NFL 2014

Philadelphia fans should be worried. Chad Henne won't be the starting quarterback on the opposing team every week not scoring points.
Things Blake Bortles learned sitting on the bench behind Chad Henne today:
  1. How to throw the ball behind wide receivers
  2. How to not convert third downs
  3. How to burn all three timeouts in the third quarter
  4. How to throw away a 17 point lead
  5. How to have passes batted down
  6. How to make a terrible throw on fourth down
  7. How not to protect the football
  8. How to get sacked
  9. How to fumble the football
drunk brad not impressed.jpg
Philadelphia fans should be worried. Chad Henne won't be the starting quarterback on the opposing team every week not scoring points.
Your touchdowns were off of Foles mistakes early he will correct that.
Your touchdowns were off of Foles mistakes early he will correct that.
Y'all have to play Houston and Seattle still and Indianapolis' offense.

Jacksonville never should've been in that game. Philly was overrated last year and they're overrated this year.
Y'all have to play Houston and Seattle still and Indianapolis' offense.

Jacksonville never should've been in that game. Philly was overrated last year and they're overrated this year.
Text from Cowboy fan I know."Help Wanted" Looking for football defense.Must have 3 years experience.
Can't tell if everyone on the Dallas sideline is looking up at that huge TV screen or praying.
Then"Help Wanted" New football team need for a growing area in Texas.No experience necessary.They just have to put up with Jerry Jones ****.
Derek Anderson doing well in relief of Cam Newton today. I didn't even realize he was still in the NFL.
Clowney injured his MCL today. :(
That sucks, 1st game and he gets injured, i remember the Ravens drafting Sergio Kindle, and i thought he would be a good player, but he fell down the stairs only a couple months after getting drafted, only had 1 career tackle :(
That sucks, 1st game and he gets injured, i remember the Ravens drafting Sergio Kindle, and i thought he would be a good player, but he fell down the stairs only a couple months after getting drafted, only had 1 career tackle :(

He was so good in preseason too. Plus watching Watt dominate today I just wish he would be out there.
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