Deathbed - Nascar section

Back in my Army days, statements like that would result in their maker being assigned an additional duty. Are you volunteering?
Good thing voicing an opinion on an internet forum is equivalent to casting aside your unalienable rights to train to wage war for your country.
I volunteered to be mod in the one announcement threads and was completely ignored:(, I guess that's what I get for doing that, that will learn me :eek:

Edit, my guess is I probably should of tagged @fury and or @Magnethead to make sure they in fact did see it.
I'd nominate you as well, buddy.

You just lost any chance you had
I don't think you're going to find a forum where people not already on board and interested in the topics would be willing to join to be a moderator. At least, not on a non-profit forum that isn't capable of paying for independent mods.

I was a member of 2 forums with mods that didn’t participate and it was great. Your point is probably true in that many mods would wish to participate.

The most important role of a moderator is the even application of rules. I can easily follow rules that are evenly applied.

Perhaps we will just up and die today,
It really seems like we are taking longer to dies than they do in a b grade China movie when they die....
Yes, I am. I would be glad to be a moderator as long as I'm not the only one. Like I said, I think there needs to be at least three. I have a full time job and a family and an active social life, so I can't be on here 24/7. Nobody can. That's why it needs to be a shared duty IMO
I am 75 years old and very humble. :p
I'll back you up.
I’ve always found mods that don’t participate on forums to be the best kind. It helps when the favoritism card gets played and the arms length distance is good in many ways.

The last thing a forum needs is for a group of mods to be picked out from the existing body. There would be so much prejudice it would be unfair
I remember that forum.
No reason you can't do that here. BUT name the thread properly so people can just scroll by if not interested. I have been asking for a few years to have the ability to put certain threads on ignore but maybe it is to much for "Fury" to install.

I think you missed the point. If we need a separate section to help those that don't want to view the thread on the TV number, the missing fannies in the seats, and the fan base going missing in action then posts that are of twitter/social media/press releases about new sponsors should get a new section. Well, they should if you use the logic that neither are race related which is what was put forth.

(Oh, and it appears that gnat With a 1960's reference. Gawd, that's funny. Seriously, from the 1960's).
I think you missed the point. If we need a separate section to help those that don't want to view the thread on the TV number, the missing fannies in the seats, and the fan base going missing in action then posts that are of twitter/social media/press releases about new sponsors should get a new section. Well, they should if you use the logic that neither are race related which is what was put forth.

(Oh, and it appears that gnat With a 1960's reference. Gawd, that's funny. Seriously, from the 1960's).

I really, really hope we can have a thread or section where we can speak of negative nascar subjects. That way if the apologists show up they know what they will be in for and can’t squeal like stuck pigs
Free speech, the Constitution , perhaps you have heard of it?
I spent 21 years defending it.

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

The 1st Amendment applies only to government regulation of free speech. You're operating under a misconception that's become common in the Internet era, but the 1st A. has NOTHING to do with private publications. The 1A doesn't require anyone to provide you a forum, it only guarantees the government will not interfere with you should you create one of your own.
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