am not seeking any approval here ... just voicing my opinion
I've been around this sport for around 40 years. 9 times out of 10, if a driver walks into another's pit and throws a punch, that guy's crew is gonna jump in. I've seen it happen time and again.
What I saw yesterday was far less of a fight that what I've seen a couple times in last weeks Pittsburgh Penguins games on their current road trip. Personally I don't see it taking away from the NHL or from NASCAR after yesterday's rare occurring slap and tickle. They mentioned NASCAR again this week on both our local televised news and this mornings Sports Radio talk shows. Neither of which are talking down the sport of NASCAR in my area.

Personally I love the passion. People are talking. Fans are arguing. All good in my eyes and entertaing to boot.

It is entertaining for sure.
kbooosh went over there looking for a fight, plain and simple. It didnt work out in his favor and I'm 100% sure it wasnt his fault----once again---Take down, 2 points! oh and a little ketchup on his forehead--- amazing how the camera can make it look like real blood!! The 22 tried to use the 2 as a pick, it happens all day long, he didn't have to leave him any room, but kbooosh "made" more room. kboosh can dish it out but cant take it. Hmmm, where have we seen this before?
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