Here chew on this from the transcript, so many seem to make up their own story to suit their agenda instead of putting themselves in the shoes of who are doing the decision making AFTER the fact.
I do want to make sure everyone understands that if given the evidence that we had was delivered to us on Saturday night or late Saturday afternoon,
we would do the same thing. We would have done the same investigation. It was important for us to do. There is no place in our sport for this type of racism or hatred. It’s not part of who we are as a sport.
Additionally, the industry was very supportive. Not just the members of the 43, and I want to be clear about the 43 team. The 43 team had nothing to do with this.
The evidence is very clear that the noose that was in that garage had been in the garage previously. The last race we had had there in October, that noose was present, and it was ??
the fact that it was not found until a member of the 43 team came there is something that is a fact. We had not been back to the garage. It was a quick one?day show. The crew member went back in there. He looked and saw the noose, brought it to the attention of his crew chief, who then went to the NASCAR series director Jay Fabian, and we launched this investigation.