NFL 2014

Should have let Hoyer continue to start. That made no sense today and I like Manziel.

Why stop what has been working because of a small bump? Thanks to this Cleveland will once again miss the playoffs.
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It's sad because if they had something that even resembled an offense they'd be a decent team.

It's offensive to watch. The defense and special teams gave the Jags countless opportunities to win the game and the offense didn't do a thing. Defense is one of the best in the league. We've had countless opportunities to win games this year.
Oh yeah, **** the Colts.

This Jets Titans game is like who can pretend to wanna win the most. Both teams wanna lose to help the draft pick but somebody has to win. Lol
Oh yeah, **** the Colts.

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Seriously **** the AFC South every ****** year rolling out the red carpet for the Colts winning the south. Seriously Jags? Seriously Titans? And f#cking seriously my f#cking Texans?

The Colts are literally only good because their QB. Year in and year out. If they didn't always have a future HoF QB they would be the worse team in the south.
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