Here to make you miserable.
Ill be the first to say that I have hated the chase, but it has provided better drama late in the season. Last week I was not a fan of this idea. Today looking at it for what it is I dont really know how I feel about it. I like the idea of there being more drivers in it once the chase starts, but I absolutely hate the idea of it being a race to the finish on the last race. I think NASCAR tried to limit the impact that a final race showdown so to speak has on the idea of racing throughout the season to earn a championship by making so guys have to show consistency to A)Win and be in the top 30 in points and
Win or at the least race well during the three race intervals to advance to each round. So they limit that impact some, but I just dont like the idea of someone being able to do what Clint Bowyer did and having it directly effect the Championship results. I can imagine a scenario where a Hendricks car is ahead of a Stewart/Haas car in the final race and another Hendrick teammate puts the block and attempts to slow down or impead progress of the Stewart/Haas car. THats really my main gripe. The other question I have regarding it is what happens if a driver wins 2 races in the 3 race interval? Obviously if you win one you automaticaly advance to the next round, but what about winning 2 or all 3? That takes a little emphasis away from a team that wins race 1 of the "challenger round" to not push it so hard in races 2 and 3 and maybe if they have a teammate invovled be more apt to aid them in their quest to advance?
Just a couple of gripes. I would like to see NASCAR leave it alone for once. Let it play out for 5 years or so. Quit changing it all the time.

Just a couple of gripes. I would like to see NASCAR leave it alone for once. Let it play out for 5 years or so. Quit changing it all the time.