Maybe they are better and Almirola is/was the problem.
Bubba wins the Daytona 500.
I understand that the 43 is only so good, but I'm hoping that Bubba can either run well enough to drag that team to the next level, OR use it as a springboard to a better ride. Likely the latter.
Your guess is as good as mine. There's really not much out there on Matt. Doesn't mean things aren't "happening" for him, it just means if there are things happening, they're happening quietly under the radar.

Hahaha .. what's with all the use of the word "happening"? Is that an Allenbaba clue? It would figure if something happens with Matt it would happen under the radar. SHR with maybe some Smithfield sponsorship would be a sweet little scenario.
Hahaha .. what's with all the use of the word "happening"? Is that an Allenbaba clue? It would figure if something happens with Matt it would happen under the radar. SHR with maybe some Smithfield sponsorship would be a sweet little scenario.
Haha...nope. I know nothing. I've not even heard anything. Not a rumbling nor a rumor. Nada...
@Allenbaba I'm curious, being new to the forum - you have probably already mentioned this, but how are you so 'in the know' with this stuff? I'm assuming you work for NASCAR?
On her Sirius XM show yesterday evening, Claire stated that she asked RFR if Danica was going there, and they denied it.
@Allenbaba I'm curious, being new to the forum - you have probably already mentioned this, but how are you so 'in the know' with this stuff? I'm assuming you work for NASCAR?
Welcome to the forum! I don't work "for" NASCAR, I just work with or have friendships with many drivers, teams, sponsors etc in a consulting capacity (I have a hard card). Obviously I don't post much about things I'm directly involved with, or have direct knowledge about (I used to much more, but then Reddit crashed the party). Mostly just report on chatter I hear in the garage and from others.
Welcome to the forum! I don't work "for" NASCAR, I just work with or have friendships with many drivers, teams, sponsors etc in a consulting capacity (I have a hard card). Obviously I don't post much about things I'm directly involved with, or have direct knowledge about (I used to much more, but then Reddit crashed the party). Mostly just report on chatter I hear in the garage and from others.

Just saw the announcement on nascars Facebook page about announcing the driver of the 10 next week... still in the dark on it or any ideas who it could be?

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Welcome to the forum! I don't work "for" NASCAR, I just work with or have friendships with many drivers, teams, sponsors etc in a consulting capacity (I have a hard card). Obviously I don't post much about things I'm directly involved with, or have direct knowledge about (I used to much more, but then Reddit crashed the party). Mostly just report on chatter I hear in the garage and from others.
It sucks that Reddit had to ruin it for us here
Danica deathbed article? Interesting none the less. Long bio.
'A Certain Portion of Me Has to Die': Danica Looks at a Career That May Be over

In reading that story, the paragraphs about the author's golf cart adventure illustrate people's comments about her not being good off the track. It doesn't appear that she stopped to chat, or sign anything for the fans. She just drove right by them.
In reading that story, the paragraphs about the author's golf cart adventure illustrate people's comments about her not being good off the track. It doesn't appear that she stopped to chat, or sign anything for the fans. She just drove right by them.

I have read where Patrick has been described as difficult to work with and won't do a scintilla more than what she is obligated to do. I am not saying any of that is good or bad but I will say you normally reap what you sow.
Still in the dark! I’d bet on Aric, but don’t know. I’ll see what I can gather from TX.
I noticed that Lee Spencer and Adam Stern are also betting on Aric. The answer should be revealed next Wednesday at the SHR/Smithfield press conference.

Got to say, I've been to many races and never seen her be directly rude to people. She's always been nice to me and I've enjoyed seeing her interact with children, especially over the last few years, she's become very attentive to them. Don't know if that's just her maternal side coming out or if kids are just easier to deal with than adults, but I will never say I've witnessed her being hateful. She's very nice in every instance I've seen her. JMO
Almirola to the 10, and Bubba to the 43 were the worst kept secrets of this silly season by far. Lol this has been obvious for months.
Got to say, I've been to many races and never seen her be directly rude to people. She's always been nice to me and I've enjoyed seeing her interact with children, especially over the last few years, she's become very attentive to them. Don't know if that's just her maternal side coming out or if kids are just easier to deal with than adults, but I will never say I've witnessed her being hateful. She's very nice in every instance I've seen her. JMO
Yeah, but you weren't waving a marriage proposal. :D
I REFUSE to believe shes done

No matter what, she's a great Ambassador for the sport and not only because of Ricky I believe she will still be involved in the sport even if she's done driving but it's definitely beneficial for NASCAR for her to be driving.
Almirola to the 10, and Bubba to the 43 were the worst kept secrets of this silly season by far. Lol this has been obvious for months.

haha I remember hearing almirola to the 10 like 6 months ago
No matter what, she's a great Ambassador for the sport and not only because of Ricky I believe she will still be involved in the sport even if she's done driving but it's definitely beneficial for NASCAR for her to be driving.

shes gonna drive!
No, just terrible at understanding how being fan friendly would directly benefit her.

See I don't get this. A couple years ago at Sears Point, she took time to take a pic with my friend's son and signed his hat as well while she was working. She was totally cool and at the same time being hounded by creepy dudes begging for an autograph. I can't blame any driver who sometimes has to blow off fans to concentrate on the job at hand.I'm guessing if she was so awful at being fan friendly she wouldn't be one of the most popular drivers. Also, I think people forget all the promotion work they do to satisfy sponsors and fans while having to concentrate on driving a car 200 mph is far from easy.
Seems like the smart marks on Twitter have declared with certainty that Amirola is in the #10 for 2018.

YMMV, actual results may be different.
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